EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD Introduction
p. 2-6
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 1 & 2)
p. 7-17
p. 100-101
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 2 & 3)
p. 18-42
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 4 & 5)
p. 43 - 73
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 6 &7)
p. 74-98
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 7 & 8)
p. 82 – 100
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 9)
p. 104-107
EAP Research
Paper Writing, CELPAD
(STEP 10)
p. 108-109 / 1
3, 4, 5
6 & 7
8 & 9
10 & 11
13-14 /
- Introduction to Research Paper Writing.
- Starting requirements and assessments of the Research Paper Writing Skill.
- Starting the audience and purpose of the research paper.
- Explaining the concepts of ‘making an arguments’.
- Differentiating the argumentative mode from others modes of writing.
- To select a topic related to student’s respective Kuliyyah and to list references using APA styles.
- Generating ideas on related issues/problems – orally, by surfing the net and reading.
- Using different approaches to identify possible topics – oral & writing.
- Discussing possible Islamic Perspectives in relation to issues,/problems/topics.
- Listing references using the APA style.
- To gather information from different sources and develop argumentative thesis statement.
- Gathering information from available sources library and the internet.
- Discussing findings on available sources.
- Reporting findings on sources.
- Explaining types of thesis statements.
- Practicing effective argumentative sentence / thesis statement writing.
- Making claims in arguments
- Practicing oral argument with a stated claim in thesis statements.
- To evaluate materials & to be familiar with in-text citation skills (APA style).
- Reading and evaluating written materials.
- Differentiating opinions from facts.
- Recognizing objective writing and emotionally writings.
- Recognizing academic writings and journalist ones.
- Writing :-
- To produce an outline of an argumentative research paper:
- Starting the requirements of an outline.
- Organizing a counter and supporting arguments.
- Selecting relevant academic sources for support and justifications.
- Writing a clear and well structured outline of an argumentative essay for submission.
- To create drafts for an argumentative research paper:
- Demonstrating the use of discourse markers in sentences and paragraphs.
- Demonstrating the use of acknowledging phrases in presenting counter and supporting arguments.
- Demonstrating the use of reporting verbs and nouns in argumentative writing.
- Writing with paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details and concluding sentences.
- Writing coherent argumentative paragraphs and essays.
- Acknowledging the work of other authors by using accurate in-text citations.
- Stating the requirements of the final term paper.
- Organizing parts and functions of research papers according to the required layout format.
- Peer editing the language and techniques used in the argumentative research papers.
- Producing coherent and complete argumentative research term papers.
- Identifying the areas to be tested.
- Identifying appropriate language items and techniques needed in answering examination questions.
- Practice using appropriate phrases, discourse markers and in-text citations techniques in answering past examination papers.
- Practice answering final examination questions within the allocated time.
- Discussing final examination questions and possible answer with lecturers and tutors.
6 / 3
TOTAL OF WEEK / 14 / TOTAL HOURS / 42 / 42
References / Compulsory
Supplementary / Book:
EAP Research Paper Writing, CELPAD.
Online Support:
Leki, I. (1995).Academic Writing. P 20-33
Muhammed Akram A.M. Sa’Adeddin(1997) Muhammas(SAAS):Prophets Amongst Prophets
Rainey, M.C. (2003)Expressions. An introductions
To writing, Reading and Critical Thinking.
Troyka, Lynn, Quitman(2002) Simon and
Schuster handbook for writers.
Wallace, M.J. (1980) Study Skills in English.
Outline Supports: