Minutes of HBPB Swimming Board Meeting

20th September 2016 at 7pm

Present: Sue Hewitt, Keith Bone, Trevor Adsett, Donna Blair, Mary Jean Staniford, Garon Buczynski

Apologies: None

Keith welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Previous Minutes:

·  Minutes of meeting 28th May 2016 moved. Donna/Trevor

·  Minutes of meeting held after the AGM on 10th July to be circulated. S Hewitt to follow up

·  AGM Minutes – Draft minutes approved by the Board as a true representation of the meeting. Minutes need to be formally approved at the 2017 HBPB Swimming AGM.

Matters Arising:

·  Old AOD – Joshua Munro (Coach) from Roskill Swim Club has contacted us showing interest, but has not come back with committee approval. S Hewitt has emailed him a number of times, with no reply. S Hewitt to follow up

·  Electronic Scoreboard – D.Kamper is putting some information together. S Hewitt to follow up

·  Wairoa Swimming – S Hewitt contacted Sara Bird and they are still unsure as to whether they want to affiliate given the costs. We will actively work with them to encourage them through the process. S Hewitt/K Bone to follow up

Correspondence: (as per notified by email).

·  Correspondence of note was discussed.

·  Inwards of Significance:

o  K McCauley – SNZ – Competition Structure Proposal Clarification

o  Trojans – Various

o  K Stead – Membership Fees and Swimming Trust Payment

o  B Cotterill – Clarification on Board Election Process

o  Swim HB – Minutes June and August

o  Board Nominations – D Blair and K Bone

o  HBPB Technical Committee Minutes

o  BOP Swimming – re Swimming Trust Payment

o  SNZ – SNZ Regulations

o  C Renford – SNZ – SNZ Regional Membership Summary

o  K McCauley – SNZ – 2017 Event Dates and Competition Calendar

o  Greendale Swim Club – Notification of Community Meeting

o  CS – Notification of Vic Age Qualifiers – A Kamper, M Pickett, L Pickett

o  CS – AGM Date – 2nd October 2016

o  K Stead – SNZ – Regional Membership Report

o  CS – Notification of Queensland Qualifiers – B Maunder, R Adsett, O Corrin, M Franks, K Reidy

o  Waikato Swimming – Notification re Tri Series

o  Waikato Swimming – SNZ AGM - Item of Business

o  Ange Williams – OSHbox - Health and Safety

o  Martin Swimming – Summers Date

o  K Stead – SNZ – SNZ AGM Agenda

·  Outwards of Significance:

o  Swim HB – Clarification re Reserves

o  Eastland Swim – Final Terms of Reference

o  Trojans - Various

o  HBPB Life Members - HBPB Swimming Annual Reports

o  Clubs – HBPB Rules and Regulations

o  Infinity Foundation – Grant Accountability

o  Lion Foundation – Grant Accountability

o  R Hutchinson – Global Leisure Group re Napier Aquatics Centre

·  Moved that the Inwards is received and the Outwards be approved. Keith/Trevor

Financial Report:

·  Payment of Accounts Ratified (approved via Email) Garon/Donna

o  Sundevils - $7725 – Reimburse Meet Entry Fees Received via HBPB

o  Swim HB - $630.50 – Reimburse Meet Entry Fees Received via HBPB

o  Swim HB - $20 – Repayment

o  Hastings District Council - $30.00 – Meeting Room Hire

o  Knowledge Accounting - $287.50 – Annual Report Fee

o  A Connor – $48.00 – Repay Meet Entry Fees

o  S Hewitt – Reimburse $363.81 – Annual Report Costs

o  S Hewitt – Reimburse $83.90 – Prepaid Envelopes

o  Subway - $219.00 – AGM Lunch

o  Engrave O Print - $18.40 – Engraving Cups

o  D Kamper – Reimburse $144.49 – AOD Toner

o  K Wellard, D Hatwell, B Paulsen – Reimburse $8 each – Meet Entry Fee

o  SNZ – $56.50 - Affiliations

o  Avison Flowers - $80.00 – N Bone

o  Swim HB - $8390.00 – Reimburse Meet Entry Fees less AOD Hire and HB Levies

o  SNZ – $1130.50 - Affiliations

o  SNZ – $146.50 - Affiliations

o  Copthorne Rotorua - $21075.00 – Accommodation CSSC

o  Subway Rotorua - $1565.45 – Lunches CSSC

o  Aqualine - $718.75 – HBPB Caps

o  SNZ - $130.00 - Affiliations

·  Approval of Additional Payments: Trevor/Mary Jean

o  S Hewitt – Teleconference

o  K Bone - $386 - Flights to Central Swimming AGM.

