The Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain, and Addiction Treatment: Pioneering Change
May 17-19, 2018 –Hilton Eugene, Eugene, OR
The Planning Committee for the Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain and Addiction Treatmentinvites you to submit proposals for posters to be presented at the upcoming conference. Proposals should describe original research orinnovative health system, clinical practice and/or community strategies:thatreduce harms from opioid misuse, abuse and overdose; expand access and availability of safe and effectivesubstance use disorder and/or pain treatment and/or improve quality of care and treatment outcomes.
Proposal submission is open to all conference attendees.Submissions are dueApril 6, 2018.To submit a proposal, the lead presenter should complete the 2018 Poster Proposal Form below and submit it to Sarah April 6, 2018.
The Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain and Addiction Treatment invites proposals representing all areas of innovative research, practice, policy treatment, and ethics.
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of peer reviewed by subject matter experts. Each submission will be reviewed for its broader application to inform innovative system, practice and/or community change.Committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating poster proposals:
•Quality of research or application of best practices and/or policies
•Originality, timeliness and relevance of information
•Completeness of submission (incomplete proposals may not be accepted)
•Having posters from students and practitioners who represent a diverse range of experience
Poster Proposal Guidelines
Posters should be no larger than8 feet wide by 4 feet tall. Technical equipment (such as electricity, data-lines, TV/DVD player) will not be available for use.
Your poster should include the title of your presentation, your name, affiliation, and any co-authors, as well as detailed information outlined in the poster proposal. Your poster should be readable from of distance of at least three feet. Your poster does not have to be professionally printed, but graphics should be simple, colorful (if possible), well labeled, and legible.
All material used to display the poster will be the sole responsibility of the presenters. Poster presenters must register for the Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain and Addiction Treatment.
The Poster Session will be held on May 18th, Friday evening from 5:15-6:30 PM. Presenters can begin setting up at 4:00 PM the day of the session and will be expected to break down before 8:00 PM.
Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain and Addiction Treatment
Poster Submission Requirements:
All posters will be peer-reviewed. Poster presenters must register for the 2018 Oregon Pain Conference. Please note: poster displays are for sharing, not selling. Any poster that is marketing a product or service will be declined or removed.
For each proposal, please submit the following:
- Submitter’s background (100 words or less):
- Abstract (75-100 words): Briefly summarize what you’ll be presenting.
- Proposal (300-500 words): In greater detail, describe your poster presentation in the following format:
Best Practices/Other Topics:
- Title
- Purpose/objective
- Background & rationale
- Overview of project
- Applications/lessons learned/tips for practice/implications
Research/Best Practices:
- Title
- Purpose/objective
- Background & significance
- Methods (design, data collection, sample, analysis)
- Results
- Conclusions/implications
Please submit this form electronically as a Word or PDF file
to by April 6, 2018.