Important notes: Please read before submitting the application

‘APCL’ stands for the ‘Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning’. Usually students are exempted from particular modules, because they already have relevant higher education credits. No CCCU credits are awarded. Only the credits and not the marks are accepted, unless the University has approved a special regulation to allow this.

Please note: Canterbury Christ Church University does not grant advanced standing for credits awarded by bodies without degree awarding powers. This includes credits awarded by Edexcel/Pearson. If in doubt, please ask the Pathway / Programme Director to consult the Faculty Director of Quality.

‘APEL’ stands for the‘Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning’, where students’ reflections upon their professional experiences allow them to demonstrate that they have met the learning outcomes for specified modules.A successful APEL application normally results in the award of CCCU credits, and will be referred to the relevant Board of Examiners.

Maximum amount of APL

University regulations state that both APCL and APEL are limited to 50 per cent of the credits contributing to the award, except:

(i) where entry is being sought at the commencement of level 6 of an undergraduate degree;

(ii) where entry is being sought to a Master’s degree with an appropriate Postgraduate Diploma;

(iii) where an exemption has been granted by the Academic Board.

The ‘Five Year’ rule

Achievement used for APCL and APEL is to have occurred during the previous five years. Where the claim is made using APCL, the five-year period is from the date that the award is made.

Number of times learning may be used

Students seeking APCL for Advanced Standing may use credits that have already been used for other awards on one occasion only. The credits and not the marks or grades derived from those credits can be re-used.

Full details of the University’s APL procedures are available in the Assessment Procedures Manual.

Part 1: To be completed by Applicant

You may need help to complete this form correctly. If so, please ask the Pathway / Programme Director to help you

1.1 Personal details

Full Name (in capitals and underline your family name):
Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) Student ID Number, where known
Address: / Postcode:
Telephone Number(s): / Home: / Work/mobile:
E-mail(CCCU address if you have been given one):
Place of work (if applicable):

1.2 Name of your programme

Indicate the name of the programme that you wish to make this application for. Please ensure you give the correct name.

1.3 Previous application

Have you previously applied for/been granted APL, here or elsewhere? YES / NO

If YES please provide the details below.

Name of Institution / Name of module and
module code (if known) / Credit Value / Level / Date of Application / Result of Application

1.4 Prior learning

Give details of the prior learning that you are using for this application

Complete one or both tables A and B as appropriate.

Table A. Previous modules and courses (awarded within the last 5 years)

Name of Modules / College/University/
Organisation / Month & Year Awarded / Grade / Mark Awarded / Credit Value
(if known) / Level (if known)
(4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

In order to complete this application you will be required to show original certificates/transcripts to verify the achievements listed above, including those awarded from CCCU. The Pathway / Programme Director will inform you how and when to present any original certificates or transcripts. Copies will need to be attached to the submitted form.

Table B. Experience (within the last five years)

In this table summarise the experience(s) you wish to be considered for APEL. This will allow your application to be directed to the appropriate specialist.

Name the professional or work experience / Organisation / Month and Year

If you have completed 1.4 Table B, you will be contacted by the Programme /PathwayDirector who will inform you of the portfolio of evidence that you need to provide. Normally this will include a reflective piece of written work. Guidance upon the contents of an APEL portfolio is available in the Assessment Procedures Manual. This will be examined under the University’s normal assessment procedures and the final decision will be taken by the relevant Board of Examiners.

1.5 Desired outcome of this application

I wish to use the achievements above to provide me with credits or advanced standing that will count towards my qualification.

I therefore wish to receive credits or advanced standing for the following modules in the programme:

Name of module / Module code / Level / Credit Value

1.6 Payment of APL application Fee.

A fee applies if you are applying for the award of credit through APEL or if you are applying for advanced standing with credits from another institution. If you have gained the relevant credits from CCCU you will not be charged.

Tick and complete (a), (b) or (c):

(a)No fee applies.

(b, i) I will pay the APL fee and enclose a cheque payable to ‘Canterbury Christ Church University’ for £ .


(b, ii) I wish this fee to be included with my invoice.

(c) The APL fee will be paid by a sponsor.

Give the name, and job title of the sponsor/authorised fundholder responsible for payment of fees, and the organisation address to which the invoice should be sent:



Post Code: ______Tel. no. ______

The sponsor/authorised fundholder must sign here, or may provide an accompanying signed letter to the same effect.

I confirm that the applicant will be sponsored/funded by my organisation and we will pay the appropriate APL fee.

Signature of sponsor/authorised fundholder given above:

______Date: ______

1.7 Confirmation of accuracy by the applicant

I confirm that all the details I have provided on this form are correct.

I confirm that I have attached the required evidence. (APL applications will not be considered without the required evidence.)

Signature: Date:

1.8 Please return this form to your Pathway/ Programme Director.

Part 2: For Completion by the Programme/Pathway Director

2.1 Date application received…………………. By whom…………………………………

Applicant’s name ……………………………………………………………………………….

Programme ………………………………………………………………………………………

2.2 Complete one of Section A or B below as appropriate

Section A: To grant Advanced Standing (APCL)

Please provide details of the evidence considered in assessing this APCL application.

(for example: An authenticated certificate/transcript from a University and the relevant programmemodule specification)

Programme / Pathway Director’s statement

I have mapped the student’s certificated learning against the learning outcomes for which advanced standing is being sought and established that there is an appropriate match.

I have seen an original certificate and/or transcript provided by the HE awarding body, copies of which are included with this application.

I confirm that, as far as I am aware, there is nothing in the law or regulatory requirements pertaining to this programme which should prevent this application being approved.

I consider that it is appropriate that the applicant is given advanced standing forthe modules listed in section 1.5 and I can confirm that the details are correct.

Signature of Pathway / Programme Director:

Name of Pathway / Programme Director:


Section B: To award Credit (APEL)

I confirm that, as far as I am aware, there is nothing in the law or regulatory requirements pertaining to this programme, which should prevent this application being approved.

Havingreviewed the applicant’s experience, I consider that it is likely that the applicant will be able to put together a successful claim for the accreditation of prior experiential learning, in relation to the modules listed at 1.5 and that the details provided there are correct.

Taking into account the likely scale of the applicant’s experience and the number of credits being sought, I propose that the student be asked to providea portfolio of approximately ….. words.

I understand that the portfoliowill need to be marked and second marked in line with the Assessment Procedures Manual, and that any award of credits will be recommended by the relevant programme Board of Examiners.

Signature of Pathway / Programme Director:

Name of Pathway / Programme Director:


2.3 To be completed by the Faculty Quality Office

Date application logged to system …………………………………………………………….

APL Panel Date ……………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Decision …………………………………………………………………………………….

Signature of Chair of APL Panel ………………………………………………………………

2.4 To be completed by the Registry Office Education

Date received ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Decision sent to applicant on (date)……………………..by………………………………….

Student record updated on (date) ………………….by……………………………………….

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