The personal education plan is a statutory requirement and a vital part of the care plan
Children in Care Council’s tips for a positive PEP. Please make sure that you all:
•Prepare properly and give the child or young person plenty of notice about the PEP meeting – try to make sure the child is comfortable and at ease if appropriate to the child’s age.
•Make sure that everyone involved talks to each other and listens to each other.
•Make sure the child or young person can make their contribution and has their views heard as appropriate to the child’s age.
•Make sure the child or young person can attend if they want to – even if it means changing the date of the meeting.
•Please do not take children and young people out of lessons to attend meetings.
•People should be clear and honest, but say things in a helpful way.
•Make sure that the actions are realistic and clear to everyone and that all the actions are followed-up and get done!
•Ask the child or young person if there is anyone they would like to invite to the PEP if appropriate to the child’s age.
•Make sure that appropriate funding, for example Pupil Premium is discussed.
Section One (a):Child’s Details
Section One (b):People Invited to EYPEP Meeting
Please indicate the names of the people responsible for managing this EYPEP.
Title / Name / Address and Phone Number / Attended Meeting / Copy of PEP SentChild
Designated person (teacher or practitioner)
Social worker or care manager
Section Two:Responsibilities
Name and Contact DetailsWho should the setting contact in an emergency – in order of priority? / 1.
Who is allowed access to me in my setting?
Who will take responsibility for my health issues?
Who will receive and respond to communications from my setting – for example invitations to parents’ evenings, school reports and school books?
Who will give permission for my attendance on trips?
Who can give permission for school photographs and performances?
Confidential information – is there anyone who must not have contact, medical information, or must not see hidden addresses or any other confidential information? / If the answer is yes please fill in Appendix 1 for the designated person.
Please note any changes in detail during the life of this EYPEP – such as name and address of carer.
Section Three:Review of My Last PEP
Expected outcomes / Person Responsible / Costs where PEA & PP have been used / Actions needed / Done/Not Done / Impact of action on achieving the outcomesSection Four:The Views ofPractitioners, Carers, and Parents
To be completed by practitioners, including the social worker and the child’s parents or carers. Use the form on page 8 to find out the child’s views.
Characteristics of Effective Learning support children’s learning and development across all areas. They are Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Thinking Critically.
months / 8-20
months / 16-26 months / 22-36
months / 30-50
Months / 40-60
Months / Comments on Characteristics of Effective Learning
Prime Areas of Learning
Social, and
Communication and Language Development
Physical Development
/ Birth
months / 8-20
Months / 16-26
Months / 22-36
Months / 30-50 months / 40-60 months / Comments on Characteristics of Effective Learning
Specific Areas of Learning
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Section Five:Child’s Views
Section Six:Areas for development - Short Term Plan
Identify individual targets and map them onto the child’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) where appropriate. Normally three targets will be enough. There does not need to be a target in every area, but they need to reflect the child’s needs. Targets should be filled in by the practitioner, parents, and carers and should take the child’s view into account.
Prime areas of learning / Identified area of need / Expected outcomes by next PEP meeting / Person responsible / Actions neededPrime areas (PSED, C & L, and PD)
Specific areas (Literacy, Maths, UtW, EaD)
Other areas identified
Only answer these questions if the child hasSpecial Educational Needs
Please tick which statements apply:
EHC Plan
Areas of need:
Communication and interaction Social, mental, and emotional health
Cognition and learningSensory and/or physical
DAF/My Plan
Nursery Plus Placement
Individual Education Plan (IEP)? – if yes please attach
Are there any other plans in place? (e.g. speech & language) – if yes please attach
Are they in receipt of SEN support funding? (previously EYAPF)
Section Seven:Supporting My Progress through Pupil Premium (PP)/EY Pupil Premium(April 2015)
For children in receipt of 3 and 4 year old or school age children only. Complete this section and discuss as an agenda item at the next PEP meeting. Ofsted Inspectors report on how the school or setting’s use of EYPP or PP affects the attainment of Children in Care. They also hold schools or settings to account through performance tables and how it is helping to close the attainment gap between Children in Care and their peers.
Pupil Premium (PP)/Early Years Pupil Premium
Please tick which statements apply:
PP funded 1:1 tuition PP funded small group tuition
PP funded equipment PP funded extra-curricular activities
Educational/residential trips Oral language interventions
Phonics Meta-cognition and self-regulation
Peer mentoring Collaborative learning
Behaviour intervention Arts participation
Summer schools Sports participation
Social and emotional learning Learning styles
After school programmes including homework support Mentoring
Section Eight:Transition Arrangements
Action / Who is the person responsible? / By whenEarly Years Transition informationcompleted and distributed
Completed transition information attached to the EYPEP (and the ILP if appropriate) for the next setting
New setting contacted in person
Copies of paperwork sent to social worker
Section Nine:Attendance and Exclusion
We expect that no child will be excluded without clear evidence of a gradual, individualised response and ongoing support from specialist outside services.
DetailsAttendance and Punctuality
Detail the days and hours the child attends
(Schools please include attendance %, as well as authorised and unauthorised absences)
Changes in school/setting placement, list schools/settings and dates (include time without a school/setting placement)
Other factors affecting academic progress, for example: cultural, English as a second language, changes in placement
For schools: have there been any fixed term exclusions?
For schools: the number of days learning missed through exclusions
For schools: has the Eliminating Exclusions Protocol been used?
Section Ten: My Resources
For children in reception classes only.
Please fill in for Children in Care to DCC as appropriate. Our allocation of Pupil Premium is based on the child’s needs and is managed through high quality PEPs. This section will contribute towards our Quality Assurance of the child’s PEP. It can also be used to submit as evidence for an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).
Element 1 (£):Element 2 (£):
Element 3 (£):
Other (e.g. PP) (£):
Total education funding (£):
Community health provision (£):Specialist equipment (£):
Continuing healthcare funding (£):
Other (£):
Total health funding (£):
Social Care
Fair access to short breaks funding (£):Disabled facilities grant (£):
Section 17 funding (£):
Other (£):
Total social care funding (£):
Section Eleven:General Notes
EY Foundation Stage PEP September 20141