13 B
MDP of God
Have you ever wondered why? God why did they(meaning the people who were around when Jesus walked the earth) -get all the healings? Why did they get people raised from the dead? Why did they get all these wonderful signs- and we don’t get them?
Sure it would be easy to believe if I saw someone raised from the dead
Sure it would be easy to believe if I saw a woman healed after years of infirmity
Sure it would easy to believe if I had seen the miracles Jesus performed- if I saw lepers healed- if I saw the blind see again- if I saw the lame walk--but I don’t get to see those things
Anybody here ever wondered that? I know I have
And I have to say that just the question – at least on my part- shows a lack of gratitude and a lack of appreciation for what God has given
Because first of all, I have personally seen miracles of healing
I know people and spend time with people who the doctors said were dying with no hope of recovery- who have been given years of life
Sometimes they’ve had a complete recovery – against all odds
Other times they’ve gone into remission – and then later the illness progressed and the Lord took them home – but for years they had time with their family – their friends- their loved ones
But you know when I see those things – I thank God, but all too often I tend to treat it as coincidence – or a miracle of modern medicine—or just something nice that happened
I often take it for granted – maybe you have too
I at times take for granted the answers to prayers
You’ll remember the gospel when Jesus calmed the storm at sea- of course the Apostles thought they were going to drown they woke Jesus up – and He calmed the storm
And we- at least I do – tend to think – /// well if I saw that- if I saw prayers answered like that- then I’d never have any problems with faith – I wouldn’t sin nearly as much- having that absolute assurance
But you know I have seen God deliver me from storms- and I take that for granted too
Like one time when I was a kid we had left from Marblehead, where we had a summer home – and we went to one of the Canadian Islands
We only had a 16 foot boat – they discourage you today from having a boat that small on Lake Erie, let alone going to Canada in it
But we were on this Island and on our way back – a storm kicked up- dad had us all go under the deck in front- I guess so we wouldn’t see everything and get scared – I was kind of scared—I was probably too stupid to be as scared as I should have been –but my mom was very scared –so we prayed
And we got back safely – and I have to tell you I have almost never looked back at that with gratitude-I took it for granted
I could have died that day – my whole family could have died- our prayers were answered- and I have to confess that I really haven’t been very grateful
Or another time – my dad was a private pilot- and he and I flew down to Florida for a trip – well on the way back this thunderstorm wasn’t supposed to be in Cleveland yet – or it was supposed to be gone by the time we got here (I forget which) – but we flew right into it—little planes and thunderstorms don’t go together well
We were going up several hundred feet and going down several hundred feet in a matter of seconds
Dad had me keeping my eyes on the altimeter- the instrument that tells you your altitude- to tell him how fast we were going up and down
And I was really praying- You know I’m going- “Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee, blessed are you among women and blessed is-DAD, we just lost three hundred feet_ Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners – now and at the hour of death. Amen –And please don’t let now and the hour of death be the same time
And you know we got down safely – it wasn’t a real pretty landing- but we were safe – my prayers were answered
But again- after that I didn’t go around with a sense of gratitude- “Boy God you really delivered me – thank you – no I took it for granted
And maybe even a sense of “Well, I probably would have been okay
anyway – I probably would have survived if I hadn’t prayed”
But of course, you never know that—From all appearances God answered my prayers- and I took it for granted [failed 2 B grateful]
And instead I focus on the times my prayers weren’t answered- when children were sick and they didn’t recover – when a young mother had cancer, and didn’t recover
I tend – and my guess is I’m not the only one who does this – to forget the times my prayers for safety or healing were answered and focus on the times they weren’t
And I’ve seen wonders that can’t be explained- In 1996 when I was in Medjogoria- the apparitions started in 1981
But in ’96 when I was there- I saw the sun dance
One of our parishioners and I were on the mountain of apparition – we were coming down and came around a corner and there were a group of people stopped looking toward the sun
The sun was kind of on the horizon
[And it was spinning and pulsating]- And all these people are just incredulous about it – I saw it myself- and I wasn’t the only one- there were about five or six people looking at it – the parishioner I was with saw it too
And despite all that I’ll sometimes think – if only I had seen Jesus raise someone from the dead – If only I saw Him heal someone – If only I saw the blind see and the lame walk again
