English IV Syllabus

Course Description

This course is a college-preparatory literature survey that focuses on famous English works, including novels, short stories, poems, and drama. They have been selected for their literary merit and for their place in the historical development of literature. Classroom context readings provide background information about the author, the historical period, and the literary and artistic context of the focused work. Students will gain an understanding of the development of British literature and will practice the skills of close literary analysis through essays, approach papers, and other evaluative assessments.

College/Career Readiness:

As an additional part of the course, students will work towards becoming college/career ready for their future endeavors after high school. Preparatory activities/assessments will be provided for those individuals who are still striving to become CCR. Besides working on COMPASS practice activities, students will also work on Work Keys activities as well. The components of the Work Keys test for career ready students are used by several industries in the area for hiring purposes as well as the United States Armed Forces for advancement opportunities. The components that directly relate to English/Reading are:

Ø  Business Writing

Ø  Locating Information

Ø  Reading for information

***Preparatory websites will be posted on my teacher webpage for further use. The sample questions will be utilized as CCR assessment/extra credit grades throughout the trimester.

Course Objectives:

Ø  To possess a broad knowledge of the history and development of British literature

Ø  To have specific understanding of selected representative texts by major authors of the periods studied

Ø  To have a general understanding of the historical and cultural contexts of the works

Ø  To be able to analyze literary texts and present thoughtfully developed ideal writing

Instructor Information

Ms. Jennifer Craig

BA in English with Teacher Certification (gr. 7-12) (Campbellsville University 1999)

MA in Educational Instructional Leadership (Eastern Kentucky University 2003)

National Board Certification – Adolescent and Young Adult Literature (2008)

Contact Information

Planning: 5th Period


Website: http://www.anderson.kyschools.us/JenniferCraig.aspx

Phone: 502.839.5118

Address: (ACHS) 1 Bearcat Drive

Lawrenceburg, KY 40342

Materials Needed:

2 Inch 3 Ring Binder (You MAY NOT use spiral bound notebooks)…this notebook is for my class only (do not combine with other courses)

6-8 Tab Dividers for: Bellringers and individual time periods

Blue or black pens (No other colors permitted for assignments)

Loose leaf Paper (College Ruled mandatory)


These materials are NOT Optional- Any student having difficulty

Obtaining the materials needs to notify Ms. Craig privately the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL


MLA Handbook (7th Ed)


***These are excellent resources to keep for college papers, assignments, etc.!!!


Students are expected to be in class daily. Tardies will be noted and will be sent to the office. If you already know that you are going to be tardy, go directly to the office for a tardy note. YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO CLASS WITHOUT A NOTE!!! If a student has an excused absence, they have three days upon returning to make up their homework assignments, tests, etc. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to retrieve missed work/notes from the designated bin or their classmates. Students with UNEXCUSED absences will not be permitted to make up missing assignments (with the exception of quizzes and/or exams). For questions refer to the student handbook.


Homework/Unit Material Activities

Tests/Quizzes/Formative Assessments

Pretest/Final Exam


CCR Activities (Practice Tests, learning center activities, etc.)

Bell Ringers/Exit Slips

Class Expectations

1. PROMPT: Students will be on time and be prepared to work when they enter the classroom.

2. PREPARED: Show up mentally AND physically! Students will bring materials to class with them every day: textbook, notebooks, blue or black ink, loose leaf paper. Take care of PERSONAL business between classes. NO STUDENTS WILL BE PERMITTED TO LEAVE CLASS the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. Students MUST have an agenda book to leave the classroom for any reason.

3. POLITE: Students will respond politely to the instructor and to each other. Treat others as you wish to be treated. RESPECT and DIGNITY go a long way in this classroom!!!

4. PARTICIPATE: Students will make every effort to pay attention and stay on task (NO SLEEPING, TEXTING, ETC) Join in with the group. Listen actively: take notes, highlight, underline, and circle… participate!

5. PRODUCE: Complete assignments in and out of class. DO YOUR BEST! Students will complete work on time (late policies will be enforced)

Note from the Instructor:

As young adults I wish to treat you in a professional manner, as though I were your supervisor in a work place. Your education is a team effort and requires your active participation. Your role and my role are BOTH equally important to your success as a student and citizen of the community.

Late Work Policy

All work is expected to be turned in on time. Homework assignments may be submitted late, up to one week following the deadline unless noted otherwise by the instructor. Late assignments will only be worth 50% of the original point value. After one week, assignments will NOT be accepted!!! Major assignments (papers, group projects, culminating activities) will not be accepted after the due date. You will need to make arrangements to have those major assignments turned in by the due date. All in-class assignments are due at the end of the period. If they are not turned in at the end of the period, they will NOT BE ACCEPTED!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!


Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. “Plagiarism refers to a form of cheating that has been defined as ‘the false assumption of authorship; the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind, and presenting it as one’s own. TO use another person’s ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source is to plagiarize. Plagiarism then constitutes intellectual theft.” (MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Fifth Edition, pg. 30) Any plagiarism will cause the student to receive an “F” on the assignment. This is NOT limited to papers, but also carries over to daily assignments/homework/exams/quizzes. Disciplinary action will also be taken according to the ACHS Student Handbook.

English IV Syllabus 2015 - 2016 7

English IV Syllabus 2015 - 2016 7

Course Schedule/Outline

This will be used as a guide for our year, but is subject to change to meet the needs of the class. Please see attached curriculum framework.

Classroom Films

In English IV we are going to watch some films and excerpts of films that are rated PG, PG-13, or R. The purpose of these is to enhance the overall comprehension of the pieces of literature that we will be studying during the course of the trimester. In order for you to be able to watch these films in school, you must provide parental/guardian consent. If your parent does not allow permission, an alternate assignment will be given.

