Peripheral Vessels Puzzle


3. The tunica ___ consists of mainly smooth muscle and elastic tissue.

4. Degenerative changes in arteries that make them less elastic are referred collectively as _____.

6. A pulse can be felt in the ___ artery on the lateral side of the anterior forearm just proximal to the wrist.

10. Medium sized arteries that regulate the blood supply to different regions of the body by either constricting or dilating are ______.

13. An area of dead tissue is called an ____.

15. The condition of excessive accumulation of tissue fluid.

16, Renin causes the production of this vasoconstrictor from plasma proteins.

17. The external ____ arteries lead to the femoral artery.

18. Also know as ADH, causes water reabsorption in the kidneys and vasoconstriction which results in elevated blood pressure.

21. The right & left vertebral arteries unite to form this artery at the pons.

22. Substances diffuse across ___ walls to tissue cells or blood stream.

24. The pressure that moves the fluid outward at the arteriole end of a capillary.

25. When the smooth muscles in a blood vessel contract and the diameter of the vessel decreases this is called ___constriction.

26. Blood capillaries that branch from thoroughfare channels have intermittent blood flow regulated by smooth muscle cells called ______.

29. Small blood vessels that supply the larger many tissue layer blood vessels with nutrients are called ______.

33. ___blood pressure is normally around120mm of Hg.

34. ___veins are caused by incompetent valves in veins in the leg.

37. The ____is the entire lining of the circulatory system made up of simple squamous epithelial cells.

38. A ___ is an arteriovenous anastomoses that consists of arterioles arranged in a convoluted fashion surrounded by a collagenous tissue.

43. A floating clot that becomes lodged in a smaller blood vessel.

44. The second Korotkoff sound occurs when the sphynomanometer is measuring the ____ pressure.

46. The blood from capillaries flow into a ___ before small veins.

47. The 5 cm ascending aorta leads in to the aortic ___ that bends posteriorly and to the left.

48. Circulatory ___ is an inadequate blood flow throughout the body.

50. General term given to the larger blood vessels leading to the heart.

51. A circle of interconnecting arteries around the pituitary and base of the brain is called the ______.

55. Another term used for dead tissue.

58. A ___ is a sudden neurological disorder often caused by a decreased blood supply to the brain.

59. Epithelial cells of the alveolar membranes are tightly joined so that ions and fluids do not escape into the alveoli thus keeping them ___.

60. Neurogenic shock results from rapid loss of ___ tone that causes vasodilation which severely decreases blood pressure.

61. Hormone released from the adrenal cortex in response to low BP or Na+, which causes the kidney to reabsorb Na+ and water.

62. Major arteries and veins leading to the kidney are termed ___.

63. Tissue swelling in carotid artery that contains pressoreceptors (for BP) and chemoreceptors ( for oxygen and pH).

64. The circulatory circuit with freshly oxygenated blood pumped to all parts of the body by the left ventricle.

66. The internal and external____ are major veins that drain the head and neck into the subclavian.

Peripheral Vessels Puzzle


1. Nerve impulses are inhibited to smooth muscles of blood vessels causing an increase in the diameter of the blood vessel.

2. The heart rate, rhythmicity and other characteristics can be determined by feeling the ____.

3. ___ connect arterioles to capillaries or directly to venules forming arteriovenous shunts.

4. The routine method of taking BP is called the ____method.

5. Term given to a stationary blood clot.

7. A bulge caused by a weakened spot in the aortic wall.

8. Name give to major veins and arteries connected to the diaphragm.

9. The kidneys release an enzyme called ___ when the BP is low or Na+ ‘s are low which leads to the production of angiotensin.

11. The pressure within the right atrium is called ______pressure.

12. Veins having diameters greater than 2mm contain ___ that allow blood to flow toward the heart but not in the opposite direction.

14. The ______pressure is the pressure at which a blood vessel will collapse when blood pressure drops due to shock.

19. Normal cardiac rhythm regulated by the S-A node is called ___rhythm.

20. Accumulation of fluid with the pericardial cavity causing pressure on

the heart thus interfering with heart action is called acute cardiac ___.

23. The hepatic ___ system begins with capillaries in the viscera and ends with sinusoidal capillaries in the liver.

24. Another term for high blood pressure.

27. Systolic and diastolic BP are determined by listening for ______while using the spygomanometer.

28. The osmotic pressure caused by plasma proteins is called __ ___ osmotic pressure.

30. Capillaries located in the liver that are large in diameter and also very permeable are called ____.

31. A large vein that empties into superior vena cava and drains the posterior thoracic veins.

32. Blood pressure may be measured directly by inserting a ___ into a blood vessel and connecting a manometer to it.

35. Highly permeable capillaries found in the kidney and intestine have a ___ structure.

36. From the lumen to the outer wall of a blood vessel the tissue layers are called ___.

39. Soft masses of fatty materials deposited on arterial walls.

40. As the blood passes through the capillaries the blood colloid proteins in the capillaries cause ____ pressure which tends to move fluid inward at the venule end.

41. The presence of blood cells and plasma proteins increase the ___ (flowing ability ) of the blood.

42. The tunica ___ is the outer connective tissue covering a blood vessel.

45. Inflammation of varicose veins in the legs can result in a condition called ____ which can lead to gangrene.

49. Condition of widespread edema, especially in the peritoneal cavity, due to failure of the right ventricle which causes back pressure on the veins.

50. Retention of water by the kidneys increase the blood ___ and BP.

52. The inner most tunic ___ is composed mainly of endothelium.

53. The circulatory circuit from the heart through the lungs.

54. Blood ___ depends on heart action, blood volume, peripheral resistance, and blood viscosity.

56. General name given to a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.

57. The volume discharged from the ventricle per minute is called the cardiac ___.

65. Another name for a stroke. abbr.