Syllabus and Online Orientation for MUS 105

Music Fundamentals

Spring 2012 Online

ticket #22804

Class starts online January 9, 2012


Welcome to Music Fundamentals Online. This course has been designed to cover the concepts, vocabulary, and subject matter typical of an on-campus, college-level introductory course in music fundamentals. Whether you are planning to pursue additional studies in the field of music or are taking this online course to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the incredibly rich world of music, we believe that you will find it interesting and enriching.

The underlying goal of this course is to increase your understanding of such basic elements of music as pitch, tonality, rhythm, and harmony, along with the way these elements are notated, played, and understood in the Western European tradition.


Dr. David Nelson

Cerritos College

Music Department

562 860 2451 extension 2634

Required Text:

No text is required, but you will be required to purchase the Connect4Education online access code in order to log into the web page.

Registration for this class on the Connect4Education web page will not start until January 2nd.

1) Start by purchasing your access code at

2) Select Music Fundamentals

3) Purchase access code (around $100)

4) Register your code by going to (not available until January 2nd)

5) Before January 9th access the course by going to (course will become available January 9th. After January 8th please log in to our course via the Cerritos College web page and TalonNet)

Please remember that you will not be able to access the Cerritos College web page for this class until approximately the first day of class. Therefore you will have to access the Connect4Education web page directly. Use the links listed above. Once class has started, please access our Connect4Education web page through the TalonNet class web page by clicking on the “Online Classroom” link.

Online Orientation

Once you have purchased and registered you access code, log in via the Cerritos College web page, click on “TalonNet”, go to our class web page, click on “Online Classroom”, log in on the Connect4Education page, then click on the drop down menu labeled “content” and then select “introduction”. The introduction page will provide information covering the scope of the course, grading, assignments, format, and computer specifications. Please read this entire page carefully! Please purchase your access code and register (after January 2nd) before class starts and be ready to begin work on the first day of class.


Almost any computer or browser is capable of connecting to the necessary websites. If you are a Mac user and have trouble with some pages on the website, try using Firefox. See the student orientation page for details after you log in.


Assignments are found on the class home page of the Connect4Education web site. Each assignment (called classes on the web page) should be completed before the next assignment date. For example, the January 9 class should be completed before starting the next class on January 16th. The course will cover the following topics:

The Keyboard

Notation, The Staff, and Melody


Major Scales

Key Signatures

Minor Scales


Triads and The Dominant Seventh Chord

Introduction to Rhythm and Meter

Basic Ear Training Exercises


Be sure to click on the tracking links at the bottom on the page after finishing a module. This way, your progress can be tracked and evaluated.