curriculum vitae
Personal information
Telephone / +386-1-5805-522
Fax / +386-1-5805-521
E-mail /
Nationality / SLOVENIAN
Date of birth / 08/05/1947
Work experience
• Dates (from – to) / 1975 – 1992
• Name and address of employer / ITEO Ljubljana, ECM – IREL Regional Economics and Development Institute, Metalka Informatika
• Type of business or sector / Counsesling institutes
• Occupation or position held / Researcher
• Main activities and responsibilities / Iworked in the areas of economics, organisation, management and information systems
• Dates (from – to) / 1992 – 1997
• Name and address of employer / University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Wood Science and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Type of business or sector / Higher institution
• Occupation or position held / Pedagogical and researcher collaborator
• Main activities and responsibilities
• Dates (from – to) / 1997 -
• Name and address of employer / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Gosarjeva 5, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Type of business or sector / Higher institution
• Occupation or position held / 1998 – 2005: Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
2005 - 2009 : Dean of Faculty of Administration
• Main activities and responsibilities /
- Researcher for statistics, economic contents, management, information systems, operational research
- Lecturer in the subjects of quantitative methods for analyses in administration within undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes
Education and training
• Dates (from – to) / 1971
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Technology, Department Mathematics - Physics, Ljubljana
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Mathematics – Physics
• Title of qualification awarded / University Diploma in Mathematics
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / First degree
• Dates (from – to) / 1975
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / operational research
• Title of qualification awarded / Master of Science in Operations Research
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / Second degree
• Dates (from – to) / 1987
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / operational research
• Title of qualification awarded / Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Operations Research
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / doctor's degree
Personal skills
and competences
Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.
Mother tongue / The Slovene language
Other languages
• Reading skills / English, Deutsch, Croatian
• Writing skills / English, Deutsch, Croatian
• Verbal skills / English, Deutsch, Croatian
Social skills
and competences
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc. / During his employment at the University of Ljubljana, actively developing scientific and pedagogic cooperation with several institutions and universities abroad. I am a member of Slovene and foreign scientific and professional associations active in the area of quantitative analyses in the business and public sectors.
Organisational skills
and competences
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc. / -I manage or cooperates in the international and Slovene research projects, analyses and the introduction of performance measurement in various public sector areas.
-Coordinator for student and teacher exchange under SOCRATES/ERASMUS and LEONARDO programmes
Technical skills
and competences
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. / -Full Professor of Quantitative analysis of administration
-Primary teaching areas and teaching experience at graduate level:
- Quantitative analysis
- Statistics
- Operations research
-Publication: Research papers – articles, Textbooks, Monographs
Artistic skills
and competences
Music, writing, design, etc. / -Publication: Research papers – articles, Textbooks, Monographs
1.01 Original scientific article
1. FILIPOVIĆ, Jovan, DEVJAK, Srečko, PUTNIK, Goran. Knowledge based economy : the role of expert diaspora. Panoeconomicus (Online). [Spletna izd.], 2012, vol. 59, iss. 3, str. 369-386. [COBISS.SI-ID 3896494]
2. FILIPOVIC, Jovan, DEVJAK, Srečko, FERFILA, Bogomil. Diaspora engagement strategies and policies. Uprava (Ljubl.), jun. 2012, letn. 10, št. 2, str. 7-28. [COBISS.SI-ID 3908014]
