English IV Map/Timeline Inquiry: Using Text Features

Name ______Per ______Date ______

Materials: British Literature textbook: “Map of Great Britain” pg. 2 and “Timeline: 449-1485” pg. 6-7; blank map of Great Britain, map of Europe, ruler, markers/colored pencils, pen/pencil.

Directions: Work in teams of two. Examine the map on page 2 and the timeline on pages 6-7, then work together to develop answers to the inquiry questions.

1. Name the four countries shown that are part of Great Britain:



2. Find the two countries shown that are not Great Britain:


3. Explain what these cities have in common: London, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin.


What is the basis for this conclusion? ______

4. Determine the mileage between London and Canterbury: ______. If travelers on horseback covered ten miles a day, how long would it take a band of pilgrims to get there? ______How did you determine your answers? ______


5. Where must Sir Gawain travel to find and face the Green Knight? ______

6. What is the geometrical relationship between Oxford, Cambridge, and London?

______Why do you suppose the primary dialect of English developed in this area? ______

7. What do Portsmouth, Plymouth, and London all have in common that would have made them attractive cities both to settlers AND invaders? ______

8. What is the correlation between the dates of the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Germanic invasion of Britain? ______

What conclusion can you draw from this correlation? ______

9. Predict how these important British books might be similar or different:

Bede’s The Ecclesiastical History of the English People

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

The Exeter Book

the Domesday Book

10. a. Examining the geographical relationship between Great Britain and other countries in Europe, explain why the Germanic tribes and Danish invaders were able to invade the land of Britain so readily: ______


b. Use the blank map to illustrate the routes and timeline of the invasions of the Germanic tribes and the Danish invaders.

Extended Response: In no more than five complete sentences, use the following statistics (obtained from Wikipedia: The Free Online Encyclopedia) to compare the physical size and population of Florida with Great Britain. You may also use the map in the book and a ruler. You will need to calculate the width and length of Great Britain yourselves!

Florida: / Great Britain:
Total 65,795[1] sq mi
(170,304[1] km²) / Area 80,823 sq mi (209,331 km²)
- Width 361 miles (582 km)
- Length 447 miles (721 km)
Population (Ranked 4th in the US)
- Total 15,982,378
- Density 309/sq mi (8th in the US) / Population 58,845,700 (as of 2006)[1]

Comparing Florida with Great Britain










