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Q. I didn't understand the Halleluyah remark posted.

A. Ye, I made the Hallelajah remark after the post Chris made at 4:22pm yesterday that the conservatorship is over and has not been announced because the liabilities associated with people catching on to what the bastards are doing upon your inheritance royalties to be paid on account. He said it cuts our the FRB and it will be the US treasury.

Chris: Just a comment, the Federal Reserve Bank is seeking to exist in any capacity at this point because the conservatorship which is the bankruptcy of 1933 basically has been terminated because of the return of $800 trillion and the fact that we are pushing forward to the new changes of the guard which will be asset currency. They had to reorganize based off of the solvency rather than based off the lack thereof.

So the idea is that the Federal Reserve Bank still wants to play some kind of a part and basically nobody really knows what that part is going to be. But because of their comments, this leads to anybody that's got enough information is put this stuff together, that they are already struck an agreement to keep basically the same loop, the same system, in place. That is, that they have a process were creditors, credit card, bankers, banking systems that are up underneath the charter of the Federal Reserve Bank can still process by doing Served By Debt against the TDA accounts.

What will probably inevitably be is where you have direct access to the county and/or to the TDA account yourself, bypassing the Federal Reserve Bank. I do not know how it's all going to pan out but you can count on one of those as being true. I do believe that because they are still a player and because I have been given confidential information from the people that were working with U.S. Treasury, they're saying that this is being worked out with the TDAs will pay off $1 billion. It's my thinking that this is more geared for people who cannot have the know or are in the know, they don't really realize how much money is in their account unless you do an audit, so by putting out an offer of a billion dollars of course falls short of what's actually in these accounts. But it would be your agreement to waive the rest.

At least this is my thinking of what's going on. It may not be necessarily true but you guys need to be some cautious and careful that if these accounts truly have anywhere from $300 billion to $1 trillion in the accounts from royalties and from your classification status and your contributions to society, which arranges no higher amount being paid in these accounts, if there's any amount of of those funds that are in these accounts and you accept a 1 billion, it is in my thinking that what will happen if you be waiving the rest of the amounts are in these accounts. So just a word from the wise is be somewhat cautious about what you do because this is your life, this is you learning how to navigate your life, so be very wise and make sure that you do the right things on behalf of your estate.

Q. I got a point when you made before that they they may be trying to buy your estate for a billion dollars but it is worth a hell of a lot more. It may not be true but given their past history take it into account. It sounds like the Federal Reserve is trying to play nice but who is really going to believe them from what they've done before.

A. Well ts is no different than the IMF and the CBI, these different private corporations that were doing international transfers. The IMF which would set up an Interpol system on the banking of your identification and your master file. They still want to be a player in thus whole mix. If going back to Republic form of government, they really ought to put it up for people's proxy. Their failure to put it up for people's proxy means that this is not a Republic.

If they are going to establish a republic, they have to turn the controls back over the people by the proxy or the elections of the people, what the will of the people really wishes. Do you really want the IMF? No. Do you want any other World Bank? No. What do you want? (11:11) I want to get rid of the United Nations. I want international standards that sets the United States all gone. I want to be able to have an election where anything that comes up in this country is voted on by the people, not by a false advertisement, intermediate or by them saying what this woman came up with at the end of the election. I don't want any part of that.

I want Republic form government returned. If you if you're going to return to a public form of government, return it as what the definition states is a Republican government.

Q. I believe you mentioned in the Global Currency Reset we will convert Federal Reserve notes to U.S. Treasury notes. When that happens is that going to be considered money of substance. When we use it to buy land, will we actually have fee simple title ownership if we use that kind of land? When they make a loan will actually be loaning money rather than digits.

A. The new notes would be lawful money again since we are back to the Republic. Yes the Republic is returned and based off of the asset currency. The standard law will most certainly disengage from admiralty and maritime law. The chances are that they will have to go back to a common law which is nonstatutory. They will also have to disengage with ensuring or insuring or putting surety on each and every one of the codes. When they create a trust using that system, it binds you to think that you are not familiar with. Therefore that's how they rob you. They don't teach you this stuff in high school. Fact is a lot of this stuff is not even taught in college or universities. Even BAR attorneys who get licenses don't have a clue with what I'm explaining to you.

