June 30, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Present: Ron Batchelder, Bud Ross, Lou Beam

Minutes of June 16, 2014 accepted as written. (Bud/Lou)

Board Chair Ron Batchelder reviewed the Calendar. It was noted that Bud will be unavailable for the meeting on July 7th.

District 7 Representative Jim Grenier spoke to the Board regarding their concerns over the recent installation of signs on the Village Road by NH DOT. He told the Board that DOT recently received $9.5 million dollars from the Federal Government for highway safety. DOT installed the signs on all State Maintained Roads according to Federal Standards. Jim noted that other Towns including Acworth are upset about the signs. He expects there will be a meeting with Mr. Grandmaison from DOT regarding the signs. He will make sure that the Langdon Selectboard is aware of the meeting. Jim also pointed out that the County is in strong financial shape and county taxes will be level this year. Rep. Grenier voiced his concerns about the increased gas tax funds being used mainly on I-93 (42%) and the eastern side of the State with very little impact on the southwest part of the State. He also told the Board he is facing a primary challenge from the “far right” and that he does not support the return of O’Brien as speaker (should the Republicans gain the majority).

Bud Ross asked why the county financial position is so strong. Rep. Grenier responded because of careful budgeting and a healthy fund balance that can be used if State Funds don’t materialize. (2/3 of county budget comes from state funds)

Dennis McClary asked if there was strong support in the Republican Party for the return of Rep. O’Brien as house speaker. Jim responded that he does not know how others will vote.

Old Business:

1. Issue of recent ZBA Hearing. On the advice of Counsel, ZBA chair Mary Henry will not be attending tonight’s meeting and there will be no discussion of concerns over the hearing procedure at this time.

2. Cemetery Trustees, Doug and Gina Beach, addressed the Board on several issues:

1) The Trustees would like any Town Records relating to the original donation of land by the Cheeney Family. Part of that agreement was that a certain number of graves would be reserved for the Cheeney Family. Since that donation of land, there has been a burial in an area that the Cheeneys had reserved. The Town Attorney and the Cemetery Trustees are looking into the possibility of moving that grave to another area of the cemetery and the records of the original donation are needed. Bob Cunniff will research the records.

2) Doug told the Board that funds for perpetual care are supposed to be allocated to specific graves and records kept. He is not sure the Town is in compliance.

3) The Cemetery Trustees are concerned about private cemeteries; has the proper paperwork been filed with the planning board. The Trustees know of one such cemetery in town and wonder if there are others.

Referring back to the issue of moving the grave, Lou Beam asked what is the size of a cemetery plot. Doug said 4’ by 12’ except in the first row of the donated area which has large tree roots along a stone wall. In order not to kill the trees plots there are 4’ by 20’. Lou suggested that once the Town Attorney delineates the process that the family being asked to move the grave be contacted. Bill White asked how many years has it been known the grave was in the wrong place. Doug replied that it has been several years.

3. Clerkworks Software: Lou Beam will review the contract.

4. Budget: Lou told the Board that at the last planning board meeting he had asked whether the Planning Board expected to have funds left in their budget at the end of the year. He was told the Planning Board expects to use all budgeted funds.

New Business:

1. The Board reviewed and approved orders.

2. The Board reviewed and approved Payroll.

3. The Board signed an Intent to Excavate for Sydney Craven. (no actual excavation, but previously extracted material will be moved out of Town and will be subject to excavation tax)

4. Air Conditioner for atrium is here, waiting for an estimate to install.

Motion to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. (Bud/Lou)

Respectfully submitted by Robert Cunniff