o  K Bone – Regional Team Manager Reimbursement for Accommodation and Meals. No travel payment to be made.

·  Move the Financial Reports Trevor/Donna

Funding Report:

·  Infinity Foundation -$10K and Lion Foundation $5K – Accommodation for Regional Team to Central Swimming Short Course. Accountability has been completed.

·  Div II 2017 – Move to apply to NZCT for funding for accommodation for a Regional Team Mary Jean/Trevor

·  Central Swimming Long Course Championships 2017 – Move to apply to Pub Charity for funding for accommodation for a Regional Team. Keith/Donna

Sub Committee Reports:

·  Eastland Swim – Eastland Swim are yet to agree formally to the Terms of Reference. Email to go to Sharon Dunne requesting that this happens immediately, and that the terms are adhered to. Annual financial reports are to be submitted. Funds will be held by HBPB Swimming from the HBPB Summer Championships, until this occurs. S Hewitt to follow up

·  Swim Hawke’s Bay – Swim HB report on HBPB Winters. Two lots of funding were received – ECC and Infinity. A flyer is to be approved at the meeting next week for the Swim HB Waipukurau meet, and a funding application is in for this meet. The Junior and Distance Leagues went well, although numbers at Junior Leagues were down, with no attendance from CHB. It was suggested that coaches may need to look at the flyers to see how the meets can be better run. S Hewitt suggested that a HB Coaches rep is named and is in charge of actively leading and working with other coaches and Swim HB on this.

·  Coaches -Nothing to report.

Technical Report:

·  K Bone spoke about HBPB Winters. Three TAC committee members visited. Keith and Sue met with them with the outcome being that Carol Maunder is to do the training of new officials, and Keith Bone is to sign off.

·  There is a lack of up and coming officials coming through, and there has been no progress made to develop new officials since then. There is a particular lack of technical officials within HB amongst junior parents at Aquahawks, and also CHB.

·  The Gisborne clubs are very low on active officials, and currently do not have anyone there that can sign off officials. Keith Bone is the only one that can sign off officials, with Carol still being in charge of recruiting and training for the entire region, It may be that there is a person appointed in the Gisborne area to facilitate training – perhaps Paul Evans could be approached. S Hewitt mentioned that TAC had indicated that the administrative side of technical in Gisborne was going to be led by Janet Joblin.

·  K Bone to make contact with Carol to see what plans she has with regards to all of this, and see where we are at with the recruitment and training of officials. If there is no progress, we will have to contact TAC.


·  Ratified records as at 17th September 2016 provided by T Astwood. Donna/Trevor S Hewitt to update website

Transfers and Clearances:

·  Transfers – O Stewart (NAQ to St Peters), B Solomann (COM to Taupo), M Brain (Taupo to NAQ), H Blackman (SUN to NAQ), A Withington (CHB to Capital), L Cairns (GDL to NAQ), N Hardgrave-Booth (GDL to NAQ), O Parvin, T Leiser, M Lansdown, V Sulivan (SUN to Raumati), H Lloyd-Jones, A Wright, K Wright (NAQ to Raumati), E Roberts, B Roberts, K McKelve, E Goodisson (GDL to Raumati), K Wellard (COM to ENT), C Gollan, F Gollan (COM to Swimzone), C Kingsford, A Kingsford, B Kingsford (GDL to NAQ), G Jamieson, E Jamieson (COM to GDL), E Cooke (NAQ to SUN), S Easthope (GDL to SUN), R Chadd (NAQ to Raumati)

General Business

HBPB Swimmer of the Year

·  These were awarded at the HBPB Winter Championships as follows – Senior Swimmer of the Year – Julian Layton (GDL), Junior Swimmer of the Year – Louisa Mason (NAQ). AWD Swimmer of the Year was not awarded.

