Present: William Capowski, Glenda Davenport, Mary Garcia, Joseph Germani, Beth Gersh-Nesic (guest), John Hernandez, Warren Lehrer, Connie Lobur, Theresa McElwaine, Lorraine Miller, Richard Nassisi, Kirsten Nelson, Paula Rankine-Belgrave, Maggie Surovell, Eric Wildrick
Absent: Fern Becker, Paul Kaplan,
The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m.
1. Approval of prior minutes: To be sent out electronically for comments and approval.
2. UUP Workplace Anti-Bullying Policy Presentation: A power-point presentation was given to the executive board by Bill Capowski, as negotiated in contract between UUP and CWA Local 1141 and in contractual agreement. The presentation included definitions of bullying, policy definitions, complaint process and contact information. After the presentation there was some discussion regarding how this policy adds to other workplace policies and workshops provided at purchase.
3. UUP’s video on the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association / Organizing Drive/Department Rep system. In preparation for the Frederichs decision UUP (and hundreds of other locals in NYSUT) are recommitting to organizing principles that their unions were founded upon. President Kowal is encouraging chapters to commence organizing drives, both to sign up agency fee payersand activate existing members. See the short video (6 minutes) at this link which gives a pretty good overview of how Frederichs may affect UUP and other public sector unions.
Further discussion occurred regarding what would happen if the existing framework is overturned in this case. UUP Purchase currently has a list of “agency fee payers” at this campus, and we discussed how to reach out to these individuals if the case ruling is adverse to unions. It was decided that we would devote the January retreat to organize a strategy to implement in the spring.
4. Chapter Assessment. UUP is always looking for ways of improving services to members, and to develop new tools, training and other resources to assist Chapter representatives in helping our members to be successful. The leadership team at the chapter is being asked to complete a self-assessment tool.
In relation to this issue, we discussed issues related to adjunct faculty and what the union is doing and could do to better support them. Currently a large number of agency fee payers are adjunct faculty members. Some of the issues raised by our guest included; a minimum salary for part-time faculty and a cancellation fee if a course does not run (since a lot of work is required in both online and traditional courses prior to the first day). A few ideas were discussed that might help engage part time employees with the union were sending an email from UUP to part-times directly and have a series of meetings to speak directly to the groups. In discussion regarding how new part-timers might know about the unions benefits, it was noted that it’s not clear what information they get in orientation, on contract to new full-time hires who meet with the campus benefits manager. Some ideas were mentioned on events like orientation where we could have a table.
4. Next Labor Management Meeting 11/17/2015: A discussion regarding the minimum salary rate is on the agenda for our next meeting. There was discussion regarding UUP’s endorsement of the 5K campaign and whether or not we should offer a number other than this campaign. It was noted that if possible we could raise the lack of parameters for teaching online, regarding what is required.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kirsten Nelson
Chapter Secretary