CGO4MName: ______

Remote Sensing Satellites

Project:Your task is to complete a one-page summary of a remote sensing satellite and create a 3 to 5 slide PowerPoint or media presentation of the main points of your summary.

Satellites:Everyone will choose a different remote sensing satellite or instrument. The starting point for choices is the list of remote sensing satellites found at but you may choose an alternate satellite or instrument after consultation with the teacher.

Summary:Try to include the following on your one-page summary using full sentences and paragraphs: Page Ppt

  • full name and acronym (if applicable) 
  • ownership 
  • launch date 
  • type of orbit (e.g. polar, equatorial, geostationary)  
  • sensor(s) and band(s) for sensing 
  • main purpose 
  • example application 
  • images (platform, processed image).  

Presentation:Include the main information from your summary in point form. The first slide should have the full name, acronym, and image of the satellite or instrument along with the name of the person responsible for presenting the information. The second slide can have the main information, and your last slide can be a sample processed image. Students should prepare the PowerPoint file in groups of three for ease of presentation.

Assessment:The Knowledge component of the mark will be based on inclusion of the required information highlighted above. The Communication component of the mark will be based on correct sentence and paragraph structure, neatness and organization, and presentation style (structured slides, audible and confident speech, respectful attitude while presenting or listening).

Remote Sensing PlatForm Media Presentation
Categories / 1-5 (Level1) / 6-6.9(Level2) / 7-7.9 (Level3) / 8-10 (Level4)
Knowledge of content regarding Satellite platform (e.g., facts, terms, definitions) / –demonstrates limited knowledge of content / –demonstrates some knowledge of content / –demonstrates considerable knowledge of content / –demonstrates thorough knowledge of content
Understanding of content (e.g., concepts, ideas, theories, procedures, processes, methodologies, and/or technologies) / – demonstrates limited understanding of content / – demonstrates some understanding of content / – demonstrates considerable understanding of content / – demonstrates thorough understanding of content
Expression and organization of ideas and information (e.g., clear expression, logical organization) in oral, visual, and written forms. (sentences and paragraphs, neatness, organization, audible speech, confidence and presentabitlity, including respectful attitude) / – expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness / – expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness / – expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness / – expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness
Application of knowledge and skills (e.g., concepts, procedures, processes, and/or technologies) in familiar contexts / – applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness / – applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness / – applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness / – applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
TOTAL / /40
Platform (from Wikipedia site) / Student
Jason 1
SAC Argentina
ERS European Space Agency
Vanguard 2
FY Feng Yun