3. BENČINA, Jože, DEVJAK, Srečko. Celovito obvladovanje kakovosti pri izvajanju nalog lokalne skupnosti : primer predšolske vzgoje = Total quality management in the implementation of tasks of the local community : the case of pre-school education. Uprava (Ljubl.), jun. 2011, letn. 9, št. 2, str. 37-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 3659950]
4. BENČINA, Jože, DEVJAK, Srečko. Developing a system of indicators for local community results from the developmental planning point of view. Management (Engl. ed.), mar. 2010, vol. 15, no. 54, str. 59-68, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3509678]
5. DEVJAK, Tatjana, BLAŽIČ, Marjan, DEVJAK, Srečko. Teachers' and learners' perspectives on factors influencing the implementation of the citizenship and homeland education and ethics subject in primary school. Odgojne znan., 2009, vol. 11, no. 2, str. 7-26. [COBISS.SI-ID 8270153]
6. DEVJAK, Srečko, DEVJAK, Tatjana. Prava deteta prilikom uvođenja posebnih pedagoških principa u predškolsko vaspitanje. Prav. život, 2009, letn. 58, št. 11, str. 67-74. [COBISS.SI-ID 8126025]
7. DEVJAK, Srečko, MONTE, Ana, FERNANDES, Paula, ALVES, Jorge, RIBEIRO, Nuno. Financial indicators for municipalities : a quantitative analysis. Rev. enfoques (Santiago), 2009, vol. 7, nú. 11, str. 277-304, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3385518]
8. DRAKULIĆ, Mirjana, DEVJAK, Srečko, BRAČEK, Alenka. Joint programmes of public administration as an answer to external pressures : case study of a joint master programme: Management in administration. Prav. život, 2007, let. 56, št. 10, str. 677-689. [COBISS.SI-ID 2849966]
9. DEVJAK, Srečko, TIŠLER, Vesna. Cluster analysis of terpenes from spruce needles. Wood research, 2005, vol. 50, no. 2, str. 49-58. [COBISS.SI-ID 1311625]
10. DEVJAK, Srečko, TIŠLER, Vesna. Empirical model of wood staining by tannin-based stains. Drev. výsk., 2003, vol. 47, no. 3, str. 27-38. [COBISS.SI-ID 1011849]
11. DEVJAK, Srečko. Benchmarking pri proračunski uspešnosti občine. Javna uprava, 2003, let. 39, št. 4, str. 467-487, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1842350]
12. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Koncepcija i razvojni program sistema pokazatelja budžetskog poslovanja u slovenačkim opštinama. Management (Beogr.), 2003, let. 7, št. 32, str. 58-65, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1898414]
13. DEVJAK, Srečko. Razvoj proračunskog procesa te uvođenje kontrolinga u slovenskim općinama. Financ. teor. prasa, 2002, let. 26, št. 3, str. 615-629, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1420462]
14. DEVJAK, Srečko. Optimizacijski model poslovnega sistema kot metodološka podlaga uravnoteženemu sistemu kazalnikov poslovanja. Uporab. inform. (Ljubl.), jan./feb./mar. 2002, letn. 10, št. 1, str. 30-38, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 12632294]
15. DEVJAK, Srečko, MILUNOVIČ, Vilma. Spremljanje uspešnosti izvajanja nalog občine in računovodski izkazi. Javna uprava, 2001, let. 37, št. 1, str. 7-30, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1223854]
16. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Kazalniki uspešnosti javnega sektorja. Naše gospod., 2001, letn. 47, št. 1/2, str. 104-115, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1223598]
17. DEVJAK, Srečko. Zakon o javnem financiranju in možnosti uvajanja controllinga v občini. Zbornik znanstvenih razprav ..., 2001, str. 11-25. [COBISS.SI-ID 1192878]
18. DEVJAK, Srečko. Regionalni razvojni program kot dejavnik razvojnega planiranja občine v Sloveniji. Zbornik znanstvenih razprav ..., 2001, str. 189-210, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1272750]
19. TIŠLER, Vesna, DEVJAK, Srečko, MERZELJ, Franc. Möglichkeiten an Tanningewinnung in Slowenien : Auswahl der Standorte mittels Clusteranalyse und Beschreibung eines halbindustriellen Exstraktionsverfahrens. Holzforsch. Holzverwert., 1998, jg. 50, nr. 1, str. 11-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 173961]
20. DEVJAK, Srečko. Model optimizacije proračuna občine. Zbornik znanstvenih razprav ..., 1998, str. 195-297, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1013934]
21. DEVJAK, Srečko, MERZELJ, Franc. Methodologische Grundlagen für die Steuerung eines optimalen Rundholzeinschnitts = Metodološke osnove za vođenje optimalnog postupka piljenja trupaca. Drv. ind., 1997, vol. 48, nu. 3, str. 129-136. [COBISS.SI-ID 343177]
