УДК 339.92:339.7(477)

Chubar Maxim Myhajlovych

Khmelnitskyi National University

Khmelnitskyi city


In this article the author examines the changing conditions for domestic enterprises export activity. Based on updated statistics and review guidelines WTO regulations by analyzing the dynamics of export capacity of domestic enterprises.

Keywords: WTO, export activity, domestic enterprises, foreign trade, subsidies, "yellow" ("green", "blue") box, foreign capital investment, competitiveness, protection of domestic producers.

Introduction. Since Ukraine's membership in the WTO entirely changed the conditions of economic activity for Ukrainian enterprises both in domestic and foreign markets. As distinct advantage for exporters can bring relaxation using WTO members of various trade barriers to reduce the proportion of Ukrainian goods n their domestic markets, which resulted in a theoretical growth opportunities for export to international markets.

However, on the other hand, the commitment not to use protectionist measures to protect their own producers took over and Ukraine. In the context of the absence of significant competitive advantage over domestic producers of goods similar products of foreign companies can be concluded that domestic products are largely uncompetitive on both domestic and foreign market.

Ambivalent effects of integration into the world economy for any business activity in Ukraine caused primarily their lack of willingness to accept and apply the new "rules of the game" in the market due to the influence of internal factors, the genesis of which caused abnormal development of the enterprises themselves (eg, insufficient application of innovation, new technologies, inefficient production and management, inadequate development of network delivery, sales and after-sales service, the lack of clear adaptive strategy and business development, absence or inadequate development of systems for monitoring market conditions and forecasting its development).

Analysis of recent publications. In recent publications the problem of influence integration initiatives Ukraine on its economy studied by such scientists as Burakovsky (with a group of authors), and Kobouta, KV, Yalova, VG Hornyk, DM Vasilkovsky, N. Nosov , IM Sarajevo, EB Hyellyer, M. Popov, AA Kornienko, N. Kozachuk, A. Savitskyy, OV Orlenko, V. Linnik, Yu . V. Shpyrka, OI Lipanov, A. Makarynska, VM Klochko, V. Merchanskyy, L. Batchenko, SN Naumenko, O. Demjanjuk and others.

However, the process of Ukraine's integration into the economic and economic structures of global and European level in a state of dynamic growth and change accordingly if the economic activity of enterprises by the dynamics of internal and external market environment. Therefore, to adequately reflect trends in the Ukrainian economy, and in particular, there is an urgent need for FEA to determine the impact of integration of Ukraine for export activities based on current statistics and recent legal changes.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this study is to analyze the conditions EXPORT domestic enterprises with the active integration of Ukraine into the WTO and the EU on the basis of updated statistical data for the period 2007-2011 years

The results of research. Entry into WTO and the establishment of a free trade agreement (FTA) with the EU are the main priorities in Ukraine's integration into economic structures. Unfortunately, at the initial stage of economic development in the WTO, with the active flow process adaptation Ukraine entities engaged in economic activity to the new economic and legal environment the FEA, despite favorable conditions to increase exports, the positive potential of Ukrainian exporters was completely leveled the global economic crisis (Table 1) [1]:

Table 1

Ukraine's foreign trade in goods and services 2007-2011

External activity
years / Foreign trade / Foreign trade in services
Export, th. dol. / % to previous year / Import, th. dol. / % to previous year / Export, th. dol. / % to previous year / Import, th. dol. / % to previous year
2007 / 49248063,6 / 128,6 / 60669923,0 / 134,7 / 8989155,7 / 119,8 / 4878259,2 / 131,2
2008 / 66954429,8 / 135,8 / 85535356,4 / 141,1 / 11694241,6 / 129,4 / 6646782,2 / 133,5
2009 / 39702883,3 / 59,3 / 45435559,2 / 53,1 / 9520757,3 / 81,1 / 5168803,6 / 79,9
2010 / 51430521,6 / 129,6 / 60739969,3 / 133,7 / 11759405,7 / 122,5 / 5447694,3 / 105,3
2011 / 68409848,6 / 133,1 / 82606901,5 / 136,0 / 13697618,0 / 116,5 / 6247981,3 / 114,7

As evident from the statistics, the biggest decline in the rate of growth of foreign trade in goods and services was in 2009, when exports and imports have fallen relative to similar indicators in 2008 In addition, 40.7% and 46.9%, and exports and imports of services decreased by 18.9% and 20.2%. This tells the extraordinary force of the impact of the financial crisis in particular, the Ukrainian foreign trade. Thus, in 2011 indicators of foreign economic activity of Ukraine is still lower than before the crisis.

