Volunteer Florida Foundation

Florida Disaster Fund

Request for Proposals


Proposals Due 12:00 PM(noon) EDT, September 17, 2014

Please submit by as an email attachment to:

For questions please contact Merrilee White at 850-414-7400 x 119 or

Volunteer Florida Foundation

Florida Disaster Fund

The Volunteer Florida Foundation is pleased to invite funding proposals to meet a community’s disaster-related needs resulting fromthe 2014Spring Floods (DR-4177-FL). Total funding available for this RFP is $250,000.


The mission of the FloridaDisaster Fund, a program and resource of the nonprofit Volunteer Florida Foundation, is to provide financial assistance to organizations supporting needs within a disaster impacted community.


The Florida Disaster Fund was established in 2004 to assist with needs unmet by other disaster relief organizations following a disaster. The Florida Disaster Fund (FDF) is administered by the Volunteer FloridaFoundation for the State of Florida. Since its inception, the Florida Disaster Fund has received almost $27 million in private contributions allocated to more than 300 nonprofit organizations working on long-term recovery across Florida’s disaster-impacted communities.


The purpose of this RFP is to make available financial resources to support survivor recovery in communities that were impacted by the 2014 Spring Flood and that received a federal declaration for Individual Assistance (DR-4177-FL).


Eligible applicants must be:

  • A long-term recovery, faith-based or community organization that maintains a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, and is participating in an existing or developing long-term recovery committee or organization.
  • Providing disaster recovery assistance and services in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton or Jackson Counties in response to the 2014 Spring Floods (DR-4177-FL).
  • Participating in shared case management system(s) to avoid duplication of benefits and for tracking and reporting purposes.
  • Serving clients that meet eligibility criteria: proof of disaster-related needs caused by the 2014 Spring Floods (DR-4177-FL), proof of residency and ownership of any disaster damaged dwelling, proof of income, insurance payment statements, documentation through a local information sharing system (Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN) or other system, as available) of all resources provided for disaster assistance, and willingness to sign all required agreements for release of information and data sharing.
  • Have a system in place for the utilization and support of volunteers.


Proposals will be scored on a 51 point scale based on the components outlined in the Proposal Submission section below. Volunteer Florida Foundation may conduct clarifying interviews in person or through conference calls prior to final approval. A copy of the Proposal Review Form and scoring elements is included in the Appendix as Attachment A.


Florida Disaster Fund resources may only be used to support survivor recovery.Funds may be used for, but are not limited to,home repair/rebuilding, replacement of household goods, staffing, volunteer support, and office supplies. Reimbursement will be limited to expenses in the program budget approved by the Volunteer Florida Foundation. Expenses that are not allowed include repairs or enhancements to applicant facilities resulting from the 2014 Spring Flood.


Upon proposal approval, the term of this award shall commence with receipt of a signed original contract by Volunteer Florida Foundation and shall expire one year from that date. Requests for no-cost extensions may be submitted for consideration. If approved, an addendum to the original contract shall be drawn with new terms superseding only the funding period and no other terms or requirements set forth in the Request for Proposal or Contract.


Up to 50% of a funding award may be made available upon execution of contract. If an advance on the awarded amount is needed, applicant must submit the Request for Advance Payment form with the proposal. Payments thereafter will be made on a cost reimbursement basis. A copy of this form is included in the Appendix as Attachment B.


Monthly financial reports with an Invoice and accompanying receipts must be submitted by the 15th of each month to the Volunteer Florida Foundation. A copy of the reporting format has been included in the Appendix as Attachment C.

Quarterly services reports with accompanying documentation, photos, and letters of testimony and/or appreciation must be submitted to the Volunteer Florida Foundation by the 15th of each month following the end of a calendar quarter. A copy of the reporting format has been included in the Appendix as Attachment D.


All proposals must be received by 12:00 PM (noon) EDT, Wednesday, September 17, 2014.

Submit via email to:


Proposals conforming to the project requirements must be typed in 12 point Arialfont, double spaced, using the pages and forms provided within this RFP,with no staples or binding. Proposals must include all items listed below. Incomplete proposals may not be considered.

  • Cover Page – Be sure to include a signature by an authorized representative of your organization.
  • Narrative
  • Executive Summary (1 page maximum) – The Executive Summary should provide a brief overview of applicant’s project and how applicant meets the eligible applicant requirements.
  • Project Description (8 pages maximum) – Explain:
  • The impact of the disaster on the community
  • The proposed use(s) of funding
  • Description of walk-in services, if applicable, including locations, hours of operation, number of staff and their roles in providing services
  • Other proposed services to be provided, the target population and demographics, anticipated number of clients to be served, eligibility criteria
  • Description of marketing strategies to reach community
  • Description of pursuit of additional funding support
  • Description of mechanisms in place to avoid duplication of benefits/services
  • Description of system to utilize, support and track volunteer assistance
  • Organizational Capacity and Community Collaboration (3 pages maximum)–Use this sectionto provide:
  • Description of system of accountability, staff credentials and the ability to track per client costs
  • Description of collaboration with local groups and the leveraging of FDF resources
  • Budget–As you prepare your budget:
  • Itemize each cost.
  • All the amounts you request must be defined for a particular purpose. Do not include miscellaneous, contingency, or other undefined budget amounts.
  • Do not include unallowable expenses, e.g., entertainment costs (which include food and beverage costs) unless they are justified as an essential component of an activity.
  • Do not include fractional amounts (cents).