22. DEVJAK, Srečko, TIŠLER, Vesna, PIRKMAIER, Saša. Application of linear program in developing tannin-based adhesives used for fiberboards. For. prod. j., 1997, str. 1-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 139401]
23. DEVJAK, Srečko. Analiza uvoza in izvoza lesa in lesnih proizvodov Slovenije z metodo cluster analize = Cluster analysis of import and export of Slovenian timber and wood products. Les (Ljublj.), junij 1997, let. 49, št. 6, str. 165-170. [COBISS.SI-ID 108937]
24. TIŠLER, Vesna, DEVJAK, Srečko. Optimierung der Pentosangewinnung durch Acetolyse von Kastanienabsud. Drev. výsk., 1996, let. 41, št. 3, str. 11-22. [COBISS.SI-ID 32137]
25. DEVJAK, Srečko, MERZELJ, Franc, TRATNIK, Mirko. Gospodarjenje z manjvrednim lesom = The managing of the timber of little value. Zb. gozd. lesar., 1993, št. 42, str. 263-285. [COBISS.SI-ID 42889984]
1.06 Published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)
33. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Development program of designing and distributing the performance indicators of the municipality`s efficiency - an experience from Slovenia. V: Theoretical and practical aspects of public finance : the eighth international conference, April 12-13, 2002. Praga: [s. n.], 2002, str. 102-116, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1327534]
34. PEČEK, Bojan, DEVJAK, Srečko. Model of tracing the internal efficiency of the processes in the public administration. V: Theoretical and practical aspects of public finance : the eighth international conference, April 12-13, 2002. Praga: [s. n.], 2002, str. 367-376, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1328046]
35. DEVJAK, Srečko, MERZELJ, Franc. Rundholzsortierung bei der Einschnittoptimierung. V: HORSKÝ, Dionýz (ur.). Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Les-drevo-životné prostredie '97, Zvolen 8.-11.september 1997 : sekcia č. 6: Technológia spracovania dreva a využitie dreva v komplexnom interiéri : zborník : working group No. 6: Technology of woodprocessing and utilization of wood in complex interior. Zvolen: Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 1997, str. 243-248. [COBISS.SI-ID 155273]
1.07 Published professional conference contribution (invited lecture)
36. DEVJAK, Srečko, TIŠLER, Vesna. Ausgangspunkte für Fichtenrindenextraktionsoptimierung (Picea abies Karst.). V: STARK, Magdolna (ur.). Current economic questions in forestry and wood industry. Sopron: Department of Forestry Policy and Economics University of Sopron, 1998, str. 81-85. [COBISS.SI-ID 178569]
37. DEVJAK, Srečko, MERZELJ, Franc. Einführung von Kennzahlen bei der Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen Rundholzeinschnittoptimierung. V: STARK, Magdolna (ur.). Current economic questions in forestry and wood industry. Sopron: Department of Forestry Policy and Economics University of Sopron, 1998, str. 91-96. [COBISS.SI-ID 178313]
1.16 Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph
113. DEVJAK, Srečko, BENČINA, Jože. Merjenje učinkovitosti v javnem sektorju, primer mreže slovenskih javnih bolnišnic. V: VINTAR, Mirko (ur.), KLUN, Maja (ur.), KUHELJ, Alenka (ur.). Primerjalni pogled na delovanje izbranih področij javnega sektorja v Sloveniji, (Upravna misel). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za upravo, 2012, str. 85-110, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3805102]
114. DEVJAK, Srečko. Implementation of water transportation indicators into the system of local community indicators. V: BIANCHI, Massimo (ur.). Bacini territoriali e bacini culturali nello sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese : modelli ed esperienze interdisciplinari per lo sviluppo sostenibile dei paesi in transizione. Cesena: Il Ponte vecchio, cop. 2010, str. 61-69. [COBISS.SI-ID 3525294]
115. DEVJAK, Tatjana, DEVJAK, Srečko. Play and movement in the preschool child. V: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T. (ur.). Issues on education and research. Volume 2. Athens: Athens institute for education and research, ATINER, 2010, str. 89-97. [COBISS.SI-ID 8673097]
116. DEVJAK, Srečko, BENČINA, Jože. Transparency of economic accessibility of users in kindergartens in Slovenia. V: PAPANIKOS, Gregory T. (ur.). Issues on education and research. Volume 2. Athens: Athens institute for education and research, ATINER, 2010, str. 253-264. [COBISS.SI-ID 8679497]