One of the main indicators of competitiveness on the international market is the quality of its products. Product quality industrial enterprises in Ukraine lags behind similar parameter industry by EU, including physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets in enterprises and low percentage of firms that introduce innovations (ie, in the context of industrial activity, use new equipment and technologies for production).

Quite naturally, you can make the assumption that WTO accession was an additional stress factor that caused a further decline in the economy.

While both companies developed countries included in the EU actively introduced innovative technologies and processes - so, in 2008, 51.6% (2004 - 41.5%), industrial and service industries in the EU introduced Innovation and 39.8% of EU enterprises implementing new technology, while in Ukraine the dynamics of innovation industry developed as follows [1-3]:

Table 2

Innovational activity of Ukrainian industrial enterprises 2007-2011

The share of firms that introduced innovations. % / Introduced new processes, / Including resource / The production of innovative products, * items / With these new types of technology / The share of sales of innovative products in industrial,%
2007 / 11,5 / 1419 / 634 / 2526 / 331 / 6,2
2008 / 10,8 / 1647 / 630 / 2446 / 758 / 5,9
2009 / 10,7 / 1393 / 753, / 2635 / 641 / 4,8
2010 / 11,5 / 2043 / 479 / 2408 / 663 / 3,8
2011 / 12,8 / 2510 / 517 / 3238 / 397 / 3,8

In the dynamics of innovation industry observed an interesting trend. Judging from the statistics, innovation activities in the business develops unevenly.

The share of industrial enterprises of Ukraine introduced innovations remains consistently low (however, this figure is not significantly affected even global crisis) and for 5 years and did not exceed 12.8% (2011).

During the global crisis, domestic enterprises favored the introduction of low-waste and resource processes which, of course, in the long run would allow lower production costs per unit of production due to more efficient utilization of resources. And already in 2010, with some weakening of the negative economic impact of the crisis, the share of low-and resource-implemented processes in total innovation (new) implemented processes decreases.

In 2008-2010, there has also been a sharp jump in the development of domestic industry innovative technology, but in 2011 the proportion of new vehicles in total innovative products dramatically, almost doubled falls. This indirectly indicates a feverish search for businesses in times of crisis, new markets and new customers and returning to the needs of the old customer base later.

From this we can conclude that the tendency to situational adaptation of domestic industries to changes in market conditions and focus their implementation of new manufacturing technologies for the current result. This suggests the lack of a clear industrial strategy for long-term planning that is oriented to development.

In addition, the results statistics WTO since 1995 to the end of 2011, Ukraine is in 13th place of the 93's to the number of products it imposed on companies dumping measures [4].

Along with extremely low growth rate of introduction of innovative technologies in production, it suggests attempts Ukrainian exporters to develop exports of low cost cheap by the same type of (possibly economies of scale) and not cheapening of production through the introduction of innovative technology processes. This means that occurs primarily exports raw materials, intermediate and low-tech products.

Complicated and require Ukraine to anti-dumping measures on goods of foreign origin. Thus, according to the agreement "to implement Article VI of the GATT Agreement of 1994 (" the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ")" WTO member country can still carry anti-dumping measures, but only after a detailed investigation carried out in accordance with the rules of the antidumping Investigation WTO member countries, and if the result of this investigation it appears that there is a supply of goods or their groups on the territory of the country at dumped prices, the industry is engaged in the country producing similar goods suffers pecuniary damage, and there is a causal connection 'the link between these two phenomena, then and only WTO member country has the right to take temporary dumping measures [5].

The relative complexity of the procedure of the anti-dumping investigation WTO rules provide both Ukraine and other Members with an opportunity to contest the measures taken in their products by the market of the country export dumping measures, referring to an incorrect method of anti-dumping investigation. For example, April 23, 2012 at a meeting of the Commission on the implementation of anti-dumping WTO Turkey protested the legality of the Ukraine in the second half of 2011 of anti-dumping measures on party flat glass produced in Turkey, referring just to the wrong anti-dumping investigation by the Ukrainian side, and put the request for the abolition of anti-dumping measures Ukraine [6].

