15th Biennial ISSWOV Conference
July 3 – 6, 2016 v Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Abstract Submission Date: December 5, 2015
Conference Theme:
“Values – An Organizational Resource”
Dear Colleagues,
The 2016 ISSWOV Conference will be hosted by FUMEC University in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Past ISSWOV meetings were held in Europe, Asia, and North America. With this meeting, ISSWOV moves to vibrant South America.
Changes in the last few years have seen a resurgence of some nations and jostling for space by some others. Nations that conquered the world in the early days of urban civilization are struggling to maintain sovereignty, and other industrial powers that shall have factories of the world are moving together to become a force to reckon with. Some of these events are being termed as critical that may have power to change the world as we look at right now. As we look around, the last decade has been quite interesting. We have witnessed several critical moments that changed the world.
Critical events raise important questions. For example, how do we really sustain in times of turmoil? The world moves very fast. Organizational landscape across practice, academia, not for profit sectors is witnessing faster changes. Though the world comes together on a palm-sized screen, connections are still sought. Some connections such as ISSWOV go deeper, last longer and energize us.
ISSWOV by its nature has been quite different. It acknowledges traditions and still desires to move forward. Past ISSWOV conferences acknowledged changes that happened around us. Themes of various conferences highlight contemporary thoughts. This time we continue the tradition, yet take a pause to reflect.
In order to sustain over a period of time, we need to find out what has held us together. How is it that we had success and continuity, and still we yearn for more? What has been driving us? Is the goal an end in itself, or another milestone that pushes us harder and faster towards personal or professional satisfaction?
Institutions that have withstood the test of time were arguably clear about what they stood for. Organizations were places for concerted action. Scientific inquiry was primarily to aid discovery because there was joy in it. Valuation seems to have overshadowed the core values. This year we argue that values are the critical organizational resource that needs to be understood. It is time to argue for finding out the synchronization between what we began for and what we ended with. We need to once again highlight the importance of “the core” and the power associated with it. Alignment of core with other actions needs to be brought back in order to ensure sustainability at various levels.
Pause and reflection pose unique challenges in a fast paced world. We hope that collectively we shall be able to find some answers. The next logical step is to start addressing such issues in our respective fields.
Keeping with ISSWOV tradition, we shall welcome submissions on (but not limited to) ethics, sustainability of organizations and their systems, leadership, work-family conflict, cross-cultural perspectives, motivation, human resource management, diversity management, corporate governance, organizational culture, and organizational change & development. Submissions may be in the form of oral presentation, poster presentation, or symposium. Yet another tradition of ISSWOV has been to connect with publication outlets. Submitted texts will be considered for publication in a book or in special issues of leading journals.
We invite you to come to Brazil and contribute towards better understanding of “Values – An Organizational Resource”.
Abhishek Goel Maaja T. Vadi
Chair – Scientific Committee President - ISSWOV
Abstract Submission: November 25, 2015
Notification of acceptance: December 24, 2015
Submission of full papers for Conference Proceedings: March 15, 2016
(see our website for guidelines):
1. First, submit an abstract describing your presentation. The submission should include: title, name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, and an abstract for oral and poster presentations (250 words) or symposium presentations (150 words for the objective(s) of the symposium, and 250 words for each paper in the symposium).
2. Each submission must be accompanied by the Abstract Submission Form (attached). Send all submissions as email attachments to .
3. The subject of the email message should be ISSWOV 2016_FAMILY NAME OF THE AUTHOR OR NAMES OF TWO FIRST AUTHORS.
· For example, ISSWOV 2016_SMITH, or ISSWOV 2016_SMITH_WELLS. Please name the file of abstract in the same manner (For example, ISSWOV 2016_SMITH, or ISSWOV 2016_SMITH_WELLS).
4. Send your files in .doc or .docx format only.
Authors of accepted submissions will then be asked to complete the registration form (which will be available on the ISSWOV website) and invited to submit a full paper for the proceedings if they so choose. In case of multiple authors, only the submitting author will be notified. The latter is responsible for notifying his or her co-authors.
Once your submission has been accepted for presentation, you must register for the conference in order to present. Your presentation time and program schedule will be emailed to you prior to the conference.
A. Oral and Poster Presentations
Abstracts should be submitted as an attachment in Word prepared in the following format.
Title of the Paper or Poster (centered, boldface)
Full Name of Author(s)
(Put an asterisk * beside the presenting author)
Affiliation of Author(s)
Mailing Address of Author(s)
Telephone, Fax and email address of Author(s)
· Use title case (i.e., the first letter of a word should be capitalized but not propositions and conjunctions, as in the examples above).
· Do not submit names in capital letters.
· The structured abstract should be 250 – 500 words. It should be single spaced, with 1” margins on all sides.
· The structured abstract must include the following about your paper
1. Objective(s) of the study/paper and its originality
What is the purpose of the paper? What are the reason(s) for writing the paper or the aims of the research? What is the original contribution of the paper?
2. Design/Methodology/Approach
How are objectives reached? Be sure to discuss the main method(s). Include the sample characteristics, if appropriate. What is the approach to the topic?
3. Key Findings
What did you find out during the process of the project? This will include the results.
4. Discussion.
What are the research implications/limitations? Suggestions for future research? What are the theoretical implications? What are the practical implications?
· Each email should contain one submission.
· Each submission must be accompanied by an Abstract Submission Form.
B. Symposium Presentations
Proposals should be submitted as an attachment in Word prepared in the following format.