117. DEVJAK, Tatjana, BENČINA, Jože, BERČNIK, Sanja, DEVJAK, Srečko, JUG DOŠLER, Anita, LEPIČNIK-VODOPIVEC, Jurka. Pogledi staršev otrok na življenje in delo vrtca. V: DEVJAK, Tatjana (ur.), BATISTIČ-ZOREC, Marcela (ur.), VOGRINC, Janez (ur.), SKUBIC, Darija (ur.), BERČNIK, Sanja (ur.). Pedagoški koncept Reggio Emilia in Kurikulum za vrtce : podobnosti v različnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, 2010, str. 121-172. [COBISS.SI-ID 8501321]
118. CICVARIĆ, Slavica, DRAKULIĆ, Mirjana, DEVJAK, Srečko, FILIPOVIĆ, Vinka, JOKSIMOVIĆ ŽARKIĆ, Nevenka, DAMNJANOVIĆ, Vesna, DRAKULIĆ, Ratimir, NIKODIJEVIĆ, Ana. Public administration relations with media: the case of Serbia. V: VINTAR, Mirko (ur.), PEVCIN, Primož (ur.). Contemporary issues in public policy and administrative organisation in South East Europe, (Administrative thought). Ljubljana: Faculty of Administration, 2009, str. 313-334, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3186350]
119. STARE, Janez, DEVJAK, Srečko. Practical training based on problem-base learning within study of public administration, case Slovenia. V: STUART WOODCOCK, Leslie (ur.). Change and challenge in education. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2008, str. 391-404. [COBISS.SI-ID 3026606]
120. DRAKULIĆ, Mirjana, DEVJAK, Srečko, BRAČEK, Alenka. Development of public administration education and curicullum in South East Europe. V: VINTAR, Mirko (ur.), KOVAČ, Polonca (ur.). Trends in development of public administration in South East Europe, (Upravna misel). Ljubljana: Faculty of Administration; [s. l.]: NISPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe), 2007, str. 232-250, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2879150]
121. DEVJAK, Srečko. Proračunski kazalniki slovenskih občin. V: SETNIKAR-CANKAR, Stanka (ur.), KLUN, Maja (ur.). Značilnosti javnega sektorja v Sloveniji in ugotavljanje njegove učinkovitosti, (Upravna misel). V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za upravo, 2006, str. 103-125, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2507950]
122. PEČEK, Bojan, DEVJAK, Srečko. Use of simulation in administrative procedure. V: BIANCHI, Massimo (ur.), TAMPIERI, Laura (ur.). Life long learning and managerial development in transition countries : cases on strategy, management and performance control. Cesena: Societá Editrice "Il Ponte Vecchio", 2005, str. 21-44, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2321838]
123. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Publishing municipality indicators on the Web. V: BIANCHI, Massimo (ur.), TAMPIERI, Laura (ur.). Life long learning and managerial development in transition countries : cases on strategy, management and performance control. Cesena: Societá Editrice "Il Ponte Vecchio", 2005, str. 45-57, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2322094]
124. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Monitoring efficiency of the public administration. V: ZADNIK STIRN, Lidija (ur.), INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER, Mojca (ur.), FERBAR TRATAR, Liljana (ur.), DROBNE, Samo (ur.). Selected decision support models for production and public policy problems, (SDI-SOR series, no. 3). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo Informatika, Sekcija za operacijske raziskave: = Slovenian Society Informatika, Section of Operational Research, 2005, str. 207-238, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2223790]
125. DEVJAK, Srečko. Benchmarking of Slovene municipalities regarding the financing of pre-shool and primary school education. V: LAZARIDOU, Angeliki (ur.), PAPANIKOS, Gregory T. (ur.), PAPPAS, Nicholas (ur.). Education : concepts and practices. Athens: Institute for Education and Research, 2004, str. 227-236, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2097070]
126. DEVJAK, Srečko, PEČEK, Bojan. Development of the system of performance indicators and increase of the efficiency of municipalities. V: BIANCHI, Massimo (ur.). Enti publici e competitivitá : l`intervento degli Enti publici nella valorizzazione della competitivitá dei sistemi locali : esperienze nazionalli e internazionali, (Universitá in Romagna, 25). Cesena: Il Ponte Vecchio, 2001, str. 113-122, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1226158]
127. DEVJAK, Srečko. Budgetary financing of local self-government in Slovenia. V: Financing local self government : case-studies from Germany, Slovenia and Croatia. Zagreb: Friedrich Ebert
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