




PresidentGary Ward

Vice PresidentBilly Bahnsen

SecretaryHazel Hurd

MemberDr. Wayne Taylor

MemberSherrell Speer

MemberPaul Fertsch

MemberMarc Aaronson


Superintendent Dr. James Bartosh

Director of Student Services Dr. Kay Shoppa

Business Manager Randy Hill

Director of Athletics Stacey Hunt

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jennifer Mann

Director of Personnel and Public Relations Marjorie Sklar

Director of Special EducationMolli Bodungen

District Technology Coordinator Sheri Ganske

Director of Auxiliary ServicesEarl Crouch



PrincipalMarilyn Clark

Assistant Principal Jim Smith

CounselorMary Evans

School NurseLynette Lockley



Principal’s AssistantTerri Parsons

Assistant Principal/Counselor’s AssistantHopie Woods

Attendance ClerkDenise Bijarro



Ass’t Principal 532-6850

Athletic Director532-6281

Band Hall532-6843



Field House532-6848




Office Fax532-6849

Special Education Director532-6208


2009 – 2010 Wharton Junior High Bell Schedule

First Bell ------7:50

1st period ------7:55-8:40

2nd period ------8:44-9:29

3rd period------9:33-10:18

Activity Period ------10:22-10:52

4th period

6th Grade Lunch ------10:52-11:22

7th & 8thGrade Class ------10:56-11:41

6th Grade Class ------11:26-12:11

7th Grade Lunch ------11:41-12:11

5th period

8th Grade Class------11:45-12:30

6th & 7th Grade Class------12:15-1:00

8th Grade Lunch------12:30-1:00

6th period ------1:04-1:49

7th period ------1:53-2:38

8th period------2:42-3:27

Assembly Schedule:

6th period ------1:04- 1:29

7th period ------1:34 -1:59

8th period ------2:03 –2:28

Assembly ------2:33- 3:27

Welcome . . .

WELCOME TO WHARTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL where long time tradition, strict moral principles, and community/school pride are embedded with a curriculum that is based on high academic standards. .

Parents, I invite you to be an integral part of this endeavor. We will work together with you to insure that this be a successful year. The Student Handbook, Dress and Grooming Code, and Student Code of Conduct are designed to help us do this.

Both students and parents must especially be familiar with the WhartonIndependentSchool District’s Student Code of Conduct, required by state law and intended to promote school safety and an atmosphere of learning. That document is the third section in this publication. Please be aware that the term “parent” is used to refer to the parent, legal guardian, or other person who has agreed to assume school-related responsibility for a student.

The student handbook is designed to be in harmony with Board policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Please be aware that the handbook is updated yearly, while policy adoption and revision may occur throughout the year. Changes in policy that affect handbook revisions will be made available to students and parents through newsletters and other communications.

In case of conflict between Board policy or the Student Code of Conduct and any provisions of student handbooks, the provisions of Board policy or the Student Code of Conduct that were most recently adopted by the Board will be followed.

Parents, please review this entire publication with your children and keep it as a reference during the school year. If you have questions about any of the material in this publication, please contact a teacher, the counselor, or a principal. Please return the bottom part of this page with the required signatures indicating that you and your child have read and understand the implications therein.

Thank you,

Marilyn Clark



I have read the entire 2009-2010 Wharton Junior High School Student Handbook.


Printed Name of Student Student SignatureDate


Printed Name of Student Student SignatureDate


The Wharton Junior High School Student Handbook, including the Dress and Grooming Code, is the result of the collaboration among the following members of the administration, faculty, staff, parents, patrons and business community using the prescribed state mandated site-based decision making process.


Dr. James Bartosh

Mr. Chris Flowers

Mrs. Marilyn Clark

Mr. Jim Smith

Campus Performance Advisory Committee:

Kim CanoAllen Coats

Denise MayJodi Zahradnik

Business - Parents - Patrons

Betty Joyce Sikora Cyndi Roddy


PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN –this handbook can also be found on the Wharton Website at net.

Please take the time to read this information carefully. When you have done so, it is required that you sign this form and return it to the school.

My child and I have read the information contained in the Student Handbook, Dress and Grooming Code, Computer Access – Acceptable Use Agreement, and the Discipline Management Plan, including the Student Code of Conduct, and have familiarized ourselves with their contents. I further understand and agree that my child shall be held accountable for his/her compliance with all rules and requirements, including those regarding behavior, dress and grooming as outlined in these documents and that he/she will be subject to the consequences outlined.

Regarding student records, the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and state law require that “directory information” on public school children be released by the District to anyone who requires it, unless the parent objects in writing to the release of any or all of this information. To be in compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the District will release, upon request, the name, address, and telephone listing of students, unless directed by the parent not to do so. This objection must be filed with the principal within ten school days of the child’s first day of instruction for this school year. Please initial the space below, if you wish to exercise your right to withhold this information.

Directory information includes:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Telephone listing
  4. Date and place of birth
  5. Photograph
  6. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  7. Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  8. Date of attendance
  9. Grade level
  10. Enrollment status
  11. Honors and awards received in school
  12. Most recent previous school attended
  13. E-mail address

As a parent/guardian, I choose not to make available “directory information” to parties requesting such information from the school.______

It is also understood and agreed that, from time to time, Wharton ISD, or those authorized by Wharton ISD, will take, use, and/or reproduce photographs of students and other individuals involved with the District or it’s functions. No compensation will be made to anyone and all negatives and/or prints shall constitute Wharton ISD property, solely and complete.

Student Signature______Print Student Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Wharton ISD

Student/Parent (Tiger Net) Agreement 2009-2010

Dear Parents:

Your child has been given the privilege to participate in the district’s electronic communication systemand needs your permission to do so. Your child will be able to communicate with other schools, colleges, organizations, and individuals around the world through Internet and other electronic information system/networks.

The Internet is a network of networks. Through the District’s electronic communication system, your child will have access to hundreds of databases, libraries, and computer services all over the world. With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility.

It is important that you and your child read the enclosed District Acceptable use Policy, and discuss these requirements together. Inappropriate use will result in the loss of the privilege to use the educational tool. Please note that the Internet is an association of diverse communication and information networks. It is possible your child may run across areas of adult content and some material you might find objectionable. While the District will take reasonable steps to monitor activities and does not encourage such access, it is not possible for us to absolutely prevent such access.

Wharton ISD publishes a variety of teacher and student projects on the World Wide Web. Should your child’s work be chosen for publication, you must give or deny permission for such work to be published on the Wharton ISD Home Page.

Please sign the Wharton ISD Student/Parent Internet Agreement indicating your permission or denial for your child to participate in the District’s electronic communication system.


Marilyn Clark, Principal

Sponsoring Parent or Guardian:

I have read the District’s Acceptable Use Policy. In consideration for the privilege of using the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, in consideration of the privilege of using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of , or inability to use, the system including, without limitation, the type of damage identified in the District’s Acceptable Use Policy. Furthermore , I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting.

Student Name:______

Parent or Guardian (please print):______




Nondiscriminatory Statement13

Wharton ISD Mission Statement14

WhartonJunior High SchoolMission Statement2


Use of Pesticides2


Enrollment Information2

Withdrawal From School2

Office Hours3

School Song3

Fight Song3

What to do3

Self-Help Numbers3



Waiver of Fees4

Fund Raising4

Assemblies in the Gymnasium4

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence4

Sex Education4

Parties and Special Occasions5

Radios, Cell Phones, Toys and Games, etc5

Backpacks and Jackets6


Off Campus Visitors6

Student Insurance6


Instructional Television6

Computer Access - Acceptable Use Agreement6


Parental Involvement and Responsibilities7

Student Records7

Protection of Student Rights9

Student Right to Pray9

Student Safety9

Parental Rights9

Students with Learning Difficulties11

Resolving Problems11


Texas Compulsory Attendance Law12

Attendance for Credit12

Saturday School13


Tardy Procedures14

Admit Slips14

Permits to LeaveSchool14


School Bus Procedures15

Riding the Bus15

School Trips15




Student Lunch Period17



Student Conferences18

Parent/School Conferences18

Substitute Teachers 19

Hall Passes19


Guidance and Counseling Services19

Testing Program19





Medicine at School21

Asthma 21

Communicable Diseases21

Bacterial Meningitis 21

Emergency Medical Treatment22

School Health Advisory Council23


Progress Reports 23

Six Week Averages 23

Semester Averages 23

Report Cards and Grading System23

High School Credit 23

Alternative School Credit 24

Homework and Independent Practice24

Operation Zero 24

Promotion and Retention25

Summer School 25



Going to and from School26

School Campus or Grounds26

Changing Classes26


Respect for Authority26

Threats and Profanity26


Tangible Courtship27




Corporal Punishment27

Campus and/or Classroom Rules27

Detention Hall28

In-SchoolSuspensionCenter (ISS) Rules28

Alternative School28


Plan One29

Plan Two29

-U I L-



No Pass - No Play30


Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)31

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)31

Student Council31


Academic Excellence Awards Night31

Academic Rodeo31

Athletics 31

Band 32

Cheerleading 31

Socials 32


Tiger Stadium Football Rules34


Attire 35

Component Dress Code35

Other Attire 36

Grooming 36

Students New to the District37

Medical Exceptions 37

Extracurricular Organizations37

Expectations and Clarifications37

Compliance 37



Campus Discipline Person 1

Rights and Responsibilities1

Parent Teacher Conferences4

Parent Training 4

Credit During Disciplinary Process4

Student Code of Conduct 5


No person shall, on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, color, handicap, or sex be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination, under the educational and vocational program or activity of the Wharton Independent School District, as required by Title IX of the U.S Office of Civil Rights, and the above requirements extended to employment by the Wharton ISD and to admission thereto.

Wharton ISD does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals with disabilities, or in any aspect of their operations. Wharton ISD also does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices.

This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding the ADA and Section 504 may be forwarded to the designated ADA and Section 504 compliance coordinator.