Budgets may include costs for:

  • Personnel - Include expense for employees whose activities directly relate to the project. List each staff position separately and provide position description, salary, FTE of each employee and percentage of effort devoted to this award. Each staff person’s role listed in the budget must be described in the narrative.
  • Fringe Benefits - Identify the types of fringe benefits to be covered and the costs of benefit(s) for each staff position. Unless exempt by the IRS with accompanying documentation (note in the narrative and provide documentation with application), all projects must pay FICA for all personnel, even when the organization does not supply the personnel expense. Other allowable fringe benefits typically include Worker’s Compensation, Retirement, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Health and Life Insurance. List each benefit as a separate item. Holidays, leave, and other similar vacation benefits are not included in the fringe benefit rates but are absorbed into the personnel expenses (salary) budget line item.
  • Contractual Fees: Include costs for consultants related to the project’s operations. Maximum reimbursement rate per day is $750.
  • Travel: Describe the purpose for which staff member(s) will travel. Provide a calculation to include itemized costs for airfare, transportation, lodging, per diem, and other travel-related expenses multiplied by the number of trips/staff. Applicants must adhere to the State of Florida mileage per diem and meal rates. State mileage reimbursement rate is $0.445 per mile.
  • All costs must be itemized. Costs associated with transportation, lodging and other expenses for staff travel that comply with Florida Statute 112.061.
  • Equipment (list all items over $250) Please be very detailed in this section and describe the equipment being purchased and the intended use.
  • Supplies (include supplies, equipment (less than $250) and materials needed to operate the project. Include expenses for supplies, equipment (less than $1,000) and materials needed to operate the program. Single items over $100 should be listed individually in the budget narrative.
  • Construction Materials – Include expenses for construction materials needed for repair/rebuild project(s).
  • License/Permit Fees – Include license/permit fees associated with the project(s).
  • Other Operating Costs – Allowable costs in this budget category includebut are not limited to background checks, staff identification and office space. (If space is budgeted and it is shared with other projects or activities, the costs must be equitably pro-rated and allocated between the activities or projects.)
  • Budget Narrative – Use this section to describe the adequacy of your budget to support your project design and activities. After each item description, present the basis for each calculation in the form of an equation.
  • List of the Applicant’s Board of Directors and the name of the organization each director represents
  • Organizational Chart
  • A copy of the Applicant’s 501(c)(3) determination letter or that of the applicant’s fiscal agent, if applicable
  • Most recent audit or board approved financial statement
  • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) - A copy of the applicant’s or that of the applicant’s fiscal agent
  • Two Letters of Support printed and signed on letterhead and detailing descriptions of any cash or in-kind match to support applicant’s project


For additional information about this Request for Proposal, please contact Merrilee White:

Phone: 850-414-7400 x 119


Florida Disaster Fund Proposal

Cover Page

Complete and returnProposal by email to

by12:00 PM (noon) EDT, Wednesday, September 17, 2014

(Note: Incomplete proposalsor proposalssubmitted after the deadline may NOT be accepted or reviewed.)


Name of Organization:
Program Name:
Program Address:
Mailing Address:
Executive Director / CEO Name:
ED / CEO Phone #:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Phone #: / Fax #:
Email Address:
Website Address:

To the best of my knowledge, the data in this proposal is true and correct and the governing body of the applicant has duly authorized the enclosed documents. I understand that incomplete proposals or proposals submitted after the deadline may not be accepted or reviewed.

By signing below, the undersigned acknowledges having read and understood the disaster program guidelines and will be able to fully comply with the provisions of these guidelines as well as any and all additional applicable federal, state and local requirements, including procurement and financial management. Applicant also acknowledges that if a funding recommendation is made for less than the full amount applied for, additional documentation to include but not limited to a revised budget, scope of work and proposed accomplishments may be requested prior to final funding determinations.

Authorized Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______Title: ______

Submit proposal via email to by 12:00 PM (noon) EDT, Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Florida Disaster Fund Proposal


Executive Summary (expand the space below to one pagemaximum)

The Executive Summary should provide a brief overview of applicant’s project and how applicant meets eligible applicant requirements.

