
Who is Congress? (CP must do 1-9, CCP 1-12, HONORS 1-16)

Type in Microsoft Word or write out answers (use your own words!)

Part I: U.S. House of Representatives

Go to and type in your zip code at the top right OR look up Connecticut’s reps.

Click on John Larson (district 1) if you live in Southington or another rep if you do not live here.

1.  Read his/her biography and explain the highlights in a few sentences. For Larson click “Meet John” at the top.

2.  Find an issue he/she is dealing with right now + explain it in your own words. Add a quote + explain it.

3.  Click on another part of his/her webpage and explain what you found + why it is important.

Part III: Issues & Voting

Go to + click on a bill listed on the left side for “In the House”

10.  According to yes/no vote, did the bill pass? Using the summary, explain the bill in your own words.

11.  Why is this an important issue?

12.  Click “Select State” & click on Connecticut. Click on “Display Votes.” Explain how CT’s 5 representatives voted on this issue. Do you agree with their vote? Explain why/why not and give reasons. Compare their votes to your opinion on this issue (explain your opinion).














13-15.  Repeat steps 10-12 but click on a bill listed on the left side for “In the Senate.”

16.  Go to & click “Politics.” Find an article about the U.S. Congress/House/Senate different than the issues you looked at above. Write down the title, date + explain what the article is about in your own words.

Part II: U.S. Senate

Go to and in the top-right corner, click Connecticut under “Find your Senators” + click “Go.”

Click on the name of your first Senator to go to his/her website.

4.  Copy and paste a picture of your Senator and label it.

5.  Find an issue he/she is dealing with right now + explain it in your own words. Add a quote + explain it.

6.  Click on another part of his/her webpage and explain what you found + why it is important

Go to and in the top-right corner, click Connecticut under “Find your Senators” + click “Go.”

Click on the name of your other Senator to go to his/her website.

7.  Copy and paste a picture of your other Senator and label it.

8.  Find an issue he/she is dealing with right now + explain it in your own words. Add a quote + explain it.

9.  Click on another part of his/her webpage and explain what you found + why it is important