Marseille Center: Program List (April 15, 2009)
This table is a compilation of programs as gathered from technical discussions mainly between the World Bank, the EIB and the French representatives, as well as many program partners. Consultations between program leads, sponsors and partners are continuing on the content of these programs as well as other prospective programs.
Field / Program / Main purpose: Support new policies in / Specific issues / Lead Organization& Partners / Accountable Manager
or Task Team Leader / Estimated Budget FY09/10/11
including Staff
Urban/ Spatial Development / UD1 / Urban development strategies / Long term urban strategies in metropolis and middle size cities / Infrastructure provision
Growth planning
Social housing requirements
Land use / WB, AFD, EIB, Medcities, UCLG, AUDI, E-geopolis, SNDU, Morocco / Anthony G. Bigio, WB
+ 1 202 473-6304 / UD1/UD2: 2 million USD;
1-3 staff
UD2 / Cities and climate change / Urban adaptation to and mitigation of climate change / Cities and climate change; coastal urban areas; efficient use of energy sources / WB, AFD, CDC, UNEP/Blue Plan, C40 Cities
UD3 / Old city center upgrading:
Medinas 2030 / Cultural heritage and social upgrading / Integrated plans and programs; adapted financing; network of experts / EIB, WB,AFD, BSPI, Morocco (Al Omrane), Tunisia (ARU) / Guy Fleuret, EIB
+352 4379 7 4619 / 450,000 euros; 1 staff
UD4 / Urban transport / Sustainable urban transport / Management of transport policies; Energy efficiency; Air pollution abatement; / AFD, WB,Blue Plan, EIB, CERTU (France), GIP FCI / Xavier Hoang, AFD
+ 331 53 44 31 31 / ½ million euros; 1 staff
Sustainable Development / SD1 / Environmental & Sustainable Development Program: «Sustainable MED» / Sustainable and integrated management of the Med. large marine ecosystem. Priority sectors:Water: (ICZM, water res. man.), depollution (municipal and industrial); Solid hazardous waste management / 1/ Environment valuation; Cost of environmental degradation
2/ Strategic and regional environmental assessments, Payment for environmental services;
3/ Development of tools for assessment of climate change vulnerability and development of impacts scenarios for ICZM and IWRM;
4/ Enforcement of the legal and judiciary systems / WB, GEF, UNEP/MAP, AFD, Blue Plan, Femise / Dahlia Lotayef, WB
+ 1 202 473-5439 / 3-5 million USD; 2 staff
SD2 / Sustainable water policies / Water resources policies and management / Thinking outside the water box: water efficiency, water demand management, links with agricultural policies / AFD, EIB,WB, MEEDDAT, Egypt, Tunisia, WWC, Blue Plan / Maurice Bernard, AFD
Lise Breuil, AFD
+ 331 53 44 31 31 / 800,000 euros; 1 staff
SD3 / Environmental economic evaluation / Development scenarios / Public goods evaluation / Give a price value to public goods and assess the cost of inaction / Blue Plan, GEF, WB, AFD, Eurostat, OECD / Pierre Icard, Blue Plan
+ 33 4 92 38 86 19 / TBD
Skills, Employment and Labor Mobility / EM1 / Technical and Vocational Education and Training / Stimulating the development of technical and vocational education / Developing National Qualification Systems coherent with the European Qualifications Framework , and Supporting Selected National Programs / Femise, WB, European Training Foundation (ETF), EIB, IdM, Invest in Med / Frederic Blanc, Femise
+ 33 4 91 31 51 95
/ 1 to 2 million USD; 1-2 staff
EM2 / Higher Education / Quality assurance / Improving Quality, Relevance and Governance of Arab universities, in order to meet European Standards / WB, ENQA, AERES, CPU, EuropeanUniversities, Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education / Adriana Jaramillo, WB
+ 1 202 473-8049 / 1 to 2 million USD; 1-2 staff
EM3 / Employment and labor mobility / Activating labor markets in the Mediterranean; Improving social protection and labor management for migrants / Improve labor markets through matching of demand and supply for existing skills, better employer-focused skills enhancement and facilitating the transition between education and employment; Improve coverage of social and labor protection for migrants / WB, ministries of labor, chambers of commerce, national employer organizations, ILO, EFE, A4E, ETF, IOM / Mourad Ezzine, WB
+ 1 202 473-2290 / 2 million USD; 2 staff
EM4 / Youth / Youth employment and empowerment / Strengthening the youth policy framework, local participation, income generation opportunities / WB,ENPI, DG Education and Culture (EU), Femise / Gloria La Cava, WB
+ 1 202 458-7646 / 1 million USD; 1 staff
Transport & Logistics / T1 / Regional networks (Logismed) / Regional integration through transport and logistical platforms / Regional integration through capacity building for professionals in transport and logistics / EIB, CETMO, Infrastructure financing steering group, UNIMED / Mateu Turro, EIB
+ 352 4379 8 2775 / ½ million euros; 1-2 staff
Innovation and Technology / IT1 / Fostering innovation/
support to innovation financing / Technological parks and incubators as levers for fostering innovation / Focus on technopoles with
- training/coaching of central officials, local authorities and site managers
- knowledge dissemination / EIB, WB, CDC?/DIACT, AFD?, FEMISE, Maghreb countries / Philippe Guinet, EIB
(and Guy Fleuret, EIB)
+ 352 4379 7 4619 / 400, 000 euros; 1 staff
IT2 / Information Society Initiative / Territorial development and information society / Initiation and support of pilot/demonstration projects in selected regions (Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine) / UNDP, WB ,networks of regions and cities / Najat Rochdi, UNDP
+41 22 917 8866 / ½ million USD; 1 staff
TOTAL: 5 sectors; 14 programs / 14 to 18 million USD
13 to 17 staff