Mrs. Molli Bodungen

Director of Special Education

500 Abell Street

Wharton, TX 77488

(979) 532-6208

Ninguna persona a base de raza, religíon, origen nacional, edad, color, impedimento fisico o sexo debera ser excluida de participar en, negársele beneficios de, or ser sujeta a discriminación bajo el programa educacional y vocational o actividades del distrito escolar de Wharton, segun requisito del Titulo IX de la Oficina Federal de Derechos Civiles y los requisitos ya mencionados, extendidos por el distrito escolar de Wharton para admisión o empleo.

El distrito escolar de Wharton no discrimina a base de incapacidad (fisica o mental) para admisión a sus programas, servicios, o actividades, acceso a ellos, tratamiento para individuos con incapacidades, o en ningun aspecto a sus operaciones. El distrito escolar de Wharton tampoco discrimina a base de incapacidad en sus prácticas de empleo.

Este aviso se proporciona según la provisión del Titulo II de las Acta de Americanos Incapacitadoes de 1990 y la Seccion 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973. Preguntas, quejas, o información adicional acerca de la Acta de Americanos

Incapacitados y la Sección 504 deberán ser remitidas a las personas responsables en la coordinación y cumplimiento.


OUR MISSION: By providing each student with a quality education second to none, WhartonIndependentSchool District, in cooperation with its culturally and economically diverse community, will produce graduates...

Possessing the unquenchable desire for lifelong learning,

capable of pursuing their ambitions, and

prepared to seize the challenges of tomorrow.


MISSION STATEMENT: Within a safe, healthy environment, WhartonJunior High School will provide each student a basic core of knowledge; expose them to, and provide a means of evaluating new ideas and technologies; foster a desire to learn continuously; and begin preparing them to function effectively in the adult world as productive citizens.

ASBESTOS STATEMENT: WhartonJunior High School has been inspected for asbestos content. A plan for the management of asbestos is available upon request in the central office, campus principal's office, and the campus librarian.

USE OF PESTICIDES: This school periodically applies pesticides as part of an integrated pest management program. All persons applying pesticides at this school are required to receive special training in pesticide application and pest control. In addition, this school has a policy that requires use of non-chemical pest control tactics whenever it is possible that pesticides may periodically be applied. Information concerning these applications may be obtained from:

Larry Geib, IPM Coordinator

2100 North Fulton, Wharton, Texas 77488.

(979) 532-3612

ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: A person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for a student’s enrollment in the District shall be liable to the District if the student is not eligible for enrollment, but is enrolled on the basis of false information. For the period during which the ineligible student is enrolled, the person is liable for the maximum tuition fee the District may charge or the amount the District has budgeted per student as maintenance and operating expense, whichever is greater.

WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL: Students moving to another school district should report to the office accompanied by their parent/guardian to officially withdraw. All books, charges, and other school-issued equipment must be cleared before records can be released.

The school will need to know date of the withdrawal, reason, and the name of the school the student plans to enter. A withdrawal form will be completed and signed by each of the student’s teachers, the counselor, the librarian, and the assistant principal. Student records will be forwarded to the next school of attendance upon request by that school. Official records are not given to the parent or student.

OFFICE HOURS: Our main office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each school day. The telephone number is 532-6840.


True to thee, dear WhartonWe will fight for dear ol’ Wharton

Now we pledge our will Fight to win this game.

Praises of your gloryWe will back our fighting Tigers,

Echoes ring out still.Back them on to fame.

We will face the future

Fearless, unafraid.RAH! RAH! RAH!

Red and Blue we love thee.

Your memories will remain.When we meet those (opponent’s)

They will weep and wail.

For when we’re on that field of battle,

We will never fail.


- Are injured or ill - Inform your classroom teacher and he/she can authorize you to report to the nurse's office. Do not call your parents to come get you; this must be done through the office.

-Are absent from school - Call the attendance clerk at 532-6840 on the date(s) of your absence. When you return, BRING A NOTE from your parent OR doctor with the date(s) and the reason for the absence(s). Requests for assignments should be made between 7:00 and 8:00, if possible.

-Are late to school - Sign in AT THE OFFICE AND GET A PERMIT TO CLASS. Note penalties for frequent tardies and/or absences are detailed in this handbook.

-Must leave early - BRING A NOTE from your parent/guardian explaining the need to leave, time of dismissal, and a phone number for verification. Report to the office before school and get an early dismissal form. Sign out before you leave. If you have no note, you must be picked up in the office and signed out by your parent/guardian.

-Lose a textbook - Check with office personnel to see if it has been turned in. After it has been lost for a week, you should pay the office secretary for the book so that you may receive another book. If you later find the book, your money will be refunded.


Child Protective Services532-5310

Child Abuse Hotline1-800-252-5400

Runaway Hotline1-800-392-3352

Family Outreach Stress Lines1-800-451-9235


Suicide & Crisis Center1-800-692-4039

Youth for Understanding1-800-872-0200


FEES: Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided without charge to a student. A student is expected to provide his or her own supplies of pencils, paper, erasers, and notebooks, and may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits, including: