*Example Syllabus with RecommendedIntegration Plan Materials Highlighted*
Shadow Health University
History and Physical Assessment II
PHA 5552
Semester Year
Course Time and Location:
Beginning Date: TBA
End Date: TBA
Class Location: 550 Shadow Building
Meeting Times: TBA
PHA 5551
Contact Information:
Faculty Name: Professor Shadow
Contact Information:
Course Site: http://www.PHA 5552.ShadowHealthUniversity.edu/
Shadow Health Technical Support:
If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues, please visit the Shadow Health Learner Support page at http://support.shadowhealth.com for contact information and hours.
Course Description:
This course is designed to continue in the development of skills and techniques needed to perform both problem focused and complete medical histories and examinations. Physical examinations will be performed under the supervision of the clinical staff.
Students will continue to develop their skills in critical thinking and patient care assessment, applying them to obtaining and documenting focused and comprehensive history and physical exams. Students will be expected to spend additional time outside of class practicing physical examination skills and conducting assigned history and physical exams in the clinical setting. The focus of this course will be on special examinations and on the integration of physical exam skills into their expanding knowledge of clinical medicine.
History and Physical Examination I-III Competencies/ Learning Outcomes
1. Given a simulated patient case the students will be able to:
a. Explain the appropriate physical examination needed for the assigned case
b. Perform an appropriate system based or problem focused examination as directed by
the course instructor
2. Students will be able to properly document a physical examination for an assigned competency
3. Students will demonstrate proficiency with the skills and techniques necessary to performing the physical examination
4. Students will demonstrate proficiency with written communication including proper medical terminology, spelling, punctuation and grammar as it pertains to the documentation of the medical history
5. Students will participate as simulated patients to better understand the perspective of the patient during the physical examination, and utilize the insight gained from the experience to improve and refine their own examination and communication skills
Course Objectives/Learning Objectives
By the end of History and Physical Assessment (Fall –Fall), students will have advanced level competency in the below listed subjects. Note: The subjects listed are not necessarily organized by order of instruction. Students should re-visit these objectives on a unit-by-unit basis to review the topics being covered at that time.
· Health History and Interview
· Therapeutic Communication
· Patient Empathy
· Patient Safety
· Professionalism
· General Appearance and vital signs
· Skin, Hair, and Nails
· Head, Face, Neck, Ears, Nose, Oral Cavity
· Eyes
· Chest and Lungs
· Heart and Vascular
· Abdominal
· Breasts, Female GU, Male GU, Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
· Neurologic
· Musculoskeletal
· Lymphatics
Attendance: Attendance is expected of students for all skills lectures, demonstrations, practice
sessions, and assessments. If a session must be missed for an emergency, etc., the student is
responsible for notifying the instructor of record prior to scheduled class time. The student is
also responsible for all material missed. Lack of attendance in class may be regarded as
unprofessional behavior, which may warrant referral to the Student Progress Advisory
Committee, and may be cause for course failure.
Missed Exams/Assignments: Students must communicate emergencies necessitating
lateness to the instructor of record prior to scheduled time of examination or due date. A
demonstrated pattern of lateness or absence may be regarded as unprofessional behavior,
which may warrant referral to the Student Progress Advisory Committee and may be cause for
course failure.
Behavior: Students must demonstrate professional behavior across all phases of the course
including student/faculty relations, relations with fellow classmates, and within the
provider/patient relationship. Additionally, any evidence of academic dishonesty including
plagiarism, or sharing of graded physical examination feedback with other students may lead to
failure of this course. Students are directed to the Physician Assistant Student Handbook for
further “Policies and Procedures” regarding professional behavior.
Required Materials:
● Nates, Example, (2015). Nate’s Guide to History Taking and Physical Examination. Health Press.
● Roberts, Example, (2016). Guide to Physical Assessment. Health Press.
● Shadow Health. (2016). Digital Clinical Experience (Version 4.0) [Software]. Available from http://www.shadowhealth.com
For registration and purchase
1. Registration directions: https://shadow.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/980991-how-to-register-with-shadow-health
2. Enter Course PIN - [Example0000-0000-0000-0000-0000]
3. [Include cost and payment method]
Login page: http://app.shadowhealth.com
Technical requirements
1. Review requirements: https://shadow.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/963290-dce-recommended-system-specifications
2. Tablets and mobile devices are not currently supported.
3. Recommended web browser is Google Chrome.
Shadow Health Support:
1. Contact Shadow Health with any questions or technical issues regarding Shadow Health before contacting your instructor.