Project Description (expand the space for the following 8 elements to 8 pages maximum)

  1. Please describe the overall impact of the disaster on your community.
  1. Please describe the proposed use of disaster funds (e.g., temporary expansion of services, home repairs, volunteer support etc).
  1. If funds will be used for walk-in services to client(s), describe the plan for staffing the project, proposed service locations, hours of operation, number of staff available and staff roles/responsibilities/job descriptions:
  1. Describe other proposed services to be provided, target population and demographics, proposed number of clients to be served, program activities/services, verification of client documentation, the leveraging of all resources for client assistance, and client eligibility criteria:
  1. Describe how you will market your services to ensure project awareness in the entire community:
  1. Describe pursuit of additional funding support and please list the source, amount requested and whether each request is approved, denied or pending:
  1. Describe the mechanisms you are using to avoid duplication of benefits/services:
  1. Describe your system to utilize and support volunteer assistance and track their hours of service:

Organizational Capacity and Community Collaboration (expand the space for the following 2 elements to 3 pages maximum)

  1. Describe your accounting practices, staff credentials, and ability to track per client costs:
  1. List other disaster organizations and/or local, state, or federal organizations involved in this project and explain how your organization is coordinating/collaborating with each to leverage FDF resources:

Florida Disaster Fund Proposal


Item (Add extra or delete unused rows, as needed) / Cost / Subtotals / Total
Personnel(if applicable)
Fringe Benefits(if applicable, not to exceed 21%)
Contractual Fees
Travel(in compliance with F.S. 112.061)
Equipment (list all items over $250, items over $1,000 are not allowed)
Supplies(office and project supplies costing less than $250)
Construction Materials
License / Permit Fees
Other Operating Costs
Match (not required)

Florida Disaster Fund Proposal

Budget Narrative

Budget Narrative (expand the space below to 3 pages maximum) - Should provide a detailed explanation of costs in each line item, including budgeted match. Use this section to describe the adequacy of your budget to support your project design and activities. After each item description, present the basis for each calculation in the form of an equation.


Executive Director, Board President or Authorized AgentDate

Please sign, scan and email this proposal to .

Please be sure to include all documents requested on the attached checklist and submit them by 12:00 PM (noon) EDT, September 17, 2014.

A timeline for the RFP, to include a technical assistance call, is included in the Appendix as Attachment E.

For your reference and guidance, a copy of the Proposal Review Form is included in the Appendix as Attachment B.




□ Cover Page

□Narrative (Applicant Information, Executive Summary, Project Description, Organizational Capacity and Community Collaboration)

□ Budget

□Budget Narrative

□List of Board of Directors and the name of the organization each director represents

□Applicant’sOrganizational Chart

□A copy of your 501(c)(3) certification or that of your fiscal agent.

□A copy of your most recent independent audit or Board approved financial statement.

□ A copy of your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and copy of tax-exempt

certificate or those of your fiscal agent. A fiscal agent is another organization that is eligible to receive

funds from the Volunteer Florida Disaster Fund and agrees to be responsible for fiscal management,

oversight and reporting of the funds awarded to the applicant.

□Two Letters of Support printed signed on letterhead detailing cash or in-kind support.

Audited financial statements must be for the local organization applying for funds or its fiscal agent. The statement provided must be from the most recent fiscal year.

Volunteer Florida Foundation

Florida Disaster Fund


Attachment B

Request for Advance Payment

This form should be submitted only if an advance on the approved award is needed to accomplish program goals in the first 90 days, and must be submitted with applicant’s proposal. A maximum of 50% of the approved award will be made available upon contract execution and approval of applicant’s justification for the advance.

Applicant must provide a detailed justification of the need for the cash advance. Attach supporting documentation, including quotes for purchases, delivery timelines, salary and expense projections, etc., which clearly demonstrates the need to expend funds in the first 90 days.

All receipts and other documentation of expenditures of the amount advanced must be submitted to the Volunteer Florida Foundation within 90 days of contract execution. No additional reimbursements will be made until all advance funds have been accounted for or returned. Unused advance funds may be retained and applied to subsequent requests for reimbursement, with appropriate documentation for all expenses. All unused funds must be returned within 15 days after the end of the grant period.

Amount of Advance Requested: _$______

Budget category/Line Item / Explanation / Amount
(Example) Volunteer Support / (EXAMPLE: Need to purchase personal protective equipment for volunteers working in mold environments.)
Total Advance Requested


Quarterly Financial Report / Invoice (Sample)

Grantee or Fiscal Agent Name:
Disaster Name / FEMA #:
Invoice Date:
Item (Add extra or delete unused rows, as needed) / Cost / Subtotals / Total
Fringe Benefits
Contractual Fees
Equipment (list all items over $250)
Construction Materials
License / Permit Fees
Other Operating Costs

Quarterly Financial Report / Invoice (Sample)