Table of Contents
- Introduction: 2013 Call for Webinar Presenters
- Information for the Presenter
- What are the presenter’s responsibilities?
- What does LNPS provide?
- When do webinars take place?
- Instructions to submit proposal
- Guidelines for Webinar Facilitators
- Webinar Presenter Proposal
- Presenter Information
- Session Information
Introduction: 2013Call for Webinar Presenters
Through its Laureate Network Products and Services (LNPS)division, the Laureate International Universities networkprovides its faculty with high-quality online education and training programs. Thanks to the Laureate Faculty Development initiative, Laureate’s global teaching staff has access to an online site with vast resources and professional development opportunites, including exciting and comprehensive Webinarspresented by other Laureate Faculty members.
Led by experts in each topic, LNPS offers a wide range of Webinarsthat offer participants new information in their specific fields and introduces them to new educational practices for them to implement in the classroom.
Our Webinars are specifically linked to the 7 main areasidentified as priorities by LIU faculty and staff:
- Maintain in-depth knowledge of content
- Improve familiarity with educational technology
- Broaden knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies and techniques
- Improve English proficiency for educational purposes
- Broaden knowledge of adult learning practices (Andragogy)
- Provide access to educational opportunities to obtain a higher degree
- Provide new information on any academic discipline (mathematics, business administration, etc.)
Through Webinars, participants increase their knowledge and depth in their own disciplines, as well as gain insight and expertiseto help them take their teaching skills to the next level. We want you to be part of this initiative and provide your peers with the knowledge and skills they need to be better educators.
Each speaker must providetheir complete contact information. Each presenter must be available on the establishedWebinar date and for at leastone training session in order to ensure that all parties have the necessary technology to execute the Webinar.
Once submitted, your webinar topic will be forwarded to LNPS’ Webinar Team for consideration. LNPS will notify you if your proposal is approved or not.
Information for the Presenter
What is a Webinar and how long is it?
A webinar is a virtual program presented live on the Internet using a PowerPoint presentation for the visual part and voice over IP using Webex software to guide the online lecture. Webinars will be recorded for archival purposes and PowerPoints will also be available in said archive.LNPSWebinars also include recordings and transmissions ofselected local activities which the university has already coordinated. For example, if you have a guest speaker at a conference and you think this opportunity should be leveraged with the rest of the LIU network, we can send out invitations to the Laureate Network memebers so they can also take part in this activity through the appropriate channels.
LNPS offers one hour and 90-minute webinars. For a 90-minute Webinar, presenters should prepare for a 60-70 minute presentation and 20-30 minutes for question and answer segments and a post-Webinar survey.
What are the presenter’s responsibilities?
- Read and follow the “Guidelines for Webinar Facilitators” and complete the“Webinar Presenter Proposal” and “Webinar Release” forms.
- Provide a PowerPoint presentation to be used for the visual part of the webinar. This must be submitted at least one week in advance of the Webinar.
- Locate a room, a computer with Internet access and ensure that the appropriate software is installed (usually a technical rehearsal is carried out a week in advance).
- Participate in at least one technical rehearsal for the Webinar. The presenter’s PowerPoint presentation will be used during the training to acquaint the presenter with the Webinar logistics and how he/she will use the capabilities of the Webinar presentation technology to highlight parts of the PowerPoint presentation, how the presenter might survey the participants with questions, how the Webinar and the presenter will be introduced by aWebinar coordinator, how questions will be managed in the presentation, etc.
- Identify a back-up presenter should an emergency arise on the presenter’s programmedWebinar time and/or date.
- Identify a technical support person at your place of work who can work with the LNPS staff to ensure appropriate technology is used and who can provide support on their end of the transmission.
What does LNPS provide?
- LNPS provides all marketing for the webinar and all logistical support the presenter will need to conduct a successful Webinar.
- LNPS staff is available to help the presenter in the planning and presentation of the Webinar.
- The presenter will be provided with guidelines to ensure that the PowerPoint presentation is appropriate for use.
- LNPS Webinar provider will handle all technical aspects of the webinar includingtraining the presenter and monitoring/assisting with the entire live Webinarpresentation. A LNPS staff person will be involved during the training and the livepresentation to guarantee the highest quality Webinar.
- Unless agreed upon in advance, no honorarium will be paid nor expensesreimbursed for this presentation.
When do webinars take place?
LNPS’s webinars are usually presented during the week in the mornings and afternoons. LNPS will provide technical support for webinars between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. (US Eastern time).
Instructions to submit proposal:
Please send completed “Webinar PresenterProposal” form using the “Upload form” option or by email toGabriela Martinez via e-mail:
Guidelines for Webinar Facilitators
We know that the success of LNPSWebinars is largely due to the interest andwillingness of presenters like you. We are pleased that you are considering submitting aWebinar idea for consideration. LNPS’ Webinar Team has developed guidelines for presenters to ensurethat participants will receive maximum benefits from each Webinar. Therefore, we ask that you please follow theseguidelines:
- Webinar presentations are given voluntarily.
- Although all proposals will be considered, preference will be given to active LIU members and those who have submitted proposals that best relate to one of our training priorities:
- Maintaining in-depth knowledge of content
- Improving familiarity in educational technology
- Broadening knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies and techniques
- Improving English for teaching and learning
- Broadening knowledge of adult learning (Andragogy)
- Provide access to educational opportunities to achieve a higher degree
- Provide information on any academic discipline (Mathematics, Business Administration, etc.)
- Webinar presentations must be submitted as PowerPoint files.
- Due to copyright laws, any document must be written in your own words andaccompanied by your own images. Each presentation must be received at least one week prior to the scheduled Webinar so that its content can be reviewed.
- A proposal’s approval is based on the content and the presenters designated at thetime of submission.
- Any changes to content or speakers must be conveyed to the LNPSWebinar Team in advance. The Webinar Team reserves the right to reassess the proposed Webinar’ssuitability.
- If selected as a Webinar presenter, please abide by the timeline set by LNPSand meetall deadlines.
Webinar Release
I hereby irrevocably grant to Laureate Education, Inc. its subsidiaries and affiliates my consent and full right to: publish, license or use forever and throughout the world the content or product of any materials produced hereunder and any materials I may make available to Laureate, LLC., its subsidiaries and affiliates, (“the Materials”) in whole or in part, as it sees fit in its sole discretion including for purposes of illustration but not limitation, for publications, audio, film, video, print, or any other electronic means, including third-party internet applications testimonials, advertising material, promotional materials, internal documents, on line uses, press releases, books, articles, television programs, videos, DVD, web casts, radio or any other publications and/or in any and all other Materials, and in any advertising and publicity in connection therewith, (all of such rights shall be defined herein as the “Acquired Rights”), with the unlimited right to reveal fully, quote directly, paraphrase, edit, rewrite, or otherwise make use of the Materials.
I further grant Laureate the right to describe and portray me and to use my name and any pictures, photographs or likenesses of me from third party sources or given to Laureate, LLC by me or taken by Laureate, LLC, or any third party, in connection with the Acquired Rights.
No additional fees or compensation of any kind is due to me for granting the rights set forth herein or any use of the Acquired Rights.
I further consent to the use of statements, comments, or opinions I have made, whether oral or written, referring to or relating to this event, Laureate, its business, or any Laureate program.
I further agree that all such Materials produced hereunder are and will remain the sole property of Laureate, in perpetuity, and may be edited by Laureate in its sole discretion, and that I do not have the right to review such materials prior to their use. Laureate may use these materials in any manner it deems appropriate, including but not limited to presentation or broadcast on third-party internet applications.
I understand that Laureate shall not use the Materials produced hereunder in any way that will bear detrimentally upon my or Laureate’s character, personage or professional status.
I represent that I am over the age required by law in this state to enter into binding agreements and that I have no conflicting contractual obligations that would interfere with my performing services hereunder or my granting the rights herein granted. I hereby release and discharge Laureate from any and all liability arising out of my participation in or in connection with the Laureate project covered by this Release Agreement. If I am under age, the signature of my parent/guardian below shall constitute the parent/guardian’s consent on my behalf to the terms and conditions of this Release Agreement.
This Release Agreement, and the consent given herein, is irrevocable and is given on the express understanding and condition that no reward or compensation is or shall be due to me for the giving of this consent.
Print Name:
Webinar Presenter Proposal Form
Today’s Date: ______Desired date of presentation: ______
Thank you for your interest in presenting a Webinar. To develop your program, please (1) fill out as muchof this form as possible and (2) attach a brief biography & recent headshot.
Presenter Information
- Name:______Academic Degree: ______
- Organization: ______
- Address/ City/ State/ Zip:
- Phone: (______) ______Fax: (______) ______
- Email:______
- Presenter bio and digital photography(not less than 50 words)
I have attached a digital photo/headshot of myself along with this completed proposal.
Yes No
- Have you ever presented a webinar before? Yes ______No ______
If yes, most recent topic and date: ______
- I have a headset with microphone to conduct the presentation.Yes No
*Please submit additional pages for multiple presenters.
Session Information Form
Topic & Purpose: ______
Please check to which of the seven training priorities this webinar relates to:
_____Maintaining in-depth knowledge of content
_____Improving familiarity in educational technology
_____Broadening knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies and techniques
_____Improving English for teaching and learning
_____Broadening knowledge of adult learning (Andragogy)
_____Provide access to educational opportunities to achieve a higher degree
_____Provide information on any academic discipline (Mathematics, Business Administration, etc.)
Proposed Webinar Title: (no more than 8 words) ______
Proposed Timeframe/Date: ______Back-up Date:______
Proposed Length: 60 Minutes____ 90 Minutes____ Other: ______
Level of Material: Beginner ______Intermediate ______Advanced ______
Audience: (managers, faculty, staff, etc.):______
Webinar Description ( no less than 50 words)
Language: ____English ____Spanish ____Portuguese ____Other (Specify) ______
Learner Outcomes.By the end of this learning session, participants will be able to:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Local Technical Support Staff
Name ______
E-mail Address ______Phone number ______
After you’ve completed the form, please upload using the “upload form” or by email to Gabriela Martinez, Webinars Administrator, at with the subject line:
“Call for Webinars: Proposal”.