JULY 20, 2004



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.


The meeting was called to order by Ed Engelhard. A quorum was established (minimum 5 members were present).


SSC Members Present:

Mark Brown, Suncoast Heat Treat Jay McMurray, Metal Improvement Inc

Jerry Cedrone, ALCOA Howmet Castings David Michaud, Fountain Plating

Ed Engelhard, Owego Heat Treat David Mitchell, Mitchell Labs

Richard Kana, PTI Industries Cindy Roth, Cooperheat-MQS, Cincinnati

Johanna Lisa, Continental Heat Treating/ Jerry Wahlin, AAA Plating

Quality Heat Treating

Other Participants/Members:

Reha Aktas, Helicomb International Bill Lodwick, Praxair Surface Technologies

Lloyd Barker, ALCOA, Inc. Anita Loseth, Anodic Inc

Mel Barnell, Sherry Labs Don Lowman, Continental Heat Treating

Lisa Barnes, ALCOA-Howmet Castings Steven Mackenzie, Applied Thermal Technologies

Bill Bauer, Metal Improvement Inc Mike Marchio, Co-Operative Plating

Dawne Bland, Co-Operative Plating David Markgraf, Metal Improvement Inc

Miloud Boutmaj, Heroux-Devtek Francois Martel, Heroux-Devtek

Cecil Burnett, Sherry Labs Ed Mayer, Meyer Tool Inc

Susan Centea, Allen Aircraft Jennifer McPeak, Suncoast Heat Treat

Cindy Crass, Cincinnati Thermal Spray Gil Monos, Sherry Labs

Tom Croucher, Croucher Associates Walt Moorhead, Product Evaluation Systems

Susan Cummings, American Brazing-Ohio Bob Muto, American Brazing-Ohio

Jim Cummings, Metal Finishing Co., Inc. Ronn Nelson, Howmet Castings

Robert Custer, AAA Plating Greg Newton, Newton Heat Treating

Eric Dirats, Dirats Labs Drew Nosti, N Tec

Paul Evans, NDT Inspection & Testing LTD Gary O'Neill, Parker Hannifin

Tom Flanagan, Ladish Mike Park, Stack Metallurgical

Richard French, Alcoa Fastening Systems Larry Phipps, Alcoa Fastening Systems

Debbie Frick, Sherry Labs John Riddel, St Bernard Composites

Jim Gang, Product Evaluation Systems Elena Ritoli, Metallurgical Processing

Mark Girassi, Carpenter Technology Gordon Ritter, Metal Improvement Inc

Niko Gjaja, The M&P Lab Dale Roberts, Praxair

Dale Harmon, Cincinnati Thermal Spray Victor Schonberger, Israel Aircraft Industries

Gerald Harvey, Chem-Fab, A Triumph Co. Stuart Sherman, Metallurgical Processing

Jonathan Hebben, Alcoa Fastening Systems Ryan Soule, ALCOA-Howmet

Jim Hill, Carpenter Technology John Steltenpohl, Paulo-Kansas City

Richard Hill, Praxair Surface Technologies James Stewart, Hi-Shear Corp

Other Participants/Members (Cont’d):

Dave Isenberg, Parker Hannifin Sandra Tomblin, XRI Testing

Dave Kimber, ATK Composites Christian Tyroll, Impact Finishers

John Kunkle, ALCOA-Howmet Castings Michael Walker, Praxair

Serge Labbe, Heroux-Devtek David Yates, Alcoa Fastening Systems

Bob Lehnen, Bodycote

Primes Present

Steve Bauer, Northrop Grumman Frank Lennert, Boeing

Pierre Beceulieu, Bell-Helicopter Lance Loeks, Boeing

John Blanco, Northrop Grumman Brian Nantista, Northrop Grumman

Russ Cole, Northrop Grumman Teresa O'Leary, Cessna Aircraft Co

Michael Davis, GE Transportation Jay Park, Northrop Grumman

Chris Diepenbrock, Boeing Julio Perez, AIRBUS

Jim Doherty, GE Aircraft Engines Eddy Pham, Northrop Grumman

Doug French, Vought Aircraft Chatt Rhodes, Cessna Aircraft Co

Debra Harrison, DCMA John Sattler, Raytheon Aircraft

Andy Iesalnieks, Rolls-Royce Mike Stolze, Northrop Grumman

Earl Koechig, Boeing Camille Valmy, AIRBUS

Robert Kowkol, Honeywell

PRI Staff:

