SEEDLING – Introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Schools in South Eastern Europe

Annex A

SEEDLING Application
Proposal Cover Page
Project title:
Lead CSO information
Name of lead CSO:
Registration number / Tel:
E-mail address / Fax:
Project coordinator
Dates of project period
Start (month, year)
End (month, year) / Start date: / day / month / year / End date: / day / month / year
Brief description of the project
Products to be developed (bullet points)
Total budget of project (EUR): (include other donations, their status, and in-kind support) / Amount requested from the REC (EUR):
Bank account info (name of the bank, address, account holder, account number) / Bank name:
Account holder:
Account number (local currency):
To be filled in by the REC / Date received / Responsible grant officer

Use extra sheets as necessary.



Annex B

SEEDLING Application
Partner Information and Statement of Cooperation
Project title:

By signing this statement of cooperation, we agree to work together in implementing this project if the proposal is selected according to the task description provided in the project proposal. We all agree that the project coordinator of the lead CSO is responsible for coordinating the overall project management among partners and the REC, presenting all of the materials and reports to the REC on time.

During the project implementation the partner is responsible for contributing to the project in accordance with the description and timeframe specified in the proposal, giving their timely contribution to activities, as well as keeping close cooperation with other decision makers and beneficiaries of the project.

Lead CSO:
Project coordinator:
Signature and date (please stamp):
Phone number, fax, e-mail:
Partner name:
Project coordinator:
Phone number, fax, e-mail:
Please provide a short profile of the partner organisation/legal entity and an explanation of how the partner’s participation in the project will contribute to the achievement of its goals.

NOTE: Please sign a separate statement of cooperation with each partner. Each partner should sign and stamp their information. The document should be submitted in its original with the full proposal package.



Annex C

SEEDLING Application

Description of Project Proposal –Part One

Project title: (200 characters)
3.a. Description of the problem addressed / (300 characters)
3.b. CSO’s background / (300 characters)
3.c. Link between the objectives of the project and grantsprogramme / Project objective:
(200 characters)
Explain how your project’s objectives fit into the objectives of the grant programme
(300 characters)
Project target groups. Describe how the project will be able to impact its targets group/s
3.d. Project indicators / Indicators:
Estimate the outcomes of your project’s activity and how you would measure them (indicators of success). How do you plan to conclude that the objectives have been met? What are the key indicators that help you to measure the project’s success? The indicators can be either qualitative or quantitative and objectively verifiable.
(300 characters) / Sources and means of verification:
What are the sources of information for these indicators?
(300 characters)

Use extra sheets where necessary

Description of Project Proposal –Part Two

Project Title: (200 characters)
3.e. Detailed project plan / Project goal
What is the general goal (broader objective) to which the project will contribute? (100 characters)
Project objective
What specific objectives would the project achieve? The objectives should be set in accordance with the main goal of the project. What is the nature and significance of the activity? How does the project help to solve the particular problem? How is it related to your work?
What activities do you plan to carry out to reach the expected results and outputs? How do they fit into the activities suggested by this grants programme? What will be the concrete results or outputs of the proposed activities? How will this project be implemented and how much time will it take? Who will work on the project and how will the work be divided among participants? Who are the independent references (media, schools, local authorities, other beneficiaries) that will report on the project progress, outcomes and achievements? Are any other organisations cooperating in the implementation of this project? Who is the target group? What products will be produced during the project? How will information resulting from the project be disseminated to the public?
Expected outputs and results:
What is the expected impact and benefit of the project?What improvements and positive changes will the project bring? How will you conclude that your activities have led to the achievement of the set objectives? What means will you use to evaluate how your project succeeded in contributing to the overall programme goal? List the qualitative and quantitative indicators that show whether, and to what extent, the project has achieved the expected outcomes and effects. Can the results of this project be used as a model for others? How? What will be the follow-up to the project? What steps will be taken to make sure the products developed from REC grants will be used and useful, not just left on the shelf?

Use extra sheets where necessary



Annex D1

SEEDLING Application

Budget Summary(in EUR)

Project title: (200 characters)
Lead NGO information
Name of NGO / (200 characters)
Registration number: / (50 characters) / E-mail: / (50 characters)
Telephone number: / (30 characters) / Fax number: / (30 characters)
Address (include country): / (200 characters)
Project leader / (200 characters)
Dates of project period / Start date: / - -
year – month - day / End date: / - -
year – month - day

Direct Costs:

Line Items / Budget EUR
Stipends/salaries / €
Equipment / €
Travel / €
Per diem / €
Transportation / €
Supplies / €
Consultants/contractedpersonnel / €
Computer services / €
Publication costs / €
Translation services / €
Communication costs / €
Other direct costs (please specify) / €
Total requested from the REC: / €
Total other donors / €
Total project / €

Please indicate the amount and status of the support of other funding organisations.

Use additional sheets if necessary. Please sign and stamp this budget summary.

Signature will validate the document.

Annex D2

SEEDLING Application

Detailed Budget(in EUR)

Project title: (200 characters)
Lead NGO information
Name of NGO / (200 characters)
Registration number: / (50 characters) / E-mail: / (50 characters)
Telephone number: / (30 characters) / Fax number: / (30 characters)
Address (include country): / (200 characters)
Project leader / (200 characters)
Dates of project period / Start date: / - -
year – month - day / End date: / - -
year – month - day

Direct Costs:

Line Items / Unit / No. of Units / Total Budget EUR / Total requested from the REC EUR / Total co-financing
Stipends/salaries / € / €
Equipment / € / €
Travel / € / €
Per diem / € / €
Transportation / € / €
Supplies / € / €
Consultants/contract-edpersonnel / € / €
Computer services / € / €
Publication costs / € / €
Translation services / € / €
Communication costs / € / €
Other direct costs (please specify) / € / €
Total budget: / € / €

Annex E

Declaration of the Applicant

The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the applicant, in the context of the present call for proposals, representing any co-applicant(s) in the proposed action, hereby declares that:

  • the applicant has sufficient financial capacity to carry out the proposed action or work programme;
  • the applicant certifies the legal statues of the applicant, of the co-applicant(s) and of the affiliated entity/entities as reported in this application;
  • the applicant and the co-applicant(s)(if any) have the professional competences and qualifications specified in the proposal;
  • the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the action with the co-applicant(s) if any, and is not acting as an intermediary;
  • the applicant and each co-applicant(if any) is in a position to deliver immediately, upon request, the supporting documents required by the agreement;
  • the applicant and each co-applicant (if any) are eligible in accordance with the criteria set out in the SEEDLING programme;
  • if recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant and the co-applicant(s) accept the contractual conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract; and
  • the applicant and the co-applicant(s) are aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the donors, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services.

The applicant is fully aware of the obligation to inform without delay the contracting authority to which this application is submitted if the same application for funding made to other donors has been approved by them after the submission of this grant application.

The applicant acknowledges that according to the programme and the REC manual, applicants found guilty of misrepresentation may be subject to administrative and financial penalties under certain conditions.

Signed on behalf of the applicant
