Theme:The Kingdom of Heaven

Welcome to All Saints and St James

Are you new to the parish? Please sit wherever you would like! All are welcome at God’s Altar – either to receive Communion or to receive a blessing. If you require a gluten-free wafer, please speak to a sidesman. Children are very welcome at any worship and please don’t worry about them making a noise. There are toys and books available. Coffee is usually served after the main Sunday service and we would all like to make you feel most welcome.


- For the sick and infirm: George Thompson,Janet Smith, Miriam Knowles, Vera Burr

- For the departed: Mary Srawley, Heather Hatty

- For the anniversaries of departed:Marjorie Carter, Joyce Vane-Percy

All Saints Diary

9 Nov – 6pm All Souls Evensong for recently departed

10 Nov – 7pm Eucharist, then PCC

20 Nov – 2pm Natter Club Church Hall

30 Nov – 6.30pm Shalom Advent Carol Service at All Saints , Queens Park

7 Dec – 9am Family Eucharist and Christingle

7 – Dec – 6pm Choral Evensong at Elstow Abbey (no Evening Service at St James)

St James Diary

9 Nov – 6pm All Souls Evensong for recently departed at All Saints Kempston

13 Nov – 7pm Eucharist, then PCC

16 Nov – 9am Baptism of Zara and Leo Agbame

30 Nov – 6.30pm Shalom Advent Carol Service at All Saints , Queens Park

7 – Dec – 6pm Choral Evensong at Elstow Abbey (no Evening Service at St James)

Going Deeper into God and Making New Disciples

Evening services:
1st Sunday: Holy Eucharist at St. James
2nd Sunday: Evening Prayer at All Saints
3rd Sunday: Evening Prayer at St. James
5th Sunday: Choral Evensong alternating between All Saints and St James.

The Evening Prayer at St James on 4th Sunday has been discontinued.

Autumn Course: Five sessions course on aspects of Living God's Love. Mondays at All Saints Church Hall at 7.30pm.

24 Nov - Resurrection and the life beyond death. All welcome.

The All Saints Brass Cleaning rota is being updated for next year. New volunteers please speak to Janet Fardell. It would mean cleaning up to twice a year.

Transforming Communities All Saints Lunch club –Anita Lowe (857212). 12.30pm Wed 19 Nov at The Half Moon. To pre-order please contact The Half Moon (852464).Lunch Club Extra: the menu is available for the Christmas Lunch on Wed 17 Dec at Chimney Corner, please ask Anita for a copy. Booking and ordering is essential

PCC ask both St James and All Saints to support Bedford Foodbank.As well as needing the usual items they are particularly short of sponge puddings, tea bags and UHT milk, so if you could add one or more of those to your shopping list it would be greatly appreciated.

St James's Church Youth Group, Church Barn for years 5-11. Susan Owens (359233), Linda Bates (341286).

The Natter Club will be starting on Thurs 20 Nov at All Saints Hall, 2- 6pm. This month including: Julie Randlesome Reflexology at 3pm and Ruth Garner children’s crafts at 4pm. Tea, Coffee and Cakes all afternoon. All ages welcome. Contact Elaine or Vicky.

Friends of St James Antiques from the inside – a talk by David Fletcher of BBC’s Flog It! on Sat 29 Nov at 2.30pm in the Barn. Mock auction,discussion and refreshments. Tickets: £5 for members of The Friends of St Jamesand £7 for non-members.Paul Fricker (342843), Diana Shooter (213305).

St James Christmas Bazaar time again. Sat 6 Dec 2-4.30pm in the Village Hall. We need goods to sell, particularly: Produce (Anne, 214805), Gifts (Hilary, 364251) and Bottles (Jan, 262955). They will collect goods if contacted or there is a box at the back of the church. If you can offer an hour to help on a stall, teas or clearing up, please contact Sue (342373)

Dedicate a Hymn Book

St James now has a new set of Ancient and Modern Hymn Books. For a minimum donation of £5 you can have a special dedication (eg, in memory of someone/a special occasion) on the inside cover.

Laurie Hurn (36425) .

Contacts:Ministry team: Stephen Huckle (852241) Christopher Dawe (363890)All Saints: Churchwardens: Brenda Walker (851597), Margaret Leighton (854674)All Saints website: St James: Laurie Hurn (364251), Edwin Martin (348718) St James website:Pewsheet: