School Committee



December 17, 2009

Approved January 28, 2010

The Chelsea School Committee met on Thursday, December 17, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 500 Broadway, Chelsea.

Members Present: Chairman Rosemarie Carlisle, Vice-Chairman James E. Dwyer, Michael Caulfield, Lucia Colon, Ed Ells, Ramona Foster, Lisa Lineweaver, Morrie Seigal, and Melinda Alvarado-Vega. Also Present: School Superintendent Dr. Thomas S. Kingston, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mary M. Bourque, Executive Director Administration & Finance Gerry McCue, Human Resources Director Tina Sullivan, and School Business Manager and Clerk to the School Committee Barbara Martin.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance: Following the Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Carlisle asked for a moment of silence in memory of Denise Hurley-Mullaly, former teacher and Director of Special Education.

Under a suspension of the rules Mr. Ed Ells asked Human Resources Director Tina Sullivan to present the details of the tentative settlement agreement between the Chelsea Administrators’ Association and the Chelsea School Committee. Following the report Mr. Ells moved to approve the contractual agreement reached on November 17, 2009, with the Chelsea Administrator’s Association for the period July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010, and approved by the membership on December 11, 2009.

Chairman Carlisle called for a roll call vote.

1 / Rosemarie Carlisle Y
2 / James Dwyer Y
3 / Morrie Seigal Y
4 / Edward Ells Y
5 / Ramona Foster Y
6 / Lisa Lineweaver Y
7 / Michael Caulfield Y
8 / Lucia Colon Y
9 / Melinda Alvarado-Vega Y
10 / Jay Ash -City Manager Y

On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously approved.

Special Presentation: Members Chelsea Kiwanis Club presented bicycles to the students who won the Kiwanis Scholarship Road Race. The winners were Marina Melendez and Edgar Ocana.

School Committee Minutes: The minutes of the November 19, 2009, School Committee Meeting were unanimously approved.

Public Comment: The following people spoke in favor of changing the current no F policy for participation in sports and extra curricular activities at Chelsea High School:

Michael Stellato, 215 Edgemere Rd., Lynnfield, MA

Anthony Tiro, 9 Ginna Dr., Saugus, MA

J. Barry Dwyer, 4 Reynolds Ave., Chelsea, MA

Herbert Kupersmith, 4 Gerald Rd., Marblehead, MA

Frank DePatto, 505 Washington, Ave., Chelsea, MA

J. Cordero, 12 Lynn St., Chelsea, MA

Lee Miller, 47 Lynn Dr., Peabody, MA

Leo Robinson, 83 Warren Ave., Chelsea MA

Under a suspension of the rules, Mr. Seigal moved, based upon the recommendation of the Policy & Procedures Subcommittee that beginning in September of 2010 the Chelsea School System adopt the rules of student athletic eligibility as set forth by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, with the proviso that no student who has two or more F’s will be permitted to participate in athletic events.

He further moved that these rules of student athletic eligibility shall apply to the various clubs and organizations currently in existence at Chelsea High School as well as to those clubs and organizations which may be formed in the future.

Questions and discussion ensued.

Chairman Carlisle called for a roll call vote.

1 / Rosemarie Carlisle Y
2 / James Dwyer Y
3 / Morrie Seigal Y
4 / Edward Ells Y
5 / Ramona Foster Y
6 / Lisa Lineweaver Y
7 / Michael Caulfield Y
8 / Lucia Colon Y
9 / Melinda Alvarado-Vega Y

On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously approved.

Report of the Superintendent of Schools:

Student Achievement: Dr. Kingston called upon Dr. Bourque to report on Student Achievement. Dr. Bourque called upon Special Education Director Donna Covino to give the Committee an update on the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education’s (DESE) Office of Program Quality Assurance’s (PQA) coordinated Program Review of Special Education. A copy of the presentation is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Questions and discussion ensued.

Next, Director of English Language Learner Services Mary Grace Fusco reported on the Coordinated Program Review for the English Language Learner Program in the Chelsea Public Schools. A copy of the presentation is attached and forms a part of these minutes

Questions and discussion ensued.

Dr. Bourque then discussed the Race To The Top (RTTT), a federal competitive grant for an education reform program that was enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education must apply, not individual school districts. Not all states will receive funding. A copy of Dr. Bourque’s presentation is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Questions and discussion ensued

Personnel Report: Dr. Kingston commended the personnel report to the record.

Enrollment Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Enrollment Report to the record. As of December 14, 2009, the district-wide enrollment was 5,773 students, including 117 students in out-of-district placements. The district also has 1 Chap 768 student; this student is not counted as a Chelsea student for enrollment purposes. .

Miscellaneous: Dr. Kingston updated the Committee on the H1N1 Flu Program. Over 1100 students have been inoculated in grades Pre K- 8. Chelsea High School students will be inoculated in January.

Next, Dr. Kingston reminded student and parents that school is in session three days next week, with Christmas break running from December 24, 2009 until January 4, 2010

Dr. Kingston also noted that the School Committee Mid-Year Retreat will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2010.

New Business: Ms. Colon, Chairman of the Budget & Finance Subcommittee moved to accept the ARRA Title II-D Technology Grant in the amount of $128, 981.00. The grant will be used to improve student achievement through the effective use of technology in both the elementary and secondary schools.

Chairman Carlisle called for a roll call vote.

1 / Rosemarie Carlisle Y
2 / James Dwyer Y
3 / Morrie Seigal Y
4 / Edward Ells Y
5 / Ramona Foster Y
6 / Lisa Lineweaver Y
7 / Michael Caulfield Y
8 / Lucia Colon Y
9 / Melinda Alvarado-Vega Y

On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously approved

Communications: Accepted and filed a letter from Dr. Kingston informing Chairman Carlisle and the Committee of his decision last spring to decline the contractual salary increase and freeze his salary at $135,000.00 and that all fringe benefits and other amenities remain the same as provided during fiscal year 2009.

Accepted and filed a letter from the Department of Veterans’ Services thanking members of the Committee for taking part in the Veterans Day Event.

Committee Reports:

·  Curriculum & Instruction: Ms. Foster reported that the subcommittee last met on November 19, 2009. A copy of the report is included and forms a part of these minutes. Ms. Foster also reported that the subcommittee met on December 10, 2009, for a special meeting to review and approve the School Improvement Plans (SIP) and the District Improvement Plans (DIP), as well as a home school petition Under a suspension of the rules, Ms. Foster asked to forward a late motion: That the Committee approve both the School Improvement Plans and the District Improvement Plan as well as a home schooling petition from Mr. and Mrs. Pfeffer of Chelsea. There being no objection, Mrs. Carlisle called for a vote.

On a voice vote each motion was unanimously approved

·  Budget & Finance: Ms. Lineweaver reported that the subcommittee met on November 19, 2009. A copy of the report is included and forms a part of these minutes.

·  Policy & Procedures Subcommittee: Mr. Caulfield reported that the subcommittee met on December 8, 2009. A copy of the report is included and forms a part of these minutes.

Announcements: Ms. Foster donated the Book of the Month for December, The Adventures of Young Starbury: Practice Makes Perfect by Stephon Marbury to the Elementary School.

Chairman Carlisle called School Committee Member James E. Dwyer to the podium to receive a Certificate of Appreciation for his devotion and invaluable service as a member of the Chelsea School Committee. Mrs. Carlisle and other members wished Mr. Dwyer good luck and good health.

Mrs. Carlisle also wished a Safe and Happy Holiday and Happy New Year to parents, students and teachers.

11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Recorded by

Barbara A. Martin

Business Manager

Clerk to the Chelsea School Committee