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Diocese of Tucson

Pastoral Report

Fill in Parish - City

For the FISCAL Year Ending June 30, 2013

Due October 30, 2013

I. Directory Information

Directory Listing Information

√ Input is needed on this page ONLY if the INFO that has CHANGED from the Bulletin submission to the Chancellor

this past July 2013.

To fill the form, use tab or arrow keys to jump from one field to another and for no MI or Suffix just hit the spacebar.

Pastor: TitleFirst NameInitialLast NameSuffix √

Main Parish Email:Email address√Pastor Email address√

Parish Website: Web Address√

Parish office hours:Days and Times√

Note for the following chart: indicate Spanish masses with * and special mass information in parenthesis (hearing impaired); Include seasonal changes if needed.

Mass: Sunday / Days and Times√
Mass: Saturday Vigil / Days and Times√
Masses: Week (day and time) / Days and Times√
Mass: Holy Day / Days and Times√
Other Masses / Days and Times√
Confessions (day and time) / Days and Times√

Please provide position titles and names of primary staff in the following areas:

Priests: TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix; √TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix √

Priests in Residence:TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix √

Deacons: TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix; TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix √

Business/Finance Manager: TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix √

Seminarians: TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix

Deaconate/Lay Ecclesial Formation Students:TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix

TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix;TitleFirst NameMILast NameSuffix

II. Parish Organization

  1. Program Directors

Please list the Primary Contact for each ministry, paid or volunteer. Some persons may need to be listed more than once and this may seem redundant but please help us set up a basis for this section so that in the future this page might be a read and review page. Additionally some position titles may not match those used in your parish exactly but we ask that you enter the contact person who matches best as coordinating this function for your parish.

Director of Religious Education or Children’s Formation:

TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Adult Faith Formation:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Youth Ministry:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Special Needs Formation:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Young Adult Ministry:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Family Life Ministry: TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Altar Server Ministry: TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Sacrament Coordinators-

Infant Baptism Preparation:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

First Communion Preparation:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

First Reconciliation Preparation:

TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

RCIC/OCIC (Children):TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Confirmation Preparation:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

RCIA (Adult): TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Marriage Preparation Ministry: TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Charity and Social Justice:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Sanctity of Life Ministry:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Hispanic Ministry:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Evangelization: TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Liturgy:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Music/Choir:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Communications (bulletin editor):TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Compliance Representative:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Please provide the name, telephone number, mailing address and email address for the Pastoral and Finance Council Chair/President or Main Lay Chair contact below

Parish Council: TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

Financial Council:TitleFirst NameMILast Name Tel: 000-000-0000 email address

B. Parish/School Facility Profile

Parish Plant: (once this information is updated next year will be read and review)

Plant is situated on acres and consists of buildings and parking areas.

Main Church:Seating capacity of Church:

General Condition:

Current Parking:


Mission Chapels: Number of Missions with Church owned Chapels:include Reservation

General Condition:

Cemetery:Parish owns or manages

Rectory:Location:(Onsite attached to offices, onsite separate, offsite parish owned, offsite leased)

Physical address: Street Address and Zip

Master Suites for priests Guest Rooms:

General Condition:


Housekeeper provided

Cook provided

Parish Center: Capacity of Main Hall/Center: Number of Meeting Rooms:

General Condition:



Administration:Number of Offices

Internet provider: (list) Telephone provider:

What system does the parish use for afterhours calls/paging?

Parish Family:

Approximate number of families registered and receiving envelopes in the parish

Approximate number of active members in the parish

Approximate number of winter residents in the parish. About how many are registered?

Average Mass Attendance:

Winter/Spring: Weekend Masses Weekday Holy Day Christmas/Easter

Summer/Fall: Weekend Masses Weekday Holy Day

Parish/School Programs:

Parish Organizations and Ministry: (Check all that apply)

Organization / No. Participants
Bingo Committee / NoYes
Boy Scout Council / NoYes
Food Pantry Committee / NoYes
Girl Scout Council / NoYes
Knights of Columbus / NoYes
Legion of Mary / NoYes
Men’s Club / NoYes
School Board / NoYes
St. Vincent de Paul / NoYes
Third Order (Lay) Religious Organization / NoYes
Women’s Club / NoYes
Youth Group English / NoYes
Youth Group Spanish / NoYes

If applicable please fill out the school information below:

School Facility: Capacity School: Number of Classrooms:

Catholic School Enrollment: Grades: K-5 6-8 Teachers:

General Condition:


In describing facility select all that apply:

Computer Lab Library Gymnasium Type in Other Type in Other

C. Significant Events(to be filled out by the Pastor/Business Manager)

What were the significant events in your parish in the past year (dedications, building programs, personnel changes, etc.)?

What goals or priorities were set for the parish last year and to what extent were they realized? (This note section will accommodate unlimited text.)

You are invited to share with the Bishop, the current short term and long term goals and objectives for your parish.What goals or priorities are set for the parish for this coming year?

D. Safe Environment

Did you accomplish the personal safety education goals for all groups,especially children and youth, for the past fiscal year?

Do you have an effective method for maintaining and updating your plan?

If there are any specific issues in compliance for which you need assistance or you answered “NO” to any of the above Safe Environment questions, please describe in detail and email responses to Dr. Rosemary Celaya-Alston:

III. Sacramental Life

A. Baptism

What is required in infant baptism preparation?

