UK General Elections 2017 – ESOL materials

UK Political Parties

Aims: This lesson is about the political parties in the UK.

At the time of designing the parties’s manifestos were not out. Details of promises have been taken from this Mirror article - and the 2015 election manifestos. Ts will need to update the materials once the manifestos are available.

The party logos used in these resources are based on who is expected to stand. They may need to be modified.

Notes on levels: The resources provided in this lesson should be useable with all lessons. The manifesto promises may need to be simplified for lower levels. Further activities with higher levels will be possible with the party manifestos once they are available. Ts will also need to print out copies as they may not be sent to every household.

Language points: “will” to talk about the future and the present perfect appears a lot in the 2015 manifestos. It might be interesting to explore the differences between “He will….”, “She says she will….”, “She promises to….”

Resources and possible activities:

Resources - Party logos, leader pictures, possible manifesto pledges cut ups (to be edited once manifestos available)

Large party logos can be used to encourage Ss share knowledge about parties. T may want to make a spectrum line for Ss to place parties on in terms of left to right.

Pictures of leaders can be used to form questions about them. T can provide info or Ss can research answers.

Logos and pictures can be stuck on flipchart paper displayed round the room. Ss can collectively match manifesto promises with party. T can add “She will…” “She says she will…” to flipchart papers.

Plenty of room should be made for discussion of promises – both meaning and what the Ss think about them.

Do you know the name of the party and leader for each logo?

Party ______
Candidate ______/
Party ______
Candidate ______

Party ______
Candidate ______/
Party ______
Candidate ______

Party ______
Candidate ______

Action for ESOL.We are a UK-wide coalition of teachers and researchers,

read our manifesto here:

UK General Elections 2017 – ESOL materials

UK Political Parties

Repeal the Trade Union Act.
Guarantee the right of EU citizens in UK.
Have a vote on the final Brexit deal.
Create four more bank holidays a year.
Provide free school meals for all primary school children.
Increase minimum wage to £10 per hour.


Provide strong and stable leadership.
Spend 0.7% GDP on foreign aid.
Scrap the HS2 high speed rail link.
Introduce a cap on energy prices.
Negotiate a hard Brexit.
Build more grammar schools.


Hold a second referendum on Brexit.
Introduce a special tax to pay for the NHS.
Increase the amount students must earn before they pay back tuition fees.

Lib Dems

Ban face coverings.
Abolish postal voting.
Enforce annual medical checks on girls at risk of FGM.
Cut £10 billion a year in foreign aid.
Ban on the practice of Sharia Law.


Promote cycling and walking.
Scrap tuition fees.
Invest in flood defences.
Ban fracking.
Defend the NHS.
Increase living wage to £10 per hour.


Action for ESOL.We are a UK-wide coalition of teachers and researchers,

read our manifesto here: