Future Award Continued

SERVICE (Select three activities from this section.)

Activity 1

Donate ten hours of service to an educational or service organization such as the March of Dimes, the Parent-Teacher Association, local Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Activity 2

Help your chapter adviser(s) with activities to celebrate American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week.

Activity 3

Participate on your chapter's community service project committee.

Activity 4

Participate in a promotional or fundraising project for the March of Dimes.

Activity 5

Help plan a social activity for your chapter.

Activity 6

Write a one-page report on a service organization in your community and present it to your chapter or a business class.

Activity 7

Other - As designated by local adviser.

EDUCATION (Select three activities from this section.)

Activity 8

Accounting. Using a spreadsheet, create a one-month budget for yourself or for your local chapter.

Activity 9

Entrepreneurship. List at least ten goals (related to school, career, profession, etc.) for yourself and your future.

Activity 10

Communications. Read a business article or story from Tomorrow's Business Leader, FBLA's national publication. Write a one-page letter in proper business format summarizing and reacting to this article. Address the letter to your local chapter adviser.

Activity 11

Marketing. Write a one-page paper on a marketing career.

Activity 12

Entrepreneurship. List five personal strengths and one personal weakness. Write a 100-word summary on what you can do to overcome the weakness.

Activity 13

International Business. Collect advertising related to international business. Describe your findings to your local adviser in a one-page memo in proper business format.

PROGRESS (Complete four activities.)

The first three activities are required. Select one activity in addition to the three required activities. The Future Award test will cover basic FBLA knowledge. Questions may be on FBLA history, structure, programs, officers, constitution/bylaws, dress code, etc. Students may retake this test as many times as necessary to pass. A passing score will be 92 percent correct on a 25-question test or 23 questions correct out of 25 total questions.

Activity 14

Required. Bring a friend who is a nonmember to a local chapter FBLA meeting.

Activity 15

Required. Complete the Future Award Test with a score of 92% or higher.

Activity 16

Required. Attend at least two local chapter meetings.

Activity 17

Invite a business leader to speak at one of your meetings.

Activity 18

Attend a local chapter activity/event.

Activity 19

Memorize and recite the FBLA creed at a chapter meeting and explain your understanding of this creed as it relates to your future and to the business world.

2 / FBLA/BAA/Future Level Requirements