Informal meeting of EU Water Directors and EU Marine Directors

- Draft Agenda -

Wednesday 26th May

1700 - 1900 / Segovia discovery tour
2100 / Welcome dinner

Thursday 27th May

830 / Registration
900 / Opening of the Water and Marine Directors’ meeting
Welcome speeches
930-1000 / 1. Commission activities
1000– 1100 / 2. Common Implementation Strategy Activities
a)Progress report
b)Endorsementof documents (batch or discussion point, subject to SCG outcome):
-Intercalibration Guidance (annexes 3 and 6)
-Guidance on Risk Assessment and the Use of Conceptual Models for Groundwater
-Guidance on the Sediment and Biota Monitoring
-Draft mandate on priority substances inventory guidance
-Draft mandate on AGRI PRB network
1100 – 1130 / Coffee break
1130-1230 / 3. River Basin Management Plans
a)Discussion on the implementation of the Programmes of Measures(introduction by EC and followed by the intervention of MS)
b)Strategic Environmental Assessment of RBMP (Presentation by AT of the results of the survey and discussion)
1230-1400 / 4. Integration issues
a)Discussion on the reform of the Common Agriculture Policy
b)Hydropower (stocktaking of existing practices, recall of earlier CIS guidance, preparation of 2011 workshop)
1400– 1530 / Lunch
1530 – 1545 / 5. Recent events
a)Outcomes of the International Conference on Water Scarcity and Drought (ES)
b)UfM Water Strategy (ES)
c)Outcomes of the International Conference on Groundwater (ES)
1545 – 1630 / 6. Other issues
a)Belgian Presidency activities (BE)
b)Hungarian Presidency activities (HU)
c)Danube Strategy (AT)
1630- 1800 / 7. Water and Marine Common issues
a)Draft COM Decision on Criteria for the Determination of Good Environmental Status (paper 3/1). Outcome of the meetings of the WG-GES and the Committee for implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
b)Coordination between Good Environmental Status (MSFD) and Good Ecological Status (WFD): in particular discussion on definitions in relation to assessmentsand synergies between the Directives
c)Role of landlocked countries
1800 – 1900 / Visit to the Granja’s gardens and family picture
2100 / Common dinner

Friday 28th May

900–920 / 1. Opening the meeting – Welcome speeches
920–940 / 2. Information by the Presidency
a)Results of the EUROMARES Conference in the Framework of the European Maritime Day
b)Exchange of views on the MSFD in the Council of June
940 –1100 / 3. GES
a)Future revision of the Decision of GES, including methodological standards(paper 3/2)
b)Discussion: implementation of the Decision
1100 – 1130 / Coffee break
1130 – 1400 / 4. Common Implementation Strategy
a)Report on ESA (paper 4/1)
b)Emerging areas (noise, litter, etc.) (paper 4/2)
c)Interregional coordination (paper 4/3)
d)Overview of the role of CIS for 2010 – 2012 (paper 4/4)
e)Work programme (paper 4/5)
1315– 1400 / Approval of the minutes of the Water and Marine Directors meeting
1400 – 1500 / Lunch
1500 – 1630 / 5. Discussion on future developments and the role of the CIS
a)Research needs (paper 5/1)
b)Pilot project under the MSFD (paper 5/2)
c)Integrated Coastal Zone Management (paper 5/3)
1630 – 1700 / 6. Any other business

(If possible, points 5 and 6 will be taken before lunch)