Cover Page
Title of the Symposium (centered, boldface)
Full Name of Symposium Chair(s) / Organizer(s)
Affiliation of Symposium Chair(s) / Organizer(s)
Mailing Address of Symposium Chair(s) / Organizer(s)
Telephone, Fax and e-mail address of Symposium Chair(s) / Organizer(s)
o Use title case (i.e., the first letter of a word should be capitalized but not propositions and conjunctions, as in the examples above).
o Do not submit names in capital letters.
o The abstract overview should be 150 words. It should be single spaced, with 1” margins on all sides.
o The abstract overview should include the objective(s) of the symposium.
o There may be 3 or 4 papers in a Symposium.
o Each email should contain one submission.
o Each submission must be accompanied with an Abstract Submission Form.
For Papers in the Symposium (up to 4; each on a separate page)
Title of the Paper (centered, boldface)
Full Name of Author(s)
(Put an asterisk * beside the presenting author)
Affiliation of Author(s)
Mailing Address of Author(s)
Telephone, Fax and email address of Author(s)
o Use title case (i.e., the first letter of a word should be capitalized but not propositions and conjunctions, as in the examples above).
o Do not submit names in capital letters.
o The structured abstract should be 250 - 500 words. It should be single spaced, with 1” margins on all sides.
o The structured abstract must include following fields about your paper: (1) objective(s) of the study / paper, (2) design/methodology/approach, (3) key findings, and, (4) discussion.
President / Maaja Vadi /Scientific Committee Chair / Abhishek Goel /
Organizing Committee Chair / Mario Texeira Reis Neto /
Secretary - Treasurer / Sanjay T. Menon /
Vice President - Development / Zehava Rosenblatt /
Organizing Committee – ISSWOV 2016
Mario Teixeira Reis Neto - FUMEC, Brazil (Chair – Organizing Committee)
Cid Gonçalves Filho - FUMEC, Brazil
Zélia Miranda Kilimnik - FUMEC, Brazil
Scientific Committee (Updated on August 6, 2015)
Name / AffiliationArciniega, Luis / ITAM, Mexico
Baba, Vishwanath / McMaster Univeristy, Canada
Borg, Ingwer / GESIS - Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
Borrero, Silvio Cardas / ICESI University, Cali, Colombia
Cesario, Francisco J. / Universidade, Europeia, Portugal
Coelho, Joaquim J. V. Pinto / Lusiada University, Lisbon, Portugal
Dolan, Simon / ESADE, Barcelona, Spain
Elizur, Dov / Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Galperin, Bella / Univeristy of Tampa, Florida, USA
Goel, Abhishek / Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India
Gomes, Jorge / ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal
Jaga, Ameeta / University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jeunon, Ester Eliane / Faculty of Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil
Koslowsky, Meni / Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Kumar, Rajiv / Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India
Manchola, I.D. Sanchez / ICESI University, Cali, Colombia
Menon, Sanjay / University of Louisiana, Shreveport, USA
Mishra, Sushanta K. / Indian Institute of Management Indore, India
Nambudiri, Ranjeet N. / Indian Institute of Management Indore, India
Neto, Mario Texeira Reis / FUMEC, Brazil
Reizer, Abira / Ariel University, Israel
Sages, Roger B. / Lund University, Sweden
Srivastava, B. N. / Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India
Stashevsky, Shmuel / Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Vadi, Maaja / University of Tartu, Estonia
Woehr, David / University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Zidermann, Adrian / Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Abstract Submission Form (Word format)
Abstract Title ______
Three key words describing your abstract
1. ______2. ______3. ______
Submitting Author
Last Name ______First Name ______
Institution ______Department______
Mailing Address ______
City ______State /Province ______Zip/Postal Code ______
Country ______
Telephone ______Email Address ______
Presenting Author
Last Name ______First Name ______
First author
Last Name ______First Name ______
Second author
Last Name ______First Name ______
Third author
Last Name ______First Name ______
Type of submission (choose “a” or “b” below)
a) Oral/ Poster Preferred Type of Presentation: ______Oral ______Poster
If Oral, would you be willing to present it as a Poster? ____ Yes ____ No
b) ______Symposium
Would you like your paper to be considered for the Rami Sagie New Scholar Award? (see for more information and guidelines)
______Yes ___No
Declaration (Please type or sign your name below.)
I understand that even if my submission is accepted, it will not be included in the conference program unless at least one author registers for the conference.
The Rami Sagie New Scholar Award
The “Rami Sagie New Scholar Award” is in memory of Dr. Abraham (Rami) Sagie (1947-2003).
The award will consist of a cash prize of $750 (USD).
The award will be administered by the ISSWOV Awards Chair and conferred at the ISSWOV conference.
The objectives of the award are:
1) To promote and recognize excellence in research in the study of work and organizational values among individuals who have recently completed their doctoral training.
2) To provide greater visibility to new scholars among their academic and professional peers.
Any competitive single authored paper submitted by anyone who has obtained his or her doctoral degree within five (5) years of the conference date is eligible. For the ISSWOV 2016 Conference, a person is eligible if he/she has obtained the doctoral degree between August 1, 2011 and June 30, 2016.
1) Interested individuals are required to submit a full paper in line with the ISSWOV requirements for competitive papers.
2) A cover letter should indicate the exact date the dissertation was defended, the institution which awarded the doctoral degree and the names and affiliations of the doctoral committee.
3) The paper should be sent to the ISSWOV Scientific Committee Chair in electronic format by the full paper submission deadline for the ISSWOV 2016 Conference: March 15, 2016.
4) Nominations to the Award Committee will be made by the Chair of the Scientific Committee based on independent review of the eligible papers.
5) The decision will be made by the Awards Chair based on independent evaluation of the recommended manuscripts by an independent awards review panel appointed by the Awards Chair.
6) The award winning paper will be presented at the ISSWOV conference where the New Scholar will receive the award.
For more details on Ramie Sagie and this award, please refer to