English IV Behavior Syllabus


In order to maintain a positive, productive classroom environment, students are expected to adhere to the following classroom policies and procedures:


1. BE ON TIME!!! Students are expected to be in class daily. Tardies will be noted and will be sent to the office. If you already know that you are going to be tardy, go directly to the office for a tardy note. YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO CLASS WITHOUT A NOTE!!!

2. BE PREPARED!!! Bring all materials to class each day – pen, pencil, binder, etc…Don’t ask to leave the room because you failed to bring your materials! A designated place is established (pink book shelf) if you wish to leave your English IV binder in class.

3. All students will be assigned a seat – If you fail to participate or work due to your surroundings, Ms. Craig will reassign you at her discretion.

4. Students are encouraged to take care of necessary business before arriving to class. Although there is not a set limit of hall passes, abuse of this advantage will result in limited or no hall pass privileges. You will not be allowed to leave the room without your agenda book.

5. Although food and drink are permitted in class, please BE RESPECTFUL and use the proper trash cans to throw away any bottles, etc. when you are finished. Failure to do so could result in the loss of this privilege as well as ants everywhere!

6. All purses or bags are to be kept on the floor or under your desk at all times.

7. Please refrain from personal primping during instructional time.

8. Please take care of all necessary procedures – sharpening your pencil, throwing trash away, etc. without interrupting Ms. Craig and disturbing instructional time.

9. BE POSITIVE/BE RESPECTFUL!!!! Respect Ms. Craig and your classmates. Respect is reflected in the language that we use and the behavior that we choose!!! This basically means be respectful with your words and actions! Profanity, abusive/harassing language, aggressive or degrading behaviors will NOT be tolerated and will result in reduction of participation points and/or disciplinary referrals!!!

10. Please refrain from working on homework assignments for other classes unless you are finished with this class’s assignment and have free time. Please let Ms. Craig know.

11. A weekly schedule for the course will be given to the class each week. Please keep this in your binder and refer to it for important due dates, exam/quiz dates, or in case of an absence.

12. Please turn in all assignments to the appropriate area and retrieve any makeup work from that designated place.

13. We will NOT be utilizing classroom sets of textbooks this year. All materials that you will need will either be in print form or found electronically on my teacher webpage.

***REMEMBER: This is an academic environment; consequently, students are to act accordingly. Any inappropriate acting out or unnecessary talking when someone else is sharing thoughts, etc. will NOT be tolerated. The only appropriate behavior is active listening, positive participation, and a great attitude!!!***


1. All work to be submitted will be placed in the proper area (front desk).

2. Students must come to class ready to submit any work due that day. Any homework assigned should be completed by the due date. Any homework that is not turned in the date it is due will receive a deduction in points (50%). After one week, these assignments will not be accepted! Graded papers will be returned to you in a timely manner. Please allow up to a week for assessments such as quizzes, exams, formal speeches to be graded.

3. Excused/Unexcused Absences: Please refer to your ACHS Student Handbook for the school policy regarding absences and makeup work. This policy will be enforced!

***If you have an absence on the day of a quiz/exam, you may be allowed to make up those assessments either before or after school or during ESS hours. Please talk to Ms. Craig about scheduling a time to do so. Any major projects that have extended due dates will need to be completed and turned in on the designated due date! No exceptions! If you know you are going to be out, make arrangements to email the project or have someone to bring it to the school.

5. Please check on IC or with Ms. Craig before or after class to monitor your grade. There is NO excuse for you not to know how you are doing in this course.

6. ACADEMIC INTREGRITY – Students are to abide by the norms of academic integrity. This means that students are expected to complete their own work and not to plagiarize. Cheating includes the unauthorized copying from the work of another student; using notes or other materials not authorized during exams and quizzes; giving or receiving information or assistance on work when it is expected to come from you; engaging in any similar act that violates the concept of academic integrity. Cheating may occur on an exam, quiz, homework assignment, speech, or any other work submitted by a student to fulfill his/her course requirements.

Plagiarism is representing the words of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. There are several kinds of plagiarism:

  • Copying word for word or incompletely paraphrasing a phrase, sentence, group of phrases, group of sentences, or entire paragraphs from another source without crediting that source. This kind of plagiarism can be quantified as the copying, at a minimum, of six words or more in a row, including a, an, and the, from another source without citing the source.
  • Giving a speech or submitting a paper, poster, project, or any other assignment that has been written completely or partially by someone else.
  • Cutting and pasting material found on the Internet or in other electronic databases into one’s own paper, oral presentation, poster, project or other assignment without crediting the source.
  • Downloading entire texts and presenting them as one’s own work.
  • Presenting ideas from another source as one’s own original thoughts. These can be ideas taken from textual sources or from famous speeches, lectures, television programs, songs, or other forms of oral language.
  • Improperly citing sources with the intent of misleading the reader (i.e., making up citations) as to the source of the information presented.

***Cheating and plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment, disciplinary referral, and parent contact. Repeated plagiarism could ultimately result in further disciplinary or academic consequences!!!***


1.  STUDENT HANDBOOK – All rules and regulations outlined in the Anderson County High School Student Handbook (including electronic device use, dress code, tobacco use, PDA, etc.) will be enforced in this classroom.

2.  ELECTRONIC DEVICE USAGE – Students are permitted to use personal electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, I Pads, tablets, etc.) at lunch, during class change, and in the classroom for INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!! Please be responsible about this matter. Avoid disciplinary consequences by not taking advantage of this privilege. Unless direct instruction for electronic use has been provided by Ms. Craig during instructional directions, please refer to the technology poster at the front of the room as to when you can/cannot use electronic devices.