Then it would be so much easier to live the faith--But I have seen incredible things and take them for granted
But you know when we ask that question – why were they given that and we aren’t – we especially forget the greatest gift God has given – the gift of Himself
Some of them saw Jesus – some of them saw His miracles- some of them spent time with Him
But we have even more – Jesus gives us His own body and blood
Jesus allows us to take Him into our very lives- into our bodies- to sanctify us – to make us holy
My friends, God has given us so much- but we often take for granted the many gifts He’s given
He’s given us supernatural gifts – our Baptism that makes us His children
The Holy Eucharist through which Jesus shares His life with us
Reconciliation – through which He forgives our sins
And He’s given us so many natural gifts as well – gifts that are also incredible
[Came across this story]
A group of Geography students studied the Seven Wonders of the
World. At the end of that section, the students were asked to
list what they thought were considered to be the present Seven
Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the
following got the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids,--2. Taj Mahal,---3. Grand Canyon,-- 4. Panama Canal,-- 5. Empire State Building,---6. St. Peter's Basilica,=-7. China's Great Wall.
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, a quiet
girl, hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was
having trouble with her list.
The quiet girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make
up my mind because there were so many."
The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:”
1. To touch
2. To taste
3. To see
4. To hear
She hesitated a little, and then said...
5. To feel
6. To laugh
7. And to love
My friends, all we need to do is look around to see the miracles of God
Let’s open our eyes and be grateful for all the miracles God has given us
The second point I’d like to make briefly—Has to do with one of the greatest gifts God has given us-- as Americans we have been given the gift of freedom- but unfortunately that is being threatened today
Just last week there was a case in the United States Supreme Court—where the state of California required pro-life clinics to post abortion referrals—they required under penalty of heavy fines for people committed to the Right to Life to make known to people abortion providers
Which of course is totally against their beliefs—it was a huge threat to freedom—the good news is the pro-life groups won—the bad news is that it was a 5-4 vote in the Supreme Court—four of the so-called justices thought it was acceptable for a state government to force people to go against their firmly held convictions
My friends, we now have an opening on the Supreme Court—we need to be praying that we get someone on the Court who will respect religious freedom –we should be praying that we get someone on the Court who will recognize the dignity of all life from conception to natural death
It would also be good that we would have someone who recognizes the 10th amendment—the 10th amendment says if there is an issue that is not directly spoken of in the Constitution that the decisions should be left to the states and to the people—unfortunately for the last 60 years or so the Courts have taken many decisions out of the hands of the people –and have decided from on high—like they’re on Mount Olympus—they have decided and taken the authority for important decisions that greatly impact our culture--- out of the hands of the people and reserved in to themselves
Whether it be prayer in schools—abortion—marriage laws—pornography—the Court has said they will decide these issues—what the people vote for—what the people want doesn’t matter---they will decide from on high
That is so contrary to the ideals of our Constitution and the spirit of freedom that is the bedrock of our national identity
So we need to be praying for a good Justice to the Supreme Court— it would probably be good to contact our U.S. senators as well
As a nation this week we celebrate our freedom – but it’s a hollow celebration if religious liberty is at serious risk and unelected judges make the important decisions that will shape the future of our country instead of the voters
And finally—on this week of the 4th of July when we celebrate our liberty—we remember that we are a nation of immigrants
My mom came to this country from Ireland in the 50’s—my grandmother came here from Ireland in the 20’s—my dad’s grandparents came from Ireland at the end of the 1800’s—my sister in law is from Nicaragua—my brother in law was born in India and moved here from England
As Americans we need to be praying that the people in Washington will work together to solve the immigration crisis at our southern border
They need to work together to come up with a solution that is just –equitable- and fair [chaos for 30 years is inexcusable]
As Catholics and as Americans we’ve been so blessed – let’s stand up to protect those blessings—let’s pray fervently that our nation will continue to be a beacon of liberty for the whole world