Peralta Community College District

PBIM - District Technology Committee (DTC)

Template for Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: October 3, 2014

Present:, Vina Cera, Mary Louise Zernicke, Mike Orkin, Sharon Millman, Vincent Koo, Ahmad Mansur, Manny Uy, Adrien Abuyen. Brian Adir, Man Gordon

Chair/Co-Chair: Calvin Madlock, Antoine Mehouelley. Fabian Banga

Guests: Michael Dioquino, Linda Sanford.

Facilitator/Recorder: Karolyn van Putten, Heather Dodge

Absent: Antonio Barreiro

Agenda Item / Committee
Goal / Strategic Planning Goal and/or Institutional Objective / Discussion / Follow-up
Action / Decisions
(Shared Agreement/
Resolved or Unresolved)
Meeting Called
to Order / 9:00AM
1.  Review and Approval of Agenda / Agenda was approved unanimously without revisions
2.  Review and Approval of Minutes from September 5, 2014 / Minutes from September 5, 2014 meeting were approved unanimously as presented.
Motioned by Vina Cera, Second by Ahmad Mansor.
3.  Setting DTC
III. Review/ Approval DTC Goals for AY 2014-15
VI. Decommission of Mainframe and Cost Saving / D.3 Institutional Effectiveness
D.3Institutional Effectiveness
E. 3 Fiscal Year / AVC Madlock reviewed the “Goals and Activities 2014-2015” handout with the DTC members;
AVC-AVC Madlock shared with the committee members the document that describes all the goals. Basically, what he has done is take out the goals from the minutes and consolidated them into a one page draft, to review and approve accordingly.
-Facilitator Dr. Karolyn van Putten said normally that to demonstrate the integration of planning and budgeting throughout the entire district level process the accrediting team will come to visit and see if there is a relationship between what we do in these committees and what the entire district does to serve its goals and objectives theoretically. What we do in this committee is what we do in our campus committees. Facilitator Dr. Karolyn van Putten suggested the campus committee should also use the same template, which is something to keep in mind.
AVCAVC Madlock reviewed and discussed with DTC members, the 2014-2015 goals, and the group finalized the list as follows:
***Goals and activities 2014-2015 list before revision:
1-  Update district IT Plan:
2-  Room scheduling software needed:
3-  Need for regular training opportunities
4-  Need for district-wide satisfaction survey
5-  Integration of technology and facilities planning
6-  Technology checklist for new/remodeled Facilities
7-  Smart Classrooms
8-  Review and analyze current PeopleSoft Capability
9-  Gmail implementation
10- Help desk ticketing system
11- Advocacy for technology
*** *** Goals and activities after revision.
1-Monitor the development district of a District Strategic IT Plan
2-Procure room scheduling software for all colleges
3- Identify resources, assess needs, and plan for improvement technology skills and training
4- Integrate technology standards and design checklist for new/ remodeled facilities
5- Review and update standards for interactive learning technology and classrooms
6- Develop maintenance plan for current
And existing interactive learning environments technology
7- Review and analyze current PeopleSoft capability
8- Monitor the implementation of web- based email
9- Review and assess existing IT help desk services
11- Advocate for financial resources to address technology total cost ownership
AVC Madlock shared a document with DTC group about the decommissioning of the main frame and cost savings which explains the savings that includes: Information System EMAS Pro, Financial Aid Module and PeopleSoft. AVC Madlock added that Hicks Consulting is a vender that we pay. Five consultants are used to maintain the mainframe computer system (TCO) we pay to use the software on that main frame including IBM, Iron Mountain (the tape backup), where we backup that entire EMAS Pro system and data.
V. PCCD Strategic Information Technolgy Plan Update/Process / D.2 Institutional Leadership and Governance
D.3 Institutional Effectiveness / a. Update of roles & Responsibility matrix for sub-group
AVC Madlock mentioned that goal number 5 of the PCCD Strategic Information Technology Plan will be updated by the Sub-Committee who will meet twice this year. AVC Madlock said that he will update the roles and responsibility matrix, which will include everyone on that sub-committee, and he will send the DTC members a list of everyone in that committee.
