By being a part of OUR softball program, there will be high expectations placed on you. There will be times when you cannot do your own thing because we are a TEAM. The following items are in place to make you a better person and positively promote the image of our softball program. If you cannot follow these policies, then disciplinary action will be taken on behalf of the organization.

4The organization will assign practice days. You are to be present for all practices. Sign-ins are necessary to keep track of attendance. Lack of commitment will have a direct impact on your playing time. Coaches will be authorized to take each individual situation into account and make decisions on play-time at their discretion. You are expected to contact the coach if you cannot make practice ahead of time. Any emergencies are considered excused and can be addressed after you and your family are taken care of.

Coaches may change practices that are outside of the Mavericks or Compete Academy scope. They are also privy to adding or canceling practice days that are not already part of the Mavericks and Compete Academy schedule. Please be flexible in changing the schedule of practices and games due to unforeseen events or circumstances. The schedule can be viewed on the website as well as the website.

4If you miss a practice or game (without having the reason approved with coach first) you may forfeit that opportunity to compete for a starting role in the next game. This is also true should your last opportunity at either a practice or game be poor in effort or attitude.

4Team members and their parents will not point fingers at what others are doing with regard to missed practices as each request to miss a practice will be reviewed on an individual basis by the head coach.

4You are expected to know all signals. Not knowing signals will result in lost playing time or action taken by the coach at their discretion. Be prepared!

4If you are hurt, you are still expected to be at practice. Come watch and learn, spend time with your teammates. Any conflicts with practice and inability to be at practice should be discussed with your coach.

4Team communication should only come from Mavericks staff and coaches as well as Compete Academy staff. Some information may be sent through an assigned Team Mom or Dad or player liaison like a captain but only if authorized by the coach. If you are in doubt, JUST ASK THE COACHES. Saying you were not aware is not acceptable. Saying you were informed the wrong information from someone other than the coaches or staff will not be acceptable. Check the websites or reach out to coaches for clarification!

4Play-time is not guaranteed, it is earned. Each practice a player competes to play and start a game. You will not only be competing against others you think are in a similar position as you but everyone else on the team.

Regional/National teams:

The BEST 9 or 10 players will be selected to play before each game that gives the team the best chances to win or perform at a high level. Games played earlier in the week as well as previous season performance and stats will most likely be used to determine Sunday or Championship lineups.

Futures teams:

Will governed a little differently. Futures players should be shuffled in and out to ensure ample playing time and reps necessary for learning.

**Keep in mind ATTITUDE AND EFFORT are also heavily evaluated in determining playing time. Your actions on and off the field will give justification for the time you see in games and that will also be at the discretion of the coach.

Playing time WILL NOT be discussed with Mavericks managers or administration UNTIL it has been addressed with the coach first. The issue will need to be addressed as follows:

Player must contact the coach on a non-competition day or at the end of a competition day. The player should make the coach aware first through first-person contact or email to set up an appointment to discuss at a later time. During that appointment it is REQUIRED that the coach be accompanied by an assistant coach or Mavericks staff if the assistant is not available. Parents will be allowed in the meeting but it is encouraged that the player speak on their own behalf. If the issue has not been resolved after allowing 2 games to occur, the issue may be taken to a Mavericks manager or coordinator to discuss further plans.

4Playing time can only be discussed between parents and coaches for the age groups 14 and under. But they must take the same protocol as mentioned above and below. Players should be in attendance for that meeting. (This should set an example as to how issues and disagreements should be handled and hopefully resolved).

The circumstances below are outlined as times in which a coach WIL NOT address
playing time:






4Parents are not authorized to approach the dugout before, during or after the game. Contact between player and parent should remain minimal while at a playing facility. Giving a drink or snack to the player before the game is permissible.

4Any participation in a team meeting called by a team member or team members parents and NOT called for by a member of the coaching staff will be cause for immediate removal from the team. Please see one of the coaches regarding any meeting that will take place without the coaching staff in attendance.

4Team members will respect each other and the Mavericks Program on and off the field at all times. Not doing so may be cause for immediate removal from the team.

4Be on time for all softball related activities. On time means you are there AT LEAST 5 minutes before the announced time of arrival or start time. Preferably 10 minutes before the event. The team will not wait on you. If you are late, RUN to your destination, don’t walk. You may be asked by the coach to complete a routine different than the original warm up to catch up with your teammates.

4Team uniforms will be tucked in at all times. It is expected that you take care of your uniform through out the year and that it is worn properly.

4Be properly dressed and equipped at all times. ALWAYS BRING EVERYTHING!

4Practice and play at your highest level. Do not waste the time of your teammates and coaches. Always give your best effort.

4Poor attitudes will not be tolerated.

4Accept your role on the team. If you do not like it, work harder to change it.

4Take full responsibility for your own actions and play.

4Lead by example on and off the field.

4Any inappropriate social network posts or use will result in immediate removal from the team.

4The use of alcohol, tobacco, and any other drug is not tolerated. If you are caught abusing any one of the above-mentioned substances, there will be a meeting to discuss plans for the future with the coach and Mavericks admin.

4Disrespect for coaches, staff and fellow teammates are not tolerated.

Have fun, learn the game, and enjoy the PRIVILEGE of playing the sport.

Keep a copy for your records. If you lose the hardcopy, there is a digital copy at

Please sign and return.
