John Lyman School Rubrics Grades 1-2

Language Arts

Knows Bedrock sight words

4Has extensive sight word vocabulary and picks up new words independently

3.5 Has extensive sight word vocabulary

3Has mastered 95% of Bedrock list 2

2.5 Has mastered about 50% of Bedrock list 2

2Has mastered 95% of Bedrock list 1

1.5 Has mastered about 50% of Bedrock list 1

1Has begun to develop a sight word vocabulary

Applies strategies to decode unfamiliar words

4Applies all strategies efficiently, consistently and independently

3.5Begins to apply a variety of strategies efficiently, consistently and independently

3Applies a combination of strategies to decode unfamiliar words

2.5 Begins to apply a combination of strategies to decode unfamiliar words

2 Relies primarily on phonics and word chunks and picture clues; begins to use context clues with prompting

1.5 Uses picture clues, and begins to use phonics, rhyme and repetition to decode unfamiliar words

1Uses picture clues and beginning consonants

Reads and comprehends at grade level

4.0 Reads significantly above second grade level

3.5Reads above second grade level

3.0 Reads at the end of second grade level

2.5 Reads at the mid-second grade level

2.0 Reads at the end of first grade level

1.5 Reads at the mid-first grade level

1.0 Reads at the beginning first grade level

Comprehends fiction

4 Makes connections to other literature or personal experience

3.5 Begins to make connections to other literature or personal experience

3 Retells story using story elements (character, setting, events, problem, solution, important details) in a logical sequence

2.5 Recalls specific details and some story elements and can retell in a logical manner

2 Recalls specific details and some story elements and can retell in a logical manner with prompting

1.5 Recalls specific details about a story

1Recalls general pieces of information

Uses comprehension strategies

4Uses a variety of comprehension strategies efficiently, consistently and independently

3.5Begins to use a variety of comprehension strategies independently

3Uses some comprehension strategies independently

2.5Begins to use some comprehension strategies independently

2Uses some comprehension strategies with minimal prompting

1.5Is beginning to use comprehension strategies with prompts

1Is not yet using comprehension strategies

Comprehends non-fiction

4 Answers literal questions and begins to answer inferential questions based on independent non-fiction reading; supports answers with evidence from the text

3 Answers literal questions based on independent non-fiction reading; begins to support answers with evidence from text

2 Answers literal questions based on non-fiction read-alouds; needs prompts to support answers from text

1 Answers questions with guidance based on non-fiction read-alouds

Demonstrates oral fluency in reading

4 Consistently uses phrasing, punctuation, and expression while reading aloud

3Begins to use phrasing, punctuation, and expression while reading aloud

2Begins to use phrasing and punctuation when reading aloud

1Reads aloud word by word

Responds to reading in written form

4 Responds to reading based on information or examples from text, personal experiences and/or other text

3 Sometimes responds to reading based on information or examples from text, personal experiences and/or other text

2 Records title and date in reading log independently and begins to respond orally, with assistance, to literal questions with information from text

1Can copy the title and date in reading log with assistance

Makes appropriate book choices independently

4 Always selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability

3Frequently selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability

2 Occasionally selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability

1 Needs teacher guidance to select appropriate books

Listens and contributes during meeting

4Initiates and extends classroom discussions

3Listens respectfully and responds appropriately to others

2Listens and begins to participate in classroom discussions

1Needs frequent reminders to pay attention

Demonstrates fluency in writing

4 Consistently varies sentence structure to create smooth transitions from idea to idea while remaining on topic

3.5 Frequently varies sentence structure to create smooth transitions from idea to idea while remaining on topic

3 Begins to vary sentence structure to create smooth transitions from idea to idea while remaining on topic

2.5 Writes simple and compound sentences that relate to the topic

2 Writes simple sentences that relate to the topic; begins to write compound sentences

1.5 Begins to write simple sentences that relate to the topic

1 Writes labels and simple sentences about a picture

Records ideas independently using phonetic spelling

4Consistently uses conventional spelling patterns

3.5 Uses many conventional spelling patterns

3Uses some conventional spelling patterns and experiments with letter patterns and conventions

2.5 Records all consonant and most vowel sounds correctly

2Uses phonetic spelling (beginning, medial, and final consonants with some vowels)

