/ Newton County Schools

Section IV

Applicant’s Name: Click here to enter text. Subject taughtChoose an item.

Please rate the applicant in comparison to all college-bound students you have advised.

Top 1% / Top 10% / Top 25% / Top 50% / No Basis
To Decide
Ability to relate to peers / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Ability to relate to adults / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Cooperative nature / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Respect for others / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Ability to handle setbacks / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Ability to function independently / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Sensitivity and concern of others / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Level of self-motivation / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Desire to achieve / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Time management skills / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Self-confidence / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Self-discipline / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Leadership / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Overall Assessment / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /

School Name:Click here to enter text. Office #: Click here to enter text.

Teacher Name: Click here to enter text. Email address: Click here to enter text.

Additional Comments: Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.


Signature of Teacher Date

Section IV

Applicant’s Name: Click here to enter text. Subject taughtChoose an item.

Please answer each question honestly. All remarks are remain confidential.

  1. The ALANHS Program promotes inquiry based learning and research. Please describe examples of how the student has displayed the ability to problem solve and think critically, either in an academic or a real world situation.
  1. Describe the applicant’s academic work ethic. Does the candidate willingly, punctually, and consistently complete assignments, problem sets, reading, writing and research activities?
  1. The ALANHS Program is a community of academically talented students who must work together closely while accepting academic and personal challenges. Please provide comments that might be helpful to the Admissions Selection Committee that will differentiate this student from others with regard to readiness to adapt to the rigorous expectations and the ability to work with other high-achieving students.
  1. Do you believe this student would be successful in this program of study? Why or Why not?

No students shall be denied the opportunity to participate in any program or activity on the basis of gender, race, color, creed, religion, belief, national origin, disability, or ethnic group.