Use of language
Tense and Person (Voice) / I use different words to make my writing more interesting (e.g. ‘shouted’ instead of ‘said’).
I spell some words with the same patterns. E.g.: sat - cat, sound – found.
I spell some common words correctly, e.g. come, going, like.
I have a go at writing tricky words (e.g. who, our, spaghetti).
I use capital letters and full stops in the right places.
I write to show the order in which things happen.
(e.g.: Yesterday I went/Today I am/ Tomorrow I will……) / I use adjectives to make my story interesting.
I spell most one and two syllable words correctly
Most of the time, I spell high frequency words correctly.
I use capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly.
I use the correct tense, and write with everything in the same tense / I choose topics that will interest the reader.
I write using different sentence beginnings and sentences of varying length.
I use the best words and sentences I can so my audience knows what I am writing about.
I spell high frequency words correctly.
I use quotation marks and commas correctly. I am beginning to use other punctuation (e.g. possessive apostrophes, exclamation marks).
I use past, present and future tenses correctly. / I vary my styles and length of sentences.
I spell common and uncommon words correctly, rarely misspelling word.
I use punctuation accurately and for effect including possessive apostrophes, dash, semi-colons, colons and brackets.
I keep a consistent person (or voice) throughout my writing e.g. all first person (I, we), all second person (you), or all third person (he/she, they).
Structure and Sequencing of ideas / I write sentences in order so that others can read and understand my writing.
I put some of my sentences together using joining words (e.g. and, because, etc). / When I write I use paragraphs to organise my ideas.
When I write on a topic, I use joining words (conjunctions) (e.g. And, but, then also…). / I write my ideas in a logical sequence.
I write suitable endings and/or conclusions. / I write my ideas logically using paragraphs.
I link paragraphs with connecting words such as finally, however, moreover, as well as……..
Planning, Composing and Reviewing / I talk about my writing and answer questions about it.
I check my spelling.
I check that I have used capital letters and full stops in the right places.
I check that my work makes sense. / I use a plan to create my writing e.g. story map, dot points, diagram, picture.
I improve my writing, by reading aloud, talking with an adult or partner (conferencing), highlighting, underlining, rewriting, using a dictionary, word list or spell check when using a computer / I use a spell check or a dictionary. I reread my writing to fix mistakes
I also use strategies to revise my writing
I use a number of different ways to revise my writing (e.g. proof reading, editing, conferencing for clarity of ideas and information and effectiveness of word choice, dictionary/thesaurus,
word processing). / I proofread my writing to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar errors and check word choice.
I edit (make improvements) my work (e.g. Rearrange my paragraph order so that it makes more sense, further explain ideas that need more information).
I ask myself:
·  Does it make sense?
·  Is it easy to understand?
·  Does it stay on topic?
Is it the right word length?s it the right format? / TASK GRADE:_____
Personal Learning Standards Expectations are….
Effort, handed in on time and presentation / ·  I have completed a plan.
·  I have completed a first draft (rough copy) only.
·  I have submitted a plan, first draft and final draft of my writing.
·  I handed this task in on time.
·  I use clear headings / ·  I have legible writing.
·  I present my work in a neat and professional way. Eg. stapled pages, in order, in a plastic pocket etc
·  I completed a self assessment sheet.
·  It is of the required word length / EFFORT COMMENTS:
Areas of Assessment
Use of language / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50
Spelling / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50
Punctuation / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50
Tense and Person (Voice) / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50
Structure and Sequencing of ideas / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50
Planning, Composing and Reviewing / 3.75 / 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50