Event: 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games, July 18-23, Lincoln, Nebraska
Golf is one of 13 competitive sports at the USA National Games where nearly 3,000 Special Olympics athletes from across the United States will compete in the largest multi-sport event in the history of Nebraska and one of the largest multi-sport events in the United States during 2010. For more information, visit www.2010SpecialOlympics.org
Dates: July 19- 21, 2010
Site: Mahoney Golf Course (Levels II & IV)
Highlands Golf Course (Levels I, III & V)
Lincoln, Nebraska
Participants: 179 Competitors (athletes, partners and Unified partners) from 39 U.S. Programs
Sponsors: PGA of America
United States Golf Association
Level I Individual Skills Contest (testing 6 skills)
Level II Alternate Shot Team Play Competition (9-hole)
Level III Unified SportsÒ Team Play (18-hole)
Level IV Individual Stroke Play Competition (9-hole)
Level V Individual Stroke Play Competition (18-hole)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Ø Practice Rounds
7:00 – 11:30 a.m., Highlands Golf Course & Mahoney Golf Course
Ø 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games Opening Ceremonies
3:00 – 5:30 p.m., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL)
Monday, July 19 & Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ø Tournament Rounds 1& 2
8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start, Levels II & IV (Mahoney) Levels III & V (Highlands)
Ø Individual Skills Rounds 1 & 2
10:30 a.m., Level I (Highlands)
Ø PGA of America Proclamation of Support to Special Olympics
4:00 p.m., Fan Fest Stage, Special Olympics Town, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ø PGA Play Golf America Experience
5:00-8:00 p.m., Pershing Auditorium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ø Tournament Round 3 (Final)
8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start, Levels II & IV (Mahoney) Levels III & V (Highlands)
Ø Individual Skills Rounds 1 & 2
10:30 a.m., Level I (Highlands)
Ø Awards Ceremonies (As Play Concludes, beginning approximately at noon)
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Sport Fact Sheet ~ Golf Page 2
Special Olympics, The PGA & USGA
About the 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games
The 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games in Lincoln, Neb. will showcase and celebrate the Special Olympics movement and athletes from across the United States, while illustrating the power of sports to educate and inform about the true abilities and achievements of people with intellectual disabilities. From July 18-23, 2010, nearly 3,000 athletes will compete in 13 Olympic-style sports, with the support of 1,000 coaches, 8,000 volunteers and an estimated 15,000 family and friends. In addition to sports, the USA National Games will offer various programs in health, wellness and education. To learn more, please visit www.2010specialolympics.org.
About Special Olympics
Special Olympics is an international organization that changes lives by encouraging and empowering people with intellectual disabilities, promoting acceptance for all, and fostering communities of understanding and respect worldwide. Founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the Special Olympics movement has grown from a few hundred athletes to nearly 3.5 million athletes in over 170 countries in all regions of the world, providing year-round sports training, athletic competition and other related programs. Special Olympics now takes place every day, changing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities in places like China and from regions like the Middle East to the community playgrounds and ball fields in every small neighborhood’s backyard. Special Olympics provides people with intellectual disabilities continuing opportunities to realize their potential, develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy and friendship. Visit Special Olympics at www.specialolympics.org.
About The PGA of America
Since 1916, The PGA of America's mission has been twofold: to establish and elevate the standards of the profession and to grow interest and participation in the game of golf. By establishing and elevating the standards of the golf profession through world-class education, career services, marketing and research programs, the Association enables PGA Professionals to maximize their performance in their respective career paths and showcases them as experts in the game and in the multi-billion dollar golf industry. By creating and delivering dramatic world-class championships and exciting and enjoyable golf promotions that are viewed as the best of their class in the golf industry, The PGA of America elevates the public's interest in the game, the desire to play more golf, and ensures accessibility to the game for everyone, everywhere. The PGA of America brand represents the very best in golf. The PGA of America is divided into 41 geographical sections providing a grassroots network to accomplish direct communication with the nation’s 27 million amateur golfers. For more information on The PGA, visit www.PGA.com. For more information on the Nebraska PGA Section, visit www.nebraskapga.com.
About the USGA
The USGA is the national governing body of golf in the USA and Mexico. The USGA annually conducts the U.S. Open, U.S. Women's Open, U.S. Senior Open and 10 national amateur championships. It also conducts two state team championships and helps conduct the Walker Cup Match, Curtis Cup Match and World Amateur Team Championships.
The USGA also writes the Rules of Golf, conducts equipment testing, provides expert course maintenance consultations, maintains a Handicap System® and celebrates the history of the game. Since 1983, the USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program has awarded more than $31 million to more than 400 research projects for better turf and a better environment at universities across the country. The USGA also funds an ongoing “For the Good of the Game” grants program, which has allocated more than $65 million over 13 years to programs that bring the game’s values to youths from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with disabilities. For more information about the USGA, visit www.usga.org.
Media Contacts:
On-Site Media Contact:
Additional Media Contacts:
Jennifer Brooks, Special Olympics, 202-824-0237,
Sherry Major, The PGA of America, 305-318-5208 or
Pete Kowalski, USGA, 908-234-2300 or