Matters /

October 2012

Edison Open Sessions for Parents/Carers

As we approach the end of the first half term, it has come to the time when we invite all parents/carers into their child’s class to look at the work they have completed. The activity may involve you joining in an activity, watching a performance, or even just looking at their topic folders. The children all look forward to sharing their learning with their parents/carers, so please try to come along for their session. You will also have an opportunity to write in your child’s topic folder, to praise their effort and make them feel even more proud!

The dates and times for each class are as follows:

Tuesday 23rd October9:00 - 10:00am Year 2

Wednesday 24th October9:00 - 10:00am Year 6

Thursday 25th October9:00 - 10:00am Year 3

Thursday 25thOctober 2:15 - 3:15pmYear 4

Friday 26th October9:00 - 10:00am Year 5

Friday 26th October2:15 - 3:15pm Year 1 classes (both)

If you wish to attend you child’s class open session, please report to the School Office.

Class Attendances

Here is the current attendance and punctuality % for each class from the beginning of the year. I have also included the number of minutes lost in teaching time lost from pupils arriving late to school. This figure also shows how many pupils have contributed to the total time missed in their learning. Well done to all the pupils who are arriving to school on time every day!

Current Attendance
(95% is minimum expected) / Minutes of teaching time lost from pupils arriving late to class / Additional Comments
Janet Ahlberg
(Reception) / 93.6% / 104 minutes
(from 3 pupils) / Reception class, you are doing well at arriving at school on time, but your attendance needs to improve for next month.
Allan Ahlberg
(Reception) / 94.8% / 106 minutes
(from 7 pupils) / Reception class, your attendance is very close to expectations, so well done. You are also good at coming to school on time.
Eric Carle
(Year 1) / 94.3% / 563 minutes
(from 11 pupils) / Year 1, your attendance needs to improve, but the punctuality of some of the children is very worrying. 3 children have already missed almost 2 hours each of learning from being late!
Julia Donaldson
(Year 1) / 93.0% / 192 minutes
(from 3 pupils) / Year 1, you need to improve your attendance. It is the lowest in the school, so I hope it improves significantly next month.
Anne Fine
(Year 2) / 95.4% / 234 minutes
(from 4 pupils) / Year 2, your attendance is above expectations, but some of you are missing a lot of school by arriving late. Well done to all the other children who have done this.
Michael Morpurgo
(Year 3) / 97.0% / 255 minutes
(from 7 pupils) / Year 3, you have the 3rd highest attendance, but 7 of your classmates are also missing a lot of learning time. I hope this improves.
D K Smith
(Year 4) / 96.5% / 292 minutes
(from 7 pupils) / Year 4, well done for having the 4th highest attendance. Some of you are missing a lot of school though by arriving late.
Michael Rosen
(Year 5) / 97.2% / 89 minutes
(from 3 pupils) / Year 5, you have the 2nd highest attendance and the best punctuality. Well done. Keep it up!
Roald Dahl
(Year 6) / 97.7% / 328 minutes
(from 15 pupils) / Year 6, while having the best attendance, you also have the 2nd worst punctuality. This is a very important year for you and arriving late will not help your progress or attainment!

Film Club

The film club will be finishing watching Annie this week, Wednesday 17th October.

The next film club will run on the 14th and 21st November. The next film will be Toy Story 3.

Children are welcome to bring along their own food and drinks to the film club, or purchase drinks/snacks from the Fundraisers, but please remember to not allow the children to bring any snacks that contain nuts.

Book Fair

We will be running a Book Fair in the Key Stage 2 hall every day between 3:15 and 4:00pm from Thursday 18th October to Wednesday 24th October. Parents/carers are welcome to visit the fair on any day after school to browse and purchase books for your child/children. The school receives discounts based upon books sold, so your support is greatly appreciated. Come and buy a book or two. Reading at bedtime is a wonderful way for children to spend quality time with parents/carers and helps children to relax and unwind before bed. Try it and see!