2. Support is available at http://support.shadowhealth.com.
Assignment Descriptions:
Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience™:
The Shadow Health™ Digital Clinical Experience™ (DCE) provides a dynamic, immersive experience designed to improve your skills and clinical reasoning through the examination of
digital standardized patients.
The DCE is free of many of the constraints and interruptions you face in a hospital or clinical setting. This unique simulation experience allows you to conduct in-depth patient exams and interviews at your own pace. Because the exams are in-depth, these assignments will often take over an hour to complete, so it is important to plan enough time to complete your assignments each week. We will be completing Shadow Health assignments throughout the History & Physical Assessment I-III .
System-by-System Assignments Overview
With Tina Jones, you can practice taking a detailed health history and performing physical assessments in system-by-system assignments. After each assignment, you will complete post-exam activities. In these activities, you will practice patient-centered communication skills, answer lifespan and review questions, and journal about your experiences
System-by-System and Concept Lab Grading
Your DCE% will be taken as the percentage grade on all Single System assignments and Concept Labs.
System-by-System and Concept Lab Goals
You will practice relevant skills and apply content knowledge prior to our hands-on practice sessions or lab in order to reinforce content knowledge and improve communication and physical assessment skills.
Midterm Exam:
There will be one midterm exam to assess your content knowledge about specific systems and relevant physician assisting skills. The midterm exam will include material from the weekly assigned textbook readings and weekly activities.
Semester Quizzes:
There will be 10 quizzes administered during the course that will assess your content knowledge about specific systems and relevant physician assisting skills. The quizzes will cover material from the assigned readings/textbook. Each quiz will be worth 2 percent of your final course grade. All quizzes will be multiple choice and administered via Scantron in class. You will be allowed to make corrections on these quizzes for a potential extra 5 percent to your semester quiz percentage total. Corrections must include justification for the correct answer with references to specific pages in your textbook.
Final Exam:
There will be one final exam to assess your content knowledge about specific systems and relevant skills. The midterm exam will include material from the weekly assigned textbook readings. This exam will be worth 25 percent of your final course grade and will be administered via Scantron in class.
Graded Assignments
Assignment / Weight %Shadow Health™ Digital Clinical Experience™ System-by-System Assignments and Concept Labs / 15%
Participation and Lab / 15%
Midterm Exam / 25%
Semester Quizzes (10 quizzes) / 20%
Final Exam / 25%
Grading Scale
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
Course Schedule
Week / Textbook Reading(To be completed before Monday’s class) / Lab Activities / Shadow Health Assignments
& Estimated Time to Complete / Tests and Quizzes
Week 1 / Heart and Vascular / Introduction to Lab Groups / Cardiovascular Concept Lab
Week 2 / Conduction system / Cardiac chambers
Cardiac Cycle / Cardiovascular Assignment & Post-Exam Activities -
75 minutes / Quiz 1
(In Class)
Week 3 / Major arteries and veins / Cardiac (Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation) / Quiz 2
(In Class)
Week 4 / Abdominal / Abdominal (Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation) / Abdominal Concept Lab / Quiz 3
(In Class)
Week 5 / Acute Abdominal Pain / Abdominal Assessment Technique / Gastrointestinal Assignment & Post-Exam Activities -
Approx. 75 minutes / Quiz 4
(In Class)
Week 6 / Breasts / Female and Male Breast Anatomy / Quiz 5
(In Class)
Week 7 / Female Genitourinary / Identify the parts of the external and internal vaginal exam
Week 8 / Male GU, Anus, Rectum, Prostate / Identify the anatomy of the anus, rectum and prostate and their landmarks.
Week 9 / N/A / N/A / Midterm
(In Class)
Week 10 / Musculoskeletal / Inspection, Palpation, ROM (Range of Motion) / Musculoskeletal Assignment & Post-Exam Activities -
Approx. 75 minutes / Quiz 6
(In Class)
Week 11 / Lymphatics / Palpation of the lymph nodes / Quiz 7
(In Class)
Week 12 / Neurological / Motor System / Neurological Assignment & Post-Exam Activities -
Approx. 135 minutes / Quiz 8
(In Class)
Week 13 / Cranial Nerves I-XII / Sensory System / Quiz 9
(In Class)
Week 14 / Mental Status / Mood, Thoughts, and Perceptions / Mental Assignment & Post-Exam Activities-
Approx. 75 minutes / Quiz 10
(In Class)
Week 15 / Mental Health: Case Study I / Cognition / Review for Final Exam
Week 16 / N/A / Review Shadow Health Modules for Final Exam / Final Exam