Village Improvement Association
General Meeting
October 9, 2013
President Carolyn Billingsley called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.
Carolyn announced that Don Stevens, Joan’s husband, had passed away. An email blast will be sent regarding services.
Inspiration: Karol Case challenged us with a poem, “Somebody Said It Couldn’t Be Done”.
The Pledge was recited.
Minutes: Ronnie Lutz moved that the September11, 2013 minutes be approved as posted online. The motion passed.
Guests Sponsor(s)
Marilyn GrahamCarol Hall and Cynthia Ritthaler
Susan Luthringer Nancy Barlow for Rosemarie Flanders and Jennice McCarty
Susan SiemionkoDiane Markman and Mary Ann Waelde
Sandy CursonNancy Donohoe
Joanne SchuylerBarbara Lett and Sherry Pie’
Linda KurpjuweitElayne Cannarozzi
Dolly McBridePat Madison-Gauger and Susan Crain
Alice JonesJoanne DeFiore
Elaine Davis Carol Popham
Diane ClarkKathy Nave for Judy Lippe and Debbie Iammateo
Julie Dickson Kathy Nave and Theda Blackwelder
Elizabeth Bray Barbara Blades and Pat Russiano
Jean BrolundMarie LaRocca (absent)
Sharon Culley Mary Folan and Carmela Coleman
Carolyn McNieceDonna Mabry
New Member Orientation: Phyllis Stone announced that the next new member orientation will be on October 21st. Sponsors need to contact Phyllis if they and the prospective member will be attending this meeting.
President’s Report:
A special Executive Board meeting was held on September 25th and a new Member’s Rental Contract was approved. Marge Cintavey will discuss the changes.
Carolyn thanked Shirley Fleegle and the golf committee for another very successful tournament. She also thanked Ronnie Lutz for coordinating a trip to the Barnes Foundation Museum. Suzanne Jones was thanked for organizing the VIA Bake Sale Table at the Lewes Historical Society Craft Show.
Carolyn reminded all event chairs that there will be a meeting on Monday, October 14th at 9:00am in the clubhouse.
Carolyn reminded everyone that the deadline for the November newsletter will be October 31st. Please submit information to Carolyn and Sherry Pie’. Carolyn thanked Barbara Lett for all of her work on the newsletters and announced that Barbara will be leaving Delaware and moving back to West Virginia.
Leadership Chair, Ann Sebastian, presented a program highlighting Robert’s Rules of Order. Ann Case assisted her. Ann reminded everyone of the history of Robert’s Rules of Order. The VIA’s By-Laws dictate that our meetings are governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. Parliamentarian Pat Campbell-White also helped present information and various members presented a short skit demonstrating the proper procedure for presenting a new motion.
Corresponding Secretaries:
Carol Hall reported receiving Thank You cards from DSFWC President Jane Folz and Barbara Dorsey.
Shirley Fleegle announced the cards sent in September.
Get Well Thinking of YouSympathy
Judy HayesJean ArdisRose Marie Patin
Marcella DawsonMurray Family
Pat WhiteKim Lord
Mary Jane SchannoHorn Family
Marie LaRoccaMary Haggerty
Raughley Family
Bonnie Lepson
Marcella Dawson’s Family Books have been ordered at the Rehoboth Beach Library in memory of:
Jane DeGrange, Cis Horn, Helen Holmgren, Jean Raughley, Diantha Pack, and Marcella Dawson.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Suzanne Jones thanked everyone who baked for the VIA Bake Sale table at the Lewes Historical Society Craft Show. She reported that $500 was raised, which also included the sale of 4 cookbooks and 20 White House Ornaments. There are additional ornaments available for sale on the back table for $5 each.
Balance on Hand (September 1, 2013)$13, 104.65
Receipts 17,216.66
Disbursements 1,920.06
Balance on Hand (September 30, 2013)$28,401.26
Maintenance Account 11,270.71
Endowment Fund 8,005.63
Total Balance on Hand (September 30, 2013) $47,677.60
Capital Campaign Report:
Chair Theda Blackwelder presented the Capital Campaign report with the assistance of the committee chairs for Capital Campaign fundraising events.
Anne Jack reminded everyone of the Halloween Party Funraiser to be held on October 30th beginning at 6:00pm. The cost is $10 which includes a glass of wine and various edibles. Everyone is asked to dress as a famous deceased person. There will be a Fortune Teller, Raffle and various other activities. Everyone was encouraged to attend.
Barbara Dorsey asked everyone to attend a Wine Tasting presented by Teller Wines on Friday, November 22nd at the clubhouse. This event will be held from 6 – 8pm and will include wine tastings, lots of edibles, a raffle and discounted wines for participants. The cost is $20 and Phyllis Stone is taking reservations.
Ronnie Lutz reported that the next trip will be to Christmas in Odessa on December 7. The cost is $60 which includes transportation, a meal, and admission. Participants will meet at the K-Mart parking lot at 9:30 and return around 5:30. All are asked to wear Christmas attire. There are still seats available. Contact Ronnie to make a reservation.
Ronnie also thanked everyone who went on the Barnes trip. She also announced that a trip to Winterthur will be scheduled for next September for the Downton Abbey costumes exhibit. More information will come later.
Capital Campaign Chair Theda Blackwelder announced that $16,000 has been sent to PNC bank as payment toward our mortgage. There is still time for those who would like to contribute to the Capital Campaign to make a donation. The next Capital Campaign meeting will be on October 25th at 9:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Capital Campaign Finance Report:
Capital Campaign Treasurer Phyllis Stone presented her report.