1.5 Uses phonetic spelling (beginning and final consonants)

1Uses random letters

Uses standard spelling

4 Uses standard spelling of the 130 high frequency words in most written work

3.5 Uses standard spelling of approximately 50% of the 130 high frequency words in most written work

3 Uses standard spelling of 30 priority words in all written work and can spell 95% of high frequency words to 130

2.5 Uses standard spelling of 22 priority words in all written work and can spell 80 high frequency words

2 Uses standard spelling of 15 priority words in all written work and can spell 30 high frequency words

1.5 Uses standard spelling of 8 priority words in all written work and can spell 15 high frequency words

1 Relies on phonetic spelling

Generates and sustains writing topics independently

4Evaluates and develops a wide range of topics

3Consistently generates meaningful topics and develops them

2Chooses writing topics but needs assistance to develop them

1Needs assistance to find a topic

Uses logical sequence in writing

4Writes a well-developed and engaging narrative

3Writes a narrative with a beginning, middle and end and a logical sequence of details

2Connects ideas with a beginning, middle, and end

1 Lists ideas with guidance

Elaborates and clarifies in writing

4 Elaborates and clarifies independently

3 Frequently elaborates independently, clarifies with assistance and strengthens writing with powerful words

2 Begins to include details using who, what, where, when, how and why framework independently

1 Includes little or no elaboration

Begins to conference with peers

4 Begins to conference independently with individual peers or in small groups

3 Willing to use others’ suggestions to improve writing

2 Listens to someone else’s writing and begins to give feedback

1 Rehearses own stories orally

Uses punctuation and capitals

4Uses appropriate punctuation and capitalization independently

3 Uses periods, question marks and capitals; may need guidance

2 Begins to use periods and capitals

1 No awareness of punctuation or capitalization

Communicates spoken ideas

4Communicates spoken ideas clearly and elaborates independently

3Communicates spoken ideas clearly and elaborates with prompts

2Communicates spoken ideas clearly

1Has difficulty communicating ideas clearly

Shares individual work at weekly assemblies

4 Shares expressively and confidently at assembly

3 Shares individually at assembly

2Shares in front of class or with group at assembly

1Shares with one or more peers


Counts objects by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100

4 Counts objects by numbers other than 2s, 5s, and 10s

3.5 Counts objects by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s beyond 100

3 Counts objects by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100

2.5 Counts objects by 2s to 50 and by 1s, 5s, and 10s to 100

2 Counts objects by 1s, 5s, and 10s to 100

1.5 Counts objects by 1s and 10s to 100

1 Counts objects by 1’s to 20; uses 1:1 correspondence

Understands and uses place value concepts

4 Explains 3-digit numbers without manipulatives

3.5 Explains 2-digit numbers without manipulatives

3 Builds with manipulatives and explains 3-digit numbers

2.5 Builds with manipulatives and explains 2-digit numbers

2 Reads, writes and orders numbers 0 to 100

1.5 Reads writes and orders some 2-digit numbers

1 Recognizes numerals to 10

Solves open-ended word problems

4 Explains solutions and strategies clearly in writing, may need guidance

3.5 Explains solutions and strategies clearly

3 Finds multiple solutions to problems; begins to explain strategies clearly

2.5 Begins to find multiple solutions to problems; explains strategies with guidance

2 Finds a solution to problems; begins to explain strategies with guidance

1.5 Sometimes finds a solution to problems but is unable to explain strategies

1 Draws pictures in an attempt to solve problems

Knows addition facts to 10

4 Knows addition facts with sums to 18 and doubles to sum of 20

3.5 Knows some addition facts with sums to 18 and doubles to sum of 20

3 Knows addition facts with sums to 10

2.5 Knows some addition facts with sums to 10

2 Knows addition facts with sums to 5 and doubles to sum of 10

1.5 Begins to memorize addition facts with sums to 5 and doubles to sum of 10

1 Relies on manipulatives to solve addition facts

Knows subtraction facts from 10

4 Knows subtraction facts from 18

3.5 Knows some subtraction facts from 18

3 Knows subtraction facts from 10

2.5 Knows some subtraction facts

2 Begins to memorize subtraction facts

1.5 Relies on manipulatives to solve subtraction facts

1 Does not yet solve subtraction facts

Creates and explains patterns

4 Extends understanding of patterns to the environment

3Extends, completes and identifies rules of a repeating pattern independently using a variety of attributes

2 Translates the same pattern from one representation (such as color) to another representation (such as shape)

1 Begins to complete a repeating pattern using a variety of attributes

Rounds numbers to estimate

4 Begins to use rounding to solve problems

3 Compares and rounds numbers to the nearest 10 to make reasonable estimates

2 Compares and begins to round numbers to the nearest 10 to make reasonable estimates

1 Compares numbers using more than, less than, equal to

Understands and interprets graphs

4 Interprets data on a graph outline and interprets tally charts, bar graphs and pictographs using multiple correspondence

