Immigration/Urbanization Study Guide
Short answers – Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper in 2-3 sentences.
The Journey to America
1. What were examples of both push factors and pull factors for immigrants coming to America in the early twentieth century?
There were many examples of both push and pull factors that brought immigrants to America in the early twentieth century. Many immigrants were trying to escape religious persecution in Europe, and America offered religious freedom. Certain groups like the Irish were suffering from poor crops, and America offered plentiful land/good crops.
2. Describe the journey to America that immigrants took in detail.
The journey to America was an intense one. It was very stressful because immigrants had to sell most of their belongings and quit their jobs before paying for the very expensive voyage. The trip by boat itself was extremely unpleasant due to having to stay in steerage where diseases were common. Finally, the trip was inspiring because when immigrants finally saw the statue of liberty they knew they had made it to a place where they could at least have a chance for a better life.
3. Compare and contrast Ellis and Angel Island.
Ellis Island and Angel Island were similar in that they were both immigration processing stations that had a series of stations that immigrants had to go through, but they had many differences. Ellis Island catered to European immigrants, while Angel Island took in Asian Immigrants. Ellis Island also let more people through in a far faster time frame, but immigrants in Angel Island could be stuck there for weeks to months at a time.
Immigrants in the U.S. – Then and Now
4. How were immigrants expected to merge into American culture? Did this end up happening? Describe why or why not.
Many of the new immigrant groups were expected to melt into American culture like that of a melting pot, but this did not end up happening. Many of these groups felt resistance and discrimination once arriving in the United States, so they were less eager to blend into the mainstream culture. Many also wanted to preserve the customs of their homeland’s cultures.
5. Give an example of an immigrant group that was discriminated against – why were they discriminated against, and how specifically?
Answers can vary! Italians were discriminated against because they had darker skin than those of other European immigrants. They were refused work, accused of corruption and in a particularly famous case – two Italian men were convicted of a crime they didn’t commit and then electrocuted to death.
6. What are two current immigration issues in the United States? Give background information for each.
There are two major immigration issues present in the United States today. One is that of illegal immigration – where many from Central and South America have come to America illegally through the Mexican border. Another issue deals with Syrian refugees – people escaping a civil war in Syria and having nowhere to go, so they are seeking to come live in America.
7. Why did many groups of people move to cities in the late 1800s/early 1900s? What was attractive about city life?
Many people moved to cities in America in the late 1800s for a wide variety of reasons. Cities offered many more job opportunities, especially earning higher and more stable wages than in rural areas. Cities also offered frequent entertainment like sports, theater and museums. People were also interested in the educational and healthcare systems they and their families could benefit from.
8. Identify three major technologies that were developed for making city life easier, and what their uses were.
Skyscrapers were built to create more office/living space in cities with little room. Elevators were created to help people move both up and down through tall buildings. Central heating/cooling systems were put in place to make entire buildings comfortable to live and work in.
9. List a few innovations that have been used in modern cities – then explain how they pertain to the Phoenix metro area.
Innovations of modern cities include: zoning – such as Phoenix’s advanced planning of neighborhoods, resources – like Phoenix’s world famous hospitals and museums, and technology – Phoenix’s streetcar and lighting systems.
Place the following events in the order in which they occurred at Ellis Island: (1-5; 1 being the first, 5 being the last.)
___3___ Registration/Legal Inspection
___5___ The Kissing Post
___1___ Baggage Check In
___2___ Medial Inspection
___4___ Loyalty Oath
Multiple Choice (Circle the correct answer)
1. What group of immigrants were the ones coming to the U.S. during the early twentieth century?
a. Old immigrants b. Middle Class immigrants c. New immigrants d. Illegal Immigrants
2. What was a popular anti-immigrant belief system?
a. Americanism b. Nativism c. Progressivism d. All of the above
3. Where did many immigrants live in the early 1900s?
a. Tenements b. Slums c. Ghettos d. All of the above
4. What are adjectives to describe living for many immigrants?
a. Filthy b. Overcrowded c. Dangerous d. All of the above
5. True or False: Immigrants worked reasonable hours in good conditions for decent pay.
a. True b. False
***Level 4 Question: (Answer in 3-4 Sentences)
Do you think there ever was an “American Dream”? If so, do you think it still exists today?