Balance on Hand (August 31, 2013)$10,866.26
Receipts 13,742.00
Disbursements 4,268.97
Balance on Hand (September 30, 2013)$20,339.29
St. Nicholas Tea:
Chair Sue Scaglione announced that plans are progressing for the St. Nicholas Tea. Friday is sold out. There are still seats available for the Saturday seatings. Phyllis Stone and Pat Lang are taking reservations. There are still 12 baskets that need to be filled. Please contact Carol Hall if you are willing to contribute to the baskets. Gail Shaffer has asked for volunteers to help make pet treats. She has a recipe and molds (that she would like returned). Sue also announced that the VIA’s Tea will be featured in Tea Time Magazine. The VIA is only one of 3 groups to be highlighted.
Beth Magnus and Kathy Nave, food chairs, announced that there are two sheets of paper in the back requesting help preparing food for the tea. They need 9 people to make chicken salad and 9 people to make pinwheels. Please sign up in the back. There are 4 tea seatings and 80 people are expected at each seating. They reminded everyone that the recipes come from our cookbook. Please contact Kathy and Beth if you can help or sign up in the back of the room.
Old Business:
By-Laws Approval
By-Laws Committee Chair Carol Hall reminded everyone that there was a motion put on the floor at the September General Meeting requesting approval of the By-Laws as presented by the By-Laws Committee. The By-Laws as presented at the September meeting were approved unanimously.
Member Rental Contract
Rental Manager Marge Cintavey reported on clubhouse rentals. So far there have been 7 rentals. Six have been weddings and one was a birthday party. She then presented the new Member’s Contract which was approved at the Executive Board special meeting on September 25th. The new contract allows members and their immediate family (spouse, children and spouses) who have volunteered 30 hours in the previous year and have paid their dues, to rent the clubhouse for $375. The extended family (parent, brother, sister, grandchild) of a member can rent our building for $750. The non-member contract remains the same with the rental cost of $1,500. The profit to date from rentals is $9,290. Marge brought a photo album showing pictures of rentals for those interested in seeing how beautiful our building has been.
The renters have been thrilled and Marge read several comments. Marge asked everyone to thank her Rental Helper Committee who has been at the clubhouse for deliveries, pickups and for all rental activities. Those members are: Marge Cintavey, Nancy McDonnell, Kathy Osterholm, Shirley Fleegle, Phyllis Stone, Pat Lang, Sarah Johnson, Jeanne Fox and Carol Hall. She also thanked Walt Lett. The renters have been from the DC area, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York.
Pat Lang asked everyone to thank Marge for all of her work in making our first rentals a success.
Phyllis Stone reported that several of our members volunteer for All Saint’s Thrift Shop. This thrift shop donates once a month to the charity of one of their volunteers. The VIA has been the recipient of several $750 donations. Also, Mike Robinson, a volunteer who supports the VIA has contributed to our Capital Campaign.
Stockings for Soldiers
Chair Pat Buchanan thanked everyone for their contributions to the Stockings for Soldiers program. She reminded everyone to bring in their bags to the November meeting also. Bags were handed out to those wishing to contribute.
Book Club
Chair Kathy Osterholm reminded everyone that the VIA Book Club meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00 in the clubhouse. The book for October is The Shoemaker’s Wife. The book for November is The Paris Wife and the book for December is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Everyone is welcome.
Kathy, as Property Chair, announced that help is needed putting away chairs after the meeting. She requested that chairs not be stacked against the columns.
Arts Committee
Chair Joanne DeFiore announced that The Art of Accessorizing will be held on October 16th from 5:30 – 8:00pm at the Clubhouse. Joanne announced a number of vendors who will be present. The cost is $5 entitling participants to a glass of wine and grazing edibles. There will also be a silent auction and the VIA Boutique Crafters will have items available for sale. Tickets are available at the door.
Golf Tournament
Chair Shirley Fleegle asked everyone to stand who helped in any way with the Golf Tournament.
She also thanked Nancy McDonnell for her help. After all bills are paid, she anticipates the Golf Tournament will have raised over $9,000 for our charities.
Holly Café
Chair Suzanne Jones asked members to sign up to help with the Holly Café which is part of the Rehoboth Art League’s Holly Craft Festival to be held on November 2, 2013. There are signup sheets in the back.
Chair Beth Magnus reported that she and Ronnie Lutz labeled the kitchen cabinets with the hope that items used can be returned to the same place. She also needs help with refreshments for the November General Meeting. Signup sheets are on the table.
Grotto Pizza Night
Everyone was reminded that Oct. 9 was VIA’s Grotto Pizza night at Grotto Grand Slam at Five Points. Grotto Pizza will donate 20% of all proceeds if you present your coupon. You can use the coupon for eat in or carry out. Pick up coupons on the way out after the meeting.
Frequently items appear at the VIA clubhouse. Please contact Property Chair Kathy Osterholm if you want to bring something to store at the clubhouse or wish to donate something to the VIA.
DSFWC Meeting
Sandy Roberts announced that the DSFWC Board meeting will be on Oct. 24th at the Cool Springs Fish Bar and Restaurant in Rising Sun, Delaware at 9:00am. All are welcome.
Unclaimed Baskets
Suzanne Jones reminded members that there were several baskets left at the Lewes Historical Society Bake Sale table. She brought them today. If you left a basket, please claim it.
The 50/50 of $93 was won by Dodee Black who contributed it to the Capital Campaign Fund.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40pm.
Submitted by:
Kathy Osterholm
Recording Secretary