/ Document Title
Document Ref No.
R&P SC/ Safety/2013/0/R-1 / Date of Issue:
Policy & Guidelines for usage of
SURAKSHA – Safety Portal
R & P Sub-Committee
Reference, if any – (Reference of the document / meeting / MoM point / discussion etc. in reply or connection to which the document is made) (Font Arial 12)
Meant for (Internal Circulation / External – Stakeholders Circulation)
Rev No. / Reason for Revision / Prepared By & Date / Checked By & Date / Approved For Issue By& Date
R0 / Issued for Internal Circulation / SSD, 02/08/2011 / Initials, date / Initials, date
R1 / Issued for Internal Circulation / VRK, 14/06/2013 / Initials, date / Initials, date
The purpose of this policy is to define policies & procedures for granting access rights to SURAKSHA safety portal available in Tata Power server.
This policy applies to all end users who enter data, observations, & incidents and the administrators of the system.
All persons, who are formally trained for accessing SURAKSHA software for the respective module.
Policy Guidelines:-
· User has to use his/ her own login i.d./ login i.d. provided to him/ her for entering any information into the system.
· User will use only the module in which he/she has been trained.
· Before entering any data/information he/she will first check authenticity of the data/information.
· Do not give any other rights to access module or access to other sites without written permission from concerned person.
· Data/information available in SURAKSHA safety portal should not be shared with any outside agency. Strict confidentiality of the information & data must be maintained within Tata Power. Data shall be downloaded / retrieved from SURAKSHA portal for internal audit purposes.
· Use prescribed forms (A & B) for authorization must be filled before accessing sites & rights.
· Divisional Safety Advisor shall be contacted in case of any discrepancy / difficulties faced during use of the SURAKSHA safety portal.
Tata Power Company Ltd
Corporate Safety
SURAKSHA Authorization form for Administration Form - A
Head – OH & S
Please arrange to provide SURAKSHA Administrative rights to:-
Name: - ______
Emp. No.:- ______Designation: - ______
Department: - ______Contact No.:- ______
Please select numbers.
SURAKSHA Module Rights: - 1) Administration 2) IRIS
3) Near-Miss 4) Safety Audit 5) BBS 6) 3 AKS
Reason for Administrative Rights:-______Declaration:-
I have read the rules formulated for implementation & usage of this software. I agree to abide by all rules & procedures under this authorization.
1) Sign. of Requestor:- ______
2) Sign. of Division Safety:- ______
3) Sign. of SBU Head:- ______
4) Sign. of Head OH & S:- ______
Tata Power Company Ltd
Corporate Safety
SURAKSHA Authorization form for VIEWING other Sites Form - B
Head – OH & S
Please arrange to provide rights to view Safety Data of other sites in SURAKSHA for bench marking.
Name: - ______
Emp. No.:- ______Designation: - ______
Department: - ______Contact No.:- ______
I would like to view other sites :- 1) 2) 3)
Reason for viewing other sites:-
I have read the rules formulated for implementation & usage of this software. I agree to abide by all rules & procedures under this authorization.
1) Sign. of Requestor:- ______
2) Sign. of Division Safety:- ______
3) Sign. of SBU Head:- ______
4) Sign. of Head OH & S:- ______
Confidential & Proprietary – The Tata Power Company Limited
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