Harvest Donations

Thank you to all the pupils and parents/carers who have already donated generously for our Harvest celebration. All food donated will be given to the local charity Mike McCarthy, who will ensure that local families receive much needed support. We are asking for any remaining donations of dried and tinned food to be brought in by next Thursday 25th October. Please give generously.

Havering Library Visits

On Tuesday 27th November Yr 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be visiting the Havering Library in the morning to learn more about the services they provide and how they can become members. In the afternoon the Havering Library Serice will be visiting Yr R and Year 1 in the school.

Thank you

I would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Fenner, Ms Drain, and Ms Clutterbuck, who all gave up their valuable time to volunteer time in school to help in covering library books for the children. Your time was greatly appreciated.

I would also like to thank Mrs Bunjaku, who has been very busy volunteering in school by laminating resources for the staff.

If you are able to volunteer any time to help the staff, or hearing children read, please speak to your child’s class teacher, the School Office, or me on the playground.


We are hoping that the installation of the laurels plants along Mawney Road and Como St will take place in the upcoming half term holidays, taking steps towards making the playground a quieter and more private place for the pupils. Once complete, we will also be involving the School Council in purchasing activity tables and other resources to enable the children in Key Stage 2 to use the gardens to the front of the school along Mawney Road at lunchtime.

Breakfast Club

The school Breakfast Club is already up and running again this year. The club is open from 7:30am and any pupil from Reception class to Year 6 may attend. If you wish to register your child for the Breakfast Club, please collect a form from the School Office. Prices remain the same as last year: £2 per child per day, with additional siblings being charged £1 per child per day. This means the price for 2 siblings would be £3 per day, and £4 per day for 3 siblings. Entry to the Breakfast Club is through the middle doors to the front of the school on Mawney Road. Ring the bell next to the outside door and member of breakfast staff will assist you.

After School Clubs

Mr Dunne has worked very hard in completing club lists for this year. All the pupils who returned their slips on time should have received their club allocations by now. If you haven’t sent in a club list for your child/children as yet, you will need to speak to the person running the club directly to find out if there any spaces available for that club.

My Table Tennis club starts next Tuesday 23rd October at 8:00am in the KS2 hall. Please ring the bell for breakfast club to enter for table tennis.

Individual School Photos

ThisFriday 19th October, the school’s photographer will be in taking individual and sibling photos of the children in school. Photos will commence from 9:00am, continuing into the afternoon to enable the all the new Reception pupils to have their photographs taken. Please ensure your child/children are well presented and wearing the correct school uniform for these photos.

School Uniform and labelling clothing

Could we please remind all parents/carers to ensure that ALL children’s clothing is labelled with their names. We cannot return clothing if we don’t know who it belongs to.

Please also ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform and footwear to school each day.

The uniform consists of the following:

Plain grey or black trousers, knee length skirt, or dress (Tights should be red, grey, black or white only; Socks to be black or white)

Plain grey tailored shorts (summer months)

Red and white Gingham pattern dresses (summer months)

Plain white or red polo shirt or Polo shirt embroidered with the school logo (optional) or a plain white collared shirt

Red sweatshirts or fleeces printed with the school logo, or a plain red cardigan

Children should wear a pair of low top black, flat-soled shoes in school. Boots are not appropriate.

General Reminders

Could we remind all parents/carers that public parking is not permitted in the staff car park.

Additionally, if you wish to speak to your child’s teacher or another member of staff, please speak to that member of staff on the playground. Alternatively, report to the School Office and request an appointment with that member of staff.

Finally, please do not enter the school building, unless requested or accompanied by a member of staff.

Important Dates For Your Diary

  • Friday 19th October:Individual and sibling photos for pupils
  • Thursday 25th October 9:00am:Last day for donations for Harvest Festival
  • Friday 26thOctober:Last day of the first half of Autumn term
  • Monday 29th – Friday 2nd November:Half term holidays
  • Monday 5th November:Autumn Term (2nd Half) begins – All pupils return to school today