TWS Certification Course Checksheet
1. Biological Sciences (36) Check if Taken
A. Wildlife Management (6 Hours Required)
WB 250 (Principles of Wildlife Management) (3) _____
WB 350 (Wildlife Management Techniques) (4) _____
WB 450 (Wildlife Habitat Management) (4) _____
B. Wildlife Biology (6 Hours Required)
Biol 140 (Intro Plant and Animal Biology) (2 of 4) _____
Biol 412 (Wildlife Biology Seminar) (1) _____
Zool 319 (Mammalogy) (3) _____
Zool 320 (Ichthyology) (3) _____
Zool 321 (Ornithology) (3) _____
Zool 322 (Herpetology) (3) _____
(1 of above 4 Zoology courses)
C. Ecology (3 Hours Required)
Zool 441 (Animal Ecology) (3) _____
D. Zoology (9 Hours Required)
An Sci 360 (Breeding & Improvement of Farm Animals & Poultry) _____
Bio 336 (Introduction to Genetics) _____
Zool 319 (Mammalogy) (3) _____
Zool 320 (Ichthyology) (3) _____
Zool 321 (Ornithology) (3) _____
Zool 322 (Herpetology) (3) _____
(2 of above 4 Zoology courses)
E. Botany (9 Hours Required)
Bot 303 (Plant Taxonomy) (3) _____
Bot 431 (Plant Ecology) (3) _____
Pl Sci 341 (Dendrology) (3) _____
2. Physical Sciences (9 Hours Required)
Chem 111 (General Chemistry) (4) _____
Chem 112 (General Chemistry) (4) _____
Soil Sci 210 (Soil Science) (4) _____
3. Quantitative Sciences (9 Hours Required)
A. Basic Statistics (3)
Math 210 (Elementary Statistics and Probability) (3) _____
B. Quantitative Sciences (6)
Math 160 (Calculus for Business and Life Sciences) (3) _____
AgET 220 (Surveying and Soil and Water Engineering (1 of 3) _____
NRM 430 (Natural Resources Research (2 of 3) _____
4. Humanities and Social Sciences (9 Hours Required)
3-Hour Humanities or Social Science Elective _____
3-Hour Humanities or Social Science Elective _____
3-Hour Humanities or Social Science Elective _____
5. Communications (12 Hours Required)
Eng 111 (English Composition) (3) _____
Eng 112 (English Composition) (3) _____
Comm 230 (Public Speaking) (3) _____
NRM 210 (Mediating Environmental Conflict) (3) _____
6. Policy, Administration, and Law (6 Hours Required)
Ag Econ 325 (Agriculture & Natural Resource Policy) (3)
Ag Econ 445 (Natural Resource Economics) (3) _____
NRM 375 (Environmental and Agricultural Law) (3) _____
WB 330 (Wildlife Biopolitics) (3) _____
WB 340 (Wildlife Law Enforcement) (3) _____