Greenway Community Practice
Patient Participation Group Meeting Minutes
Monday 2 February 2015 (19:00 – 20:15)
To be held in: the Health Education Room
Greenway Community Practice
36th Meeting
Dr Claire Gillvray, GP Peter Riordan, Practice Manager Donna Bayford, Admin Asst Hilary Bartrum, IT Coordinator
Beverley Shadbolt, Lead Receptionist Ellie Baynes, Receptionist/Admin
Geraldine Cutler, PPG Member Tony Hughes, PPG Member
Hilda Adair, PPG Member Steve Hulance, PPG Member
Edwin Jones, PPG Member Jean Hulance, PPG Member
Vivienne Marshall, PPG Member Jennifer Eastham, PPG Member
Donald Marshall, PPG Member Frances Robertson, PPG Member
Christine Orchard, PPG Member Brian Orchard, PPG Member
Ian Taylor, New Member
1. Apologies Donna Bayford
It was noted that some members had a problem entering the building at the start time of 7pm as it had been locked up. Practice acknowledged that the change in start time was at their request and will look at either starting earlier in future or put in place a system to ensure all can enter the building
2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
· Welcome to Dr Gillvray who will be taking on the role of Lead GP for the PPG.
· Flu day went very well. More flu jabs were given on the day and more flu jabs given overall than in any other year.
· Electronic Prescribing System: 75% of our patients are now using this system. There have been a few teething problems, as Pharmacies get used to the system. Regular meeting are held between the Practices using the system and the Pharmacies, so hopefully any issues will soon be ironed out.
3. Greenway PPG Going the Extra Mile
No requests for funds. Balance the same: £1606.13. Talked last meeting about articles to go in The Mead, The BS9, the W-O-T newsletter. This is still to be done.
4. Results from Patient Participation Survey and next steps.
PR introduced the session by explaining why the item had been added to the agenda and the purpose of the survey. As indicated when sending out the meeting agenda, it was explained that we are keen to look at the following:
o How, when and by what means can we engage with more patients and ensure it represents our diverse population?
o What is the purpose of the group, is it meeting our needs?
o What do the patients want and expect of us and vice versa?
o Are we discussing the right topics?
A full and frank discussion was held regarding the survey sent out by Practice regarding patient participation. It is recognised that the Patient Group as it stands is not necessarily reflective of the Practice population. The Practice sent the survey to all patients for who we have an email address. 43 replied out of 600 sent. Concerns were raised by some members of the PPG that this survey may not have asked the right questions, and that may not have been as helpful as we would have liked. The Practice indicated that it was only meant to be a quick snapshot to provide some information to feed into the discussion.
Running through the results it was clear that there was a wider group of people who would like to be involved. We need to be clear about what the group was for before inviting others along to attend. A round the table discussion of what members thought the PPG was for provide the following feedback and comments:
· To find out what is going on in the Practice. Hope to help Practice if needed.
· Important to support the Practice. Find out useful Practice information.
· Interesting to hear about different roles in the Practice
· Useful to find out changes, but not sure if the PPG was the right place to do this. Sometimes felt that the group was a bit ‘one way’- lots of information being given about Practice- but not much discussion.
· One member wondered why she still came.
· Would like to support GPs, it is powerful to help, and make a contribution to the community.
· Platform for patients to give opinions/give information.
· Wants to support an excellent Practice. Useful for patients to share their experience. Happy for there to be more of a ‘forum’ approach- bigger, wider more open group of people.
· Serious doubts about how the PPG works- member wondered what use the PPG was to GPs/Practice? Would be useful to have ideas from the Practice regarding how they would like the PPG to be involved? Often find that PPG is not consulted on anything- just being given information on things that have already been decided. (comment from Practice that unfortunately that is because a lot gets dictated from ‘above’)
· All group members said that support for the Practice is the main aim of them coming to the meetings.
· A Practice Newsletter would be a good way to get information to the wider Practice population- it would be a good edition to the Practice
PR requested that members went away to think about how they would like the group to develop. PPG members felt it would be better for the Practice to come up with 3 different models for how the Patient Group could operate and then send them to the group for comment. The comments would then form the basis for a discussion at the next meeting on how the PPG could operate.
5. IPSO MORI Survey/Friends and Family Test results
The results from the IPSO MORI survey were very good, most of them were better than the national average.
Privacy at Reception is an area that needs improvement. It was pointed out that only 1% of our patients said they can’t be overheard although the majority did not mind. The Practice is looking at ways to improve this, but unfortunately, the layout of the building makes it difficult to make major changes.
Friends and Family Test results: 95% of patients surveyed were likely/very likely to recommend the Practice, another great result. The Friends and Family test can be completed through NHS Choices, the Practice Website, or there is a form on Reception.
6. Practice Crunch Points. To be discussed by email and then brought back to next meeting.
7. AOB
· Patient Information Sharing and Access. No further information available
· CQC Visit Inspections are due in North Bristol in March. If we are chosen they will want to talk to members of PPG.
· Blood tests and results The question was asked whether we have an electronic failsafe if results do not come back in? It was noted that the Practice receives a message if a results ‘fail to deliver’ to our system, which the IT team then follow up.
8. Date of next meeting: Monday June 1st- for further discussion