BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.

Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 12th July 2010, at Bardney Heritage Centre.

Apologies: Tony Green

Present: David Start-Trustee of Jews Court Trust

1 / Minutes of the last meeting:
The Chairman read the minutes, an alteration to the date of Bardney Gala was made, and the minutes were then signed as a true record.
2 / Matters Arising:
  • Lincolnshire Co-op had been contacted and a form sent by them for us to fill in. This would be done straight away and sent back.
  • Lynne had details of a bank account and forms were given to the proposed signatories for them to fill in. They would then have to visit the bank to have their details verified.
  • Dave Miles has almost transcribed all of Mrs Benton’s surveys.
  • Thanks were given to Marjorie for putting an article into the Parish news Magazine, there had been 1 response.
  • David Start gave a brief outline of the proposal to re-excavate Bardney Abbey, with Heritage Lottery Funding. He said that Jew’s Court Trust would like us to present the application on their behalf, as a joint venture with Jew’s Court, BHC and BHG, based on earlier discussions with Catherine Wilson, (see notes below taken at the extraordinary meeting on 30th June)
  • It was decided unanimously to go ahead, after a vote proposed by Dave Miles and seconded by Rod Knight (7 out of 7 committee members and 9 out of 9 members).
  • It was decided to have an Administration sub-committee to deal with the application: J Doughty, L Goforth, D McKenna, D Miles and R Knight were duly elected.
  • David Armstrong is to be informed of the decision to apply for the funding as the right of way passes through his farm yard.
  • Catherine Wilson has already acquired an application number.
Extraordinary Meeting
[30th June 2010]
RE: Lottery application
Catherine Wilson, Dave Miles, Rod Knight, Dave Letts, Barry Newlove and Jane Doughty
Jews Court Trust owns Jew’s Court (Bookshop in Lincoln) and Bardney Abbey site
8 Trustees (Catherine is on)
Site is ScheduledAncientMonument
English Heritage keen to support
‘Your Heritage’ Lottery grant – up to £50k.
Positive involvement and learning opportunity.
Partnership between JCT and BHG.
After lengthy discussion the quorum present had a very positive view at the end of this meeting.
However, it was agreed to take to BHG July meeting, for appraisal by all attending committee members for a final decision.
  • The chairman passed his complements onto The BDT on a job well done on the Heritage Trail leaflet.
/ K Walker
Committee members
3 / Correspondence/Email:
  • Susan Cohen-interested in WI her number was passed to Mrs Letts, chairperson of WI.

4 / Website:
  • Maintaining hits at about 350 per month. (see below)

5 / Fundraising:
  • Kev Ruane- after the harvest he will organise a metal detecting day with a local farmer. Funds from this will be donated to Heritage Group.
  • Waitrose-nominate a charity in a draw for one of three pots of money.
  • Gala-stall has been booked and paid. To check if we can have access to electricity supply.
  • Tent and generator
  • Laptop and projector
  • Screen
  • Desk and chair
  • Photos
/ K Ruane
R Knight
K Walker
D McKenna
D Miles
P Rennie
Heritage Centre
6 / Projects/Interests:
  • Marjorie brought in a small Bardney Abbey souvenir pot for us to look at.
  • Tom Crowder Booklet-many people interested, so it is to be forwarded to all members.
/ D Miles and
K Walker
7 / Any Other Business:
  • We now have £134.09 in the funds.
  • Helpers for gala day to be timetabled at next meeting.
  • Mr and Mrs Wass of Branston are to be contacted re: artefacts quiz sheet.
  • A copy of Voluntary Sector News (free publication) was handed to the secretary; it contains information on grants, etc. that are available. The Group needs to be registered to receive this publication.
  • Mike Rodgers talk on Bardney Railway-Tuesday 20th July 7:30pm.
/ L Goforth
K Walker
8 / Date and Time of Next Meeting:
29th August 20107pm
Meeting closed at: 9pm
Minutes signed as a true record:

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