Board of Governors meeting
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
6:45 pm
Present: Peter Winkler, Nancy Shapiro, Michael Carrier, Kim Logie, Brian Bank, John Parsons, Ben Kilgore, Ross Seymore, Brian Matthews, Luis Doffo (via phone), Chip Moreland (via phone), Jerry Pang (GM), and Curtis Lew (AGM).
Call to order: Kilgore called the meeting to order at 6:45pm.
Approval of minutes: Winkler motioned to approve the April 20, 2016 minutes. Seymore seconded the motion. All approve.
President’s Report: None.
Treasurer’s Report: Seymore submitted report and said the 2015 Audit came back “good” and very clean. The In-town wait list is currently at 34 and 90 for the out of town. Café performed wonderfully.
Project Update:
South Tennis Courts: Moreland and Pang said the Town had our original submittal since November 2015, asked for additional information in December 2015. TPC provided an updated submittal on April 11, 2016 addressing all items requested by Town. There were discussions on how much this project is going to cost versus the $806,000 budget. Moreland stated it is impossible to confirm budget numbers until the Town provides the input from their consultants and our architect can develop construction documents for management to request hard quotations from 3 contractors. Right now we only have conceptual drawings for Town review. Pang believes the project will cost more than what the members voted for. A letter from Dan Watrous (Planning Manager - the Town of Tiburon) was circulated and discussed. Moreland questioned why was resubmittal that was deemed compliant with the requested information from the Town still on the desk of Dan Watrous four weeks after its April 11 delivery. Moreland said that the club should maintain a linear approach and focus on these complicated projects/submittals. After much discussion on how the projects were merged, Winkler proposed the two architects (Berger and Holscher) along with Pang, to respond to the letter/Town to keep the two projects separate. Winkler proposed the Pool Committee will bring forth to the Board by the next BOG meeting a complete proposal.
Pool: No update
BOG Liaison’s to Committee Report:
House and Grounds Committee: Moreland submitted his report. Moreland discussed the proposal of three custom Fire Tables for the patio area. After discussion, Moreland motioned to have three custom gas Fire Tables to be built and installed at budget cost of $20,550. On a show of hands, there were six “YEA” and five “NAY”. Motion passed. Moreland estimates a four to six weeks project starting July. Shapiro said the Café Committee will discuss rules and policies on the Fire Tables.
Unsupervised Children: Doffo and Bank brought up the fact that on a regular basis in the café patio area, especially during weekdays after school when the school bus drops many kids off in front of the Clubhouse (who then head directly to the café), are children unsupervised ages 7-10. Many times, Café staff is limited and too busy to supervise children behaving badly. Pang said he will take care of this internally within the staff to better supervise the café patio area during peak times. Winkler recommended rules and process to be established. Kilgore will form a Grievance “ad hoc” committee consisting of Bank and Kilgore to formulate a process. Pang will write something in the weekly regarding children’s behavior.
Shapiro discussed reupholstering of exterior cushions with a possibility of replacing the existing cushions if need be. Former Club member Mary Harris is helping with various fabric samples. Shapiro said the Committee consisting of Nancy Shapiro, Luis Doffo, Valerie Behrendt, and Cris Schonefeld is in the process of selecting a neutral color fabric for the outdoor cushions.
Tennis Committee: Shapiro submitted report.
Youth Committee: Logie had nothing to report. Pang added there is currently a total of 85 kids signed up for summer camp and said the goal is 110 to break even.
Aquatics: Kilgore said Wibits have arrived and Kirsten and crew will test the units this Sunday, May 22nd.
Fitness Committee: Shapiro said packages sold in December 2015 are being used and should be done soon.
Café/Social Committee: Shapiro said the committee meets next week, May 26th, submitted report and will discuss policy on “Outside Food Policy” at the meeting. Regarding the Café, feedback has been positive, other than long lines in the café. Shapiro said Jameson Miller is working on a new healthier menu.
Regarding Club events, Pang said members are not signing up in advance (Club culture) which makes the café operations a bit tricky.
Shapiro said Deb Wilton has been out of town a lot and not had a chance to finalize the installation of the art hardware. Shapiro said there are a few artists waiting to hang their art work here.
Nominating Committee: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
General Manager’s Report: Pang submitted in writing. In addition, there were three membership issues.
1. Barnes family requested reinstatement and the BOG approved.
2. Truman family requested usages privileges for their son who is a caregiver and the BOG approved.
3. Family member Adam Brune inquired about children of members turning age 25 and the process. Kilgore, Winkler and Shapiro will review and make a recommendation.
Executive Session:
Meeting adjourned: 8:53 p.m.