What they're doing in a statutory world is they are finding and putting bonds and investment pooling agreements at the counties, at the states and the federal government. All this goes into their portfolio. Listen to the SEC(?) for the investors outside the United States. So what they've done is for their own purposes and their own benefit, they bind everything you do in your life because you are engaged in their statutory world. Therefore, you can never end up having a fee simple status.

We fought with them all these years. 18 years later, we are still fighting with them on this. I am much more educated than I used to be and I realized that you can fight them toothe and nail, you can do a quiet title action, you can really taking them to task if you wish, but the thing is, we are so close to the Republic coming back, it would be in most people's best interest to hang on until after the first of the year as to see where everything lands.

It is in my thinking that part of going back to Republic government means that they have to go back to what the Constitution states which is a common law system for the common people on the land. The currency that they are bringing in is based off the survey of what are the assets including the labor on that landmass, that country. So it's on the land. There is no reason unless you've got a lien that you signed off on as a contract that you can't go back to fee simple. Going back to fee simple means that it is sovereign. In other words, there is only one title over it and not 2, 3, 5 unless it's family. So yes on the fee simple, once we change the guards out.

Right now I would say just hang on if you can. Filing any paperwork to run into the same criminals that have been there for 7500 years.

Q. The last time I started to do my paperwork, those forms, everything you filled out, when I took it to the bank to get the medallion stamp,they refused to do it unless I could show them that that I had CUSIP number(?). They wanted that information before they would put the medallion. I did get the power of attorney done by going to a different bank. I may have to go to the same bank but a different manager. I think the last time you said something how I get around the fact that they won't notarize it, they won't put the medallion stamp.

A. Yeah, when I went to do the research on the U.S. Treasury and of course I would go back in time and in around about 1935, where they realize that they had us hook, line and sinker in 1933 with a foreign power that came in and intruded in on our lives, their foothold panned out a lot of the programs. In 1935 they realized that and they they put out the Resident Act. You have to put several different documents together to understand what I'm talking about. Most of you guys will probably go out there to find this stuff and won't be able to come to a conclusion of the linking between all these different documents. What they've done is spread out pieces of information which are true in assorted different manuals and books and codes and statute and whatnot. Unless you're actually reviewing all the different manuals and whatnot as to connect the pieces together, you won't generally find the stuff just laying out there for your review.

They did pass the Resident Act. What that actually installed was that every county was part of an onion peel from the federal level to the constitutionally bound the United States to the state and to the county. What they set up is that they want to find out where you reside. What that did is set up direct link from the federal level to the U.S. Treasury right down to the county as you been a resident. This provided compensation for the county, the state, the United States and the federal government. Each one of them got a cut. Generally speaking what we found out and hypothesized, the county, when you get a $200 dollar traffic ticket, at the state level they get $2,000 and the federal government get $20,000. So as the pecking order of the onion field, there's a compensation for services rendered for setting up this system. When it gets back down to the county level, it's only $200. But what has been withdrawn from your social security account the public liability in the certificate of debt are these different layers. So you got $200, $2,000 and $20,000 levels totalling $22,200 coming out of your social security account for services rendered.

So when the county cluster medallion seal on it there confirming that that is a certified debt of the full faith and credit of the United States. When they put their seal on it, they get two CFOs to seal, a judicial seal and a County seal. Both of those have to sign off in order for it to be a certified public debt which goes directly right up to the Bureau Of Public Debt for confirmation of a withdrawal. Now that is your government side.

If you look at the Federal Reserve side, anything that is like stimulating commerce throughout the United States, this is your your banks, credit card companies, mortgages, vehicles for sale and any other ETCs(?). Your utilities are directly linked right to the U.S. Treasury. They don't get routed but mortgages most certainly gets routed through the Federal Reserve Bank. So that is your conservatorship. So what they've got is a confirmation of a withdrawal slip coming from either an attorney or banker or some other financial institution which is chartered up underneath the Federal Reserve Bank of which is brought to their window, the discount window, a solicitation or offer which becomes verified and certified from the Federal Reserve Bank that goes right back to these accounts up underneath the Bureau Of Public Debt.

So you got two different systems going on. You got the government system and you got the Federal Reserve chartered systems. Both sides have the US medallions. On the government side, for the clerks of the courts of the county and the judges, each one of them is enumerated in their US medallion program manual as being authorized under government as to have these medallions, make them a Treasury agent. What they do when they take you into court case is they have you sign off on it and they keep the papers. They give you a receipt for this stuff. What they're doing is taking a confirmation that you agreed, you gave consent for them to go ahead and do a withdrawal from these accounts. All they really are looking for, outside of all the Bozo the Clown in the circus act, the stuff they do in the courtroom, is your signature for a witdrawal. This is how they work.

You can go into probate. You can be the commander and the you can be the captain of your own vessel. What you tell the judge is I'm here for one reason and one reason only. I'm not here to adjudicate. I'm not here to be in controversy. I'm here to make a settlement on these bills of which I have accumulated this month. I want you to put your seal on this under the full faith and credit of the United States and their obligation in the bankruptcy to make a payment on these things and clear them out. I'm granting these bills as a credit on your bookkeeping in the county to get full compensation to the county to zero of these things out. That's what the Resident Act did. They gave the counties the opportunity to collect from every man woman and child all their debt in the county every month and have it certified and sent up under the full faith and credit to get fully compensated back to the county. (25:00)

Q. Do I have to pay for [the bills] first? Where do I get the resident form. Should I go on the internet and pull up a resident form in my area. Or do I write up something myself and tell the judge what I am doing?

A Well, generally speaking,the process that you're doing with the TDA paperwork is basically informing the US Treasury that you're one and the same. The county already knows that you're one in the same because the electric or water bill is already in your name with your resident on it. There's nothing for them to do but to filestamp the sucker, send it to the CFO of the county, and they put their stamp on it, get it processed through the the county treasury and send it up to the tBureau of Public Debt. This was what was written in the books .

Q. When they're paying that bill, are they getting the same kind of cut that they do on the traffic tickets?

A. I don’t know I haven't even given that any thought to it. But if I'm not mistaken, the onion peel and the hypothecation of 10 times, whenever the county gets the $10 does the state gets $100 and the feds $1,000. This is what they call services rendered under this civil law system they’ve got set up.

I'm trying to keep it simple. Keep your nose clean. Keep it as clear as possible for kindergarteners because there's going to be people that are just going to sit there and scratch their head, well, how can they do this. Well, they're doing it and they're doing it under the force of law but they forgot to tell you or invite you or ask for your consent to participate with this voluntarily. Any common man once he heard the real true facts would not participate with it. They can only do this by force and by hiding it from you. Those are the two keys they use that are universally used by this current government.

Q. I have a case. I’ve been convicted and sentenced, but I haven’t paid the fine yet. How do I move that into probate? [27:48]

A. Well, in that particular matter, there's two ways you can go about that.
1. They have to have your consent. At any given time you can actually do a challenge on jurisdiction. If you were to challenge jurisdiction, there are two way to explain to the judge. a) announcement your estate is involved and you have made a mistake. These issues can only be adjudicated under probate. You can even ask to have an order for an audit on the court case and what that's going to do is it’s going to put a challenge in on jurisdiction which means they have to do an automatic stay. b) Now they’re forced to have to do an audit on your social security account and an audit on the transfer of funds that you did not know about and the audit on the sentencing and the judgment along with any other penalties they may have attached to that. They have to provide that as to a settlement because all crimes in the Civil Law system are commercial and especially now that they're in the bankruptcy for there's no real money, they can only do set offs and these TDA payments, which groups of people clear across this United States are starting to figure out, indicates if you move it to probate now you lock everybody else out and you put an automatic stay on the court case until they provide the audit for a full settlement. Then what you do is you take the court case settlement that they offer you and you endorse that payable to the United States Treasury without recourse using your social security number. Use the routing number of the county as for the payee. They are the one that get paid. What are they going to do they have to zero the books out because the Judgment has been satisfied and it expunges right off your record because these are true eCredits that are coming out of these accounts. This is not dollar bills, eCredits. That's exactly what these counties are looking for. They're not looking for the Federal Reserve notes. Those are worthless instrument. They belong to another system. What the County's looking for is a true eCredit which is pure credit which comes out of these accounts. That's what they're looking for. That's why all these court cases that are outstanding in every one of the states when they get sold to the US District Court System. they have the abilities at Federal level to process these for full compensation and eCredits