Complicated by Ukraine's membership in WTO terms of exporting companies financial support. Thus, WTO members have the right to protectionist measures to goods originating from that country, if it appears that companies producing these goods get a competitive advantage ("special benefit") of targeted subsidies.

The subject of the settlement subsidy WTO is only targeted subsidies, and financial assistance is provided to a particular company or a particular industry or a particular area within the country, or on a specific product or group of products sold in the domestic or foreign markets (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Types of subsidies that are governed by WTO subsidy

Subsidies as defined by the WTO is, firstly, that financial aid, and secondly, a government WTO member country or any public organization, located in the territory of a WTO member that, thirdly, leads to a subsidized now special benefits.

The concept of "special benefits" in the WTO rules are not clearly explained, however, by order of the Appellate Body, the special benefit is determined by comparison of the benefits that the company could get, buying resources and other assets on the market with the benefits that it actually received from the state or public organization.

The conditions subsidizing enterprises producing agricultural products have their own peculiarities. According to the Agricultural Agreement of the GATT 1994 (supplemented and developed further) all subsidies aimed at the revitalization and development of the agricultural sector of WTO members, divided into three "boxes".

Yellow Box - a subsidy that provide direct impact on the prices of agricultural producers. The use of such subsidies, according to Ukraine's WTO commitments are limited - their value in monetary terms can not exceed the annual level of support, which accumulated in the amount of support (AMS). However, their annual allowable still greater than that committed Ukraine to support agriculture in recent years.

"Blue Box" includes subsidies associated with the expansion of agricultural land, or increase the number of (livestock) animals used in animal husbandry, but in a way that implies reducing production route from the introduction of production quotas or reduction actors agricultural area of ​​agricultural land. In WTO rules such subsidies are not limited. In the EU, they are referred to direct financial assistance.

"Green Box" subsidies has carried on general economic development and the field of agriculture and did not affect or only slightly affect the prices of producers - including funding for research, social programs for rural development, construction and development of network objects nonproductive, Information Support agriculture and other subjects.

In Ukraine goes gradual accretion of subsidizing agriculture program "green box", like similar trends in developed countries [7, 8].

British human rights organization ActionAid, which operates in the field of food safety requires gradually abandon the use of subsidies "amber box" immediately prohibit all subsidies "blue box" subsidies and see "green box" at the expense of re-defining their actual impact on producer prices in developed countries, but also allow the creation of additional mechanisms to protect domestic agriculture in developing countries as "developed countries impede progress by practicing more severe special and preferential treatment to developing countries" [9].

When using subsidies "amber box" agribusiness Ukraine will implement ongoing activities, but will not take opportunities to develop. The same applies to subsidies "blue box", as one of the key conditions for the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine on the international market under the WTO is to increase export capacity. The best option is to bring the existing agricultural subsidy programs to the terms "green box", ie, to not directly financing production and improve the conditions of agricultural enterprises, particularly through the implementation of social programs of Rural Development.

Foreign investment as a means of increasing the export potential of domestic exporters urgent than ever. However, due to consistently poor investment climate, particularly through the difficult conditions for foreign investors, lack of protection and guarantees the inviolability of their investment, "raider" capture and hostile takeovers of companies with foreign capital, legal problems, FDI remained stable small in the structure of capital investment in the economy (Table 3) [1].

Table 3

The volume of capital investments made by foreign investors 2007-2011

Years / Mastered (used) capital investment
Capital investment / Including, investment in fixed assets
at current prices, mln / % of total / at current prices, mln / % of total
2007 / 7251,3 / 3,3 / 6659,6 / 3,5
2008 / 8087,0 / 3,0 / 7591,4 / 3,3
2009 / 8209,4 / 4,2 / 6859,3 / 4,5
2010 / 4067,7 / 2,1 / 3428,4 / 2,3
2011 / 7196,1 / 2,8 / 6543,7 / 3,1

As you can see, the volume of capital investments made by foreign investors, an increase in the first and the first half of the second year of WTO membership for Ukraine (the second half., 2008 - 2009), fell in 2010 by about half, and in 2011 and failed to achieve "dosotivskoho" level. The share of foreign investment in the structure of capital investments in Ukraine remains low and stable over 5 years does not exceed the rate of 4.2% of the total capital investment.