b. Recommendation for currently funded projects
AVC Madlock shared with the DTC group the top priority projects will be:
1.  Web-Based Email
2.  Academic Advising/ Student Education Planner
3.  Document Management
4.  Open CCC Apply
All of these projects will be completed by December 2014 and Network Refresh is already completed.
c. Campus IT Budget/template
AVC Madlock suggested that everyone from the four colleges should create a budge template like the one he received from Chair /Co-Chair Antoine. That includes all the technology needs for each of the campuses total cost ownership. AVC Madlock mentioned that he will present budget template to all college presidents and advocate for IT budget by making sure that all the equipment is up to date
d. Campus Network Infrastructure
AVC Madlock mentioned that Student Financial Aid Module project is completed. The Sub-Committee has decided to upgrade Finance and PeopleSoft Module. A complete suite of PeopleSoft applications called (HCM) Human Capital Management, (FSCM) Financial Supply Change Management, which includes finance, purchasing, and Campus Solution which includes the grades and rosters modules. AVC Madlock recommends that Finance should be upgraded, and that new buildings need to include new technology infrastructure.
e. Alignment of District Technology Plan with College Technology Plan.
AVC Madlock also discussed that the strategic IT Plan should align with all the colleges’ technology plans. For example, making sure all plans are aligned with the Education Master Plan. Rationalized IT Spend with a Consolidated IT budget is an IT Strategy Project that we should be working toward completion.
Distance Education Support and Planning / D.3 Institutional Effectiveness
E. 1 FTES/FTEF Target
E.2 Budget to Improve Student Success
E.4 Support Quality / Faculty Co- Chair Banga reported that maybe we could put some language in the AP that we have for online students and instructors communicating. This transitioned to distance Education and institutional Technology. Until now we don’t have any standards with students and instructors interactive communication.
VII. PeopleSoft Modules
VIII. Update on PS Security Administrator / D3. Institutional Effectiveness
D3. Institutional Effectiveness / This item was not covered.
This item was not covered.
IX. 3SP Update / D3. Institutional Effectiveness
E2. Budget to Improve Student Success / This item was not covered
District IT Reports/Updates
a)  Director of Enterprise Services (all things PeopleSoft) Report
·  Academic Advising Module
·  Open CCC Apply Module
b)  Director of Technology Services Report
·  Electronic Content Management (ECM, formerly known as “Document Management System”)
·  Web-based Email
Network Infrastructure Refresh / D3. Institutional Effectiveness / This item was not covered.
Electronic Content Management (ECM, formerly known as “Document Management System”).
Michael Dioquino
reporting out:
We will complete the projects 1 and 3 by November. Project 1 is General Services, and in regards to Project 3 which is Finance we are in the process of completing it.
Web-based email: we are currently working on RFP that needs to go out. We used a template from LACCD, which needed to be modified because it only includes a general web-based solution. Since we already know we are going with Google the RFP will be written to solicit vendors with Google expertise. Michael reported out: that Network Refresh at the district offices is officially completed, and the last phase of the network included the final cutover, we are now in full maintenance mode. Michael hopes to create a presentation for this committee and cabinet so that they could see the new benefits and standards that we are bringing to the districts office for the Network solution and the benefits of the new solution.
New Business
Meeting Adjourns / 12:00PM

Minutes taken by: Fathia Mohamed

Attachments: All documents and/or handouts for this meeting can be found at:

-  Copy of District Technology Strategic Plan - Budget as of 10/3/ 2014

-  PCCD –Security Job Description-

-  DTC Agenda- October 3, 2014

-  DTC Minutes-September 5, 2014

-  Goals and Activities 2014-2015