Is the RCIC being followed in your parish for children and teens?

If no, what is the primary program/publisher that is used for baptism of children and teens? If "Other" please indicate publisher and name of program:

Is the RCIA for adults being followed in your parish?

B. Confirmation

What is the primary program/publisher that is used in the preparation for Teen Confirmation? If "Other" please indicate publisher and name of program:

Number of Parent Sessions during the Teen preparation program: fill in #

Do you have an adult confirmation program separate from the RCIA program?

C. Holy Eucharist

Do you have a First Communion preparation program for children?

What is the primary publisher/text that is used in the preparation? If "Other" please indicate publisher and name of program:

Number of Parent Sessionduring the preparation program: fill in #

D. Reconciliation

Do you have a First Reconciliation preparation program for children?

What is the primary publisher/text that is used in the preparation? If "Other" please indicate publisher and name of program:

Number of Parent Sessionsduring the Reconciliation preparation program: fill in #

E. Marriageand Family

Marriage Preparation: Check all that apply:

We prepare couples within the parish

We send engaged couples to Engaged Encounter

We send engaged couples to the Seminar Toward Christian Marriage

We send engaged couples to Other: Please specify:

List any special programs your parish promoted this past year which support Christian Marriage and the Family. Check all that apply:

Couples Prayer Retreat (Retorno) Marriage Encounter Movimiento Familiar Cristiano

RetrouvailleThe Third OptionOther:Please specify:

F. Holy Ordersand Religious Vows

(For all the questions below please list full names and based on this past year)

Was anyone in the parishordained for a religious community?

Is anyone in the parishin the seminary for religious community?

Has anyone in the parish entered into a men or women’s religious community?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions please send an email either Rev. Ricky Ordonez (ordination) or Sr. Jeanne Bartholomeaux (religious life)

G. Anointing of the Sick

Please provide the approximate number of persons anointed per month:

Do you have a regular communal celebration of this sacrament? If yes, how often:

IV. Pastoral Life

A. Evangelization

Does your parish have an evangelization program?

If you have a program or have specific issues in evangelization for which you need assistance, please email details to Sr. Lois Paha, O.P.:

B. Hispanic Ministry

Does your parish have specific Hispanic programs?

If you have a program or have specific issues in Hispanic ministry for which you need assistance, please email details to Sr. Gladys Echenique, O.P.:

C. Reaching out to the Littlest and Weakest

Charity, Social Justice, Sanctity of Life

Does your parish have or participate in programs or activities for providing assistance to the poor within the parish community?

Does your parish have or participate in programs or activities to address issues of social justice?

Does your parish have or participate in programs or activities to address the issues of sanctity of life?

Does your parish participate in “Operation Rice Bowl?”

Does your parish offer any education or explanation of the local, national and global opportunities associated with the Special Collections?

If you have answered “YES” to any of the above questions, please describe the programs in an email to Ms. Joanne Welter:


Does your parish haveor participate in detention ministry programs or activities?

If you have answered “YES” to any of the above questions, please describe the programs in an email to Mr. Michael Gutierrez:

Ministry to the Homebound AND SICK

Does your parish have or participate in programs or activities for providing Holy Eucharist to the Homebound within the parish community?

Estimated Homebound visits made per month Number of lay ministers

Visits are made by

Please provide the number of hospitalswithin parish boundaries: How often are visits made by representatives from your parish/per month? Visits are made by

Number of nursing homes/assisted living centerswithin parish boundaries: How often are visits made by representatives from your parish/per month? Visits are made by

V. Worship and Spiritual Life

A. Liturgy

Does your parish have a choir and/or music ministry?If yes, please identify and check below all types of choirs or music provided for your liturgies below:

Traditional Contemporary Spanish Mariachi Cantor Folk/Acoustic Guitar

Children’s Children/Choir and Band Teen Other Organ/Piano only

Does your parish have a program for lectors?

Does your parish have an altar server program?

Does your parish have Extraordinary Ministers (EM) of the Eucharist?

Formal Commissioning Ceremony: How often are they re-commissioned?

Please email a complete list of CommissionedEM ministers to Mrs. Kathy Rhinehart.

(Canonical requirement)

Does your parish sponsor a liturgy specifically for children?

Does your parish sponsor a Children’s Liturgy of the Word?

Does your parish sponsor a liturgy aimed at Teens that includes their participation in the planning and implementation of it?

Does your parish have Communal Penance Celebrations?

If yes, check those that apply: Advent Lent

What is the approximate percentage of requests for cremation and/or memorial Masses in the place of the traditional Funeral liturgy this past year?

Catechetical Messages:

Approximately how many catechesis sessions (homilies, etc.) concerning the sacrament of Reconciliation have been accomplished in the last year?

Approximately how often is the subject of Christian Marriage addressed in the homily at weekend masses each year?

Approximately how often is the subject of Vocations addressed in the homily at weekend masses each year?

Does the parish participate in Vocation Awareness efforts? If yes, please check specific forms used:

Sunday Homilies/ Guest Speaker Diocesan Program

Prayer/retreat days (participate) Prayer/retreat days (host)

Catechetical Sessions (children, youth or adult)

Other: Please specify:

Please describe any specific areas, needs or issues regarding liturgy or worship for which you need assistance in an email to Sr. Lois Paha, O.P.:

B. Devotions and Prayer

Does the parish have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament?

How often?