3 Interprets data on a graph outline and interprets tally charts, bar graphs and pictographs using 1-to-1 correspondence

2 Identifies correct information from bar graphs and pictographs

1 Participates in the construction and discussion of whole class graphs

Uses a calendar

4 Applies calendar skills to problem solving

3 Reads and uses a calendar as a tool

2 Reads the calendar and knows the months of the year and days of the week

1 Needs assistance to read calendar

Knows names and value of coins

4 Builds a given amount of money in a variety of ways

3 Knows the names and values of penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and half dollar

2 Knows the name of the penny, nickel, and dime; values inconsistent

1 Sorts coins

Identifies, draws, and manipulates shapes

4 Recognizes relationships between shapes

3 Begins to identify hexagons, rhombuses, trapezoids, octagons and parallelograms; explains the attributes of circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles

2 Draws circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles; begins to explain the attributes of these shapes

1 Identifies circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles in a variety of positions

Tells time

4 Tells time to the 1/4 hour and beyond

3 Tells time to the 1/2 hour

2 Tells time to the hour

1 Does not yet tell time

Adds double digit numbers

4 Adds double digit numbers with regrouping with manipulatives

3 Adds double-digit numbers without regrouping

2 Adds single-digit numbers with sums to 10 with manipulatives

1 Adds single-digit numbers with sums to 5 with manipulatives

Subtracts double digit numbers

4 Subtracts double-digit numbers with regrouping with manipulatives

3 Subtracts double-digit numbers without regrouping

2 Subtracts single-digit numbers from 10 with manipulatives

1 Subtracts single-digit numbers from 5 with manipulatives

Project Work/Science/Social Studies

Completes an individual research project

4 Completes an individual research project independently

3Generates 5-10 questions and uses multiple resources with assistance

2 Generates 3-5 questions and uses one written source to gain information with assistance

1 Contributes to whole class list of questions and records information by drawing

Plans and makes a representational model or other product

4 Plans and makes a creative product (e.g. song, poem, game, play) that incorporates some new information learned

3Plans and makes a representational model or other product (e.g. diorama, poster, mobile, 3-D model) that incorporates some new information learned

2 Works to make a representational model or other product (e.g. detailed drawing, simple model)

1 Explores ways to share project information

Uses scientific inquiry to explore science concepts

4Asks questions, makes predictions, gathers data, records observations and draws conclusions

3Asks questions, makes predictions, gathers data, records observations and draws conclusions with assistance

2Asks questions, makes predictions, and records observations

1Begins to asks questions, make predictions, and record observations with assistance

Demonstrates understanding of social studies concepts

4 Shares understanding of social studies concepts in a creative way

3 Demonstrates understanding of social studies concepts by contribution to group project

2 Explores information related to the topic

1 Begins to participate in whole class discussion about topic

Lifelong Learning/Core Ethical Values

4Exemplary: Performance exceeds expectations

3Proficient: Consistently meets expectations

2Developing: Making progress toward meeting expectations

1Emerging: Beginning to meet expectations

Demonstrates responsibility

  • Strives to produce quality work
  • Shows thoroughness
  • Demonstrates his/her best effort
  • Demonstrates legibility and neatness to his/her best ability
  • Willing to check and improve work when asked
  • Shows accuracy and care
  • Makes appropriate choices to complete tasks and meet goals
  • Makes appropriate choices to complete tasks and meet goals (seat choice, use of time); can plan his/her day
  • Makes good use of time
  • Demonstrates self-control
  • Controls impulsive behavior
  • Uses appropriate volume and tone of voice
  • Moves safely
  • Uses materials appropriately
  • Makes smooth transitions
  • Does not distract others

Demonstrates respect

  • Listens and follows directions
  • Is focused and attentive during discussions
  • Maintains focus and attention on speaker
  • Makes relevant comments
  • Does not distract self or others
  • Respects others’ opinions and point of view
  • Recognizes that there are differences of opinion
  • Can identify a point of view other than his/her own
  • Is able to understand different opinions and points of view
  • Works cooperatively and productively with others
  • Stays on task during group work
  • Contributes to group work and discussion
  • Works cooperatively with a variety of classmates


  • Interacts positively with others
  • Is polite and courteous
  • Is mindful of others’ feelings
  • Includes others and does not exclude
  • Is tolerant and accepting of differences
  • Honors accomplishments of others
  • Helps others and makes positive contributions to the classroom
  • Assists others without being asked
  • Performs classroom and/or school chores


  • Takes responsible academic and social risks
  • Is able to take a thoughtful chance
  • Responsibly tries new things to move beyond his/her comfort level
  • Asks appropriately for help if needed
  • Defends what is known to be right


  • Accepts responsibility for own actions and words
  • Takes ownership for behavior
  • Takes ownership for school work
