Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Upwell Parish Council held on Monday 11th May 2015 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall at Upwell

Committee Members: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Robinson Cllr. A Harrison,

Cllr. Humm, Cllr. Hodgson, Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Carr,

Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Schultz

Those Present: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Humm, Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Pope,

Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Robinson, Cllr. A Harrison, Cllr.Melton, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Schultz

Public: 0

Apologies: Cllr. Hodgson, Borough Cllr. Spikings


1.Election of Chairman for the coming year

On a proposal from Cllr. Humm, seconded by Cllr. Robinson with all in favour, Cllr. Lester was voted in as the Chairman for the forthcoming year, 2015-2016. Cllr. Lester signed the declaration of acceptance of office & code of conduct.

2. To consider apologies for absence

Apologies were given as listed above and accepted

3. Election of Deputy Chairman

On a proposal from Cllr. Shorting, seconded by Cllr. Carr with all in favour, Cllr. Gooch was voted in as Deputy Chairman for the forthcoming year, 2015-2016. Cllr. Gooch signed the declaration of acceptance of office & code of conduct.

4. Declaration of Interests forms to be completed & requests for dispensations considered

Declaration of Pecuniary Interests forms had been previously circulated and were duly completed and returned to the Clerk by most councillors. Remaining forms to be returned at the June Ordinary Meeting.

5. To receive Candidate Spending Return & Declaration for Parish Election

Forms were distributed to be returned at the June Ordinary Meeting.

6. To agree the Minutes of the last ordinary meeting and parish assembly held on 8th April 2015

On a proposal from Cllr. Gooch, seconded by Cllr. K Harrison with all in favour the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting were approved as a true record of the meeting. On a proposal from Cllr. Humm, seconded by Cllr. Shorting with all in favour the Minutes of the Parish Assembly were approved as a true record of the meeting.

7. Review of Standing Orders & Policies

Clerk to make some revisions and redistribute to all councillors.

8. To agree the Responsibility Matrix

The responsibility matrix was reviewed including members of the Finance, Overview, Planning & Newsletter Committees. Clerk to amend accordingly. Cllr. Pugh & Cllr. Calton to be removed as authrosied signatories from the bank account and Cllr. Robinson & Cllr. Gooch instated.

9. To agree payments for the month

All were in favour to pay the outstanding payments for the month.

10. Correspondence

Five pieces of correspondence were noted. A letter from Upwell & Outwell Age Concern Club and a quote from CGM for the removal of a tree in the memorial garden to be on next month’s agenda. Cllr. Humm to request a set of accounts from the Age Concern Club. Clerk to write to Hastoe Housing to determine when the entrance road into the new development will be completed.

11. To accept the End of Year Accounts for 2014-2015

The end of year accounts to be approved at the June Ordinary Meeting once the Clerk has clarified the interest payment from the Unity Trust Bond.

12. To complete the Statement of Governance

The Statement of Governance from the external auditors was considered, duly completed and then signed by the Chairman.

13. Items for the next agenda

·  To consider letter from Upwell & Outwell Age Concern Club & receive a copy of their 2014-15 Accounts

·  Quote from CGM for removal of tree & stump in memorial garden

·  Cemetery report from Cllr. Pope

·  Local Council Award Scheme

·  Post Office

·  Trod along Low Side

·  Neighbourhood Plan

·  Footway lights

·  Savings Accounts

·  Affordable housing site, Birdbeck Drive, Outwell

·  To approve 2014-15 End of Year Accounts

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.

The next meeting will be an Ordinary Meeting on Monday 1st June at 7.00pm.

Signed …………………………………………… Date……………..………………

Annual General Meeting 12th May 2015 Page 2