Jim Borczyk Arshad Hafeez

Don Buehler David Luoni

Michael Arthur Forman Mike Ploucha

Michael Graham Seema Saleem

Glenn Shultz Bill Wagner

2.0  Meeting Minutes

2.1  January 20, 2004 meeting minutes were approved as written.

2.2  April 20, 2004 meeting minutes (information only) approved as written.

3.0  Brief Introduction to Supplier Support Committee

3.1  Dave Michaud reviewed the SSC Mission Statement and purpose. The importance of keeping meeting discussion within the stated purpose and scope of the SSC was re-iterated. See attached copy of the mission statement.

4.0 Nadcap Program Status Report

3.1  Arshad Hafez presented information regarding Nadcap performance, new Task Groups, audit numbers, new initiatives and the future direction of Nadcap. Arshad pointed out that audits scheduled for Europe and Americas have exceeded 2004 projections. See attached presentation for details.

5.0 SSC Initiatives Derived from Supplier Survey

5.1  Ed Engelhard presented the status of actions relating to the 2003 Supplier Survey. Prime audit question 14 is being actively worked and a discussion panel is planned for question 15 regarding Nadcap business improvement. See attached presentation for details.

6.0 Supplier Communications Sub-committee

6.1 Johanna Lisa reviewed methods of improved communication for the supplier base. A list of improvements that have been made to the PRI website and eAuditNet were reviewed, and additional suggestions were made. See attached presentation for complete report. Action: Supplier volunteers needed to assist with implementation of the new SSC Newsletter.

7.0  Nadcap Pre-assessment Program (Gap Analysis Proposal)

7.1  Jerry Whalin, AAA Plating, requested that the SSC endorse his proposal that recommends re-instituting Nadcap Pre-assessment Audits for new suppliers who desire one. Much discussion accompanied this topic and a motion was made and seconded that Jerry’s proposal (as modified during the meeting and documented in the presentation) be submitted to the NMC for consideration. Motion passed. See attached presentation for details. Action: SSC to submit proposal/presentation to the NMC for review.

8.0  NDTSSC Nadcap Team Chartering Proposal

8.1  Ryan Soule, Alcoa Howmet Castings requested SSC assistance in chartering an NDT Supplier Support team that would improve supplier input to the NDT Task Group. See the attached presentation for the complete proposal. After much discussion, it was decided that since the sub-team would be involved with technical issues associated with the NDT process, such a team should be constituted as a sub-team of the NDT Task Group rather than a sub-team of the SSC. It was further stated that this would be the best course of action since current NOPs allow the formation of Task Group sub-teams along with necessary resources to support their mission. Action: Ryan Soule to request approval from the NDT Task Group Chair to create an NDT Supplier Sub-team that will accomplish the objectives described in his presentation.

9.0 NMC Update

Chet Date, incoming NMC Chairman, gave an update of NMC actions/initiatives including issues regarding suppliers performance and PRI Board feedback. See the attached presentation for additional details. During the question and answer session, it was asked if accreditation requirements were the same for all suppliers worldwide? The answer was a definite “yes”.

10.0 New Business

10.1 The NMC has asked the SSC for assistance in collecting supplier cost data related to

Nadcap implementation, i.e. costs beyond normal PRI accreditation fees. Further information

regarding this request to be communicated at the next quarterly meeting in Pittsburgh.

10.2  The NMC has asked the SSC to publish a “whitepaper” describing the creation, use and future

direction of the supplier survey that was conducted in 2003. Further information to be

communicated at the next quarterly meeting in Pittsburgh.

11.0 Open Discussion

11.1  Supplier Agreements – Is there a problem in Europe with acceptance of supplier agreements by

Nadcap? Answer: No.

11.2  The Supplier Survey conducted in 2003 is being reviewed/revised in preparation for its implementation again in 2004. If anyone is interested in participating in the review of the survey, contact one of the SSC officers or PRI.

11.3  With the organization changes at PRI, have the published training schedules been impacted?

Answer: No

11.4  Point of information - Root cause training on the PRI web-site is free. On-site and public training symposiums are not. Contact PRI for associated costs.

11.5  The RCCA training offered at the quarterly meetings conflicts with the Task Group meetings.

Can it be offered at a different time? Action: Arshad Hafeez to investigate.

12.0  Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Minutes prepared by: Jerry Cedrone, Alcoa Howmet Castings