NZSC Regional Team Manager

·  Application form has been circulated. K Bone is the only applicant.

·  Move that Keith Bone is Regional Team Manager. Mary Jean/Donna

HBPB Summer Championships 2017

·  Ratify the HBPB Summer Championships date – 1st-4th December 2016. Trevor/Keith

J Beaumont Cup

·  This is a Regional cup that needs to be allocated for purpose. Board to consider this.

·  Cup needs to be added to the Appendix of the HBPB Swimming rules. S Hewitt to follow up

Central Swimming

·  Central Swimming AGM – to be held in Auckland on the 2nd October – K Bone to represent the region.

·  Tri Series – this is being hosted by Waikato Swimming, in a slightly altered format, in order to get the meets official. Dates – 18th – 21st December 2016.

·  Questions around who the HBPB coach’s rep and selector within Central Swimming is. Previously it has been Noel Hardgrave-Booth but he is no longer a permanent coach. Need to contact Aly Fitch. S Hewitt to follow up

·  Confirmation is also required on the Coaches Rep on the Executive. S Hewitt to follow up

·  T Adsett enquired as to whether we have had any Financial Reports from Central Swimming, on a monthly basis, and also the end of year financials. There have been none provided which is of major concern, especially as this was to change with the employment of an Administrator. S Hewitt to follow up

·  Waikato Swimming had proposed an Item of Business for the SNZ AGM around the creation of Zonal Performance Hubs. This did not get the support of the regions within Central Swimming and is not being put forward.

HBPB Swimming – Appointed Board Member Vacancy

·  K Bone has approached someone that would have excellent skills to bring to the Board. This needs to be followed up.

K Bone to follow up


·  The Board has had none of the information requested from Trojans, who is wishing to affiliate with the region.

·  Trojans administrator has indicated however that the form submitted to them to complete requires too much disclosure and information. S Hewitt has forwarded her an email from the CEO at the time, Christian Renford, which provided and suggested we use this template for criteria when assessing new clubs for affiliations, and also stating that another region used this.

Health & Safety

·  Waikato Swimming has used OSHbox to develop and comprehensive Health and Safety Plan, which has been offered to be provided at a cost of $500. S Hewitt has contacted K Stead SNZ to get advice from the NSO’s perspective. Kent reiterated that it is important to put something in place to minimise risks, and also to mitigate the risk to the region and clubs by documenting things and creating plans. A plan does need to be adopted and approved, with a date of review on it, and if we are stating that things are being done, it is really important that we are doing these things. Kent did not feel that the OSHbox plan was completely necessary at this stage. SNZ, with 3 other codes, are working with Sport NZ to secure some funding for each of the sporting codes to have some work done for them on this. He will also send through a simple plan that he has that could be adapted for other regions and clubs.

·  It is vital that in the meantime we get the Health and Safety Plans of the facilities we use, and then develop our own Hazard Register. A meeting should be held prior to the start of each meet to identify any further risks/hazards that may be present. Clubs need to also get the Health and Safety Plans of the pools they train in, and also the pools they run competitions in. A Health and Safety Plan is needed by clubs, taking these plans and then adding in the risks that they add to the complex through their presence, and also the activities they undertake. S Hewitt to follow up

2017 Up & Comers Date

·  Ratify the date as 9th April 2017 Keith/Donna

2016-2017 HBPB Swimming Calendar

·  Updated version to be circulated to clubs. S Hewitt to follow up

Policy Review – Affiliated Clubs Responsibilities

·  Policies are to be reviewed on a cyclical basis. Affiliated Clubs Policy was reviews and approved. Trevor/Garon

·  This is to be circulated to clubs. S Hewitt to follow up


·  Being held Sunday 25rh September in Auckland. K Bone to represent the region.

Keith Bone thanked everyone for their time and input into the meeting.

Meeting closed: 8.45 pm Next meeting –TBC