Charley Says was a series of very short cut-out animated cartoon Public Information Films for children, shown in the United Kingdom in the 1970s and 1980s for London's Central Office of Information.


Most of the topics dealt with everyday safety issues children face, such as not going off with strangers or not playing with matches. They featured a little boy (voiced by the seven-year-old son of one of the neighbours of producer Richard Taylor) and his cat, named Charley, voiced by Kenny Everett, who would "miaow" the lesson of the episode, which the boy would then translate and explain. Often Charley served as the boy's conscience, similarly to Davey and Goliath or Jiminy Cricket of Disney's film Pinocchio. When Charley and the boy did the right thing, they were rewarded with something for the boy and a fish for Charley, which he ate rapidly. However, on other occasions, Charley suffered the consequences of doing the wrong thing (e.g., in Charley's Tea Party he pulled a tablecloth and a teapot fell on him and scalded him).

Six films were produced:

1.  Charley – Falling in the Water (60 s)

2.  Charley – In The Kitchen (45 s)

3.  Charley – Matches (30 s)

4.  Charley – Mummy Should Know (60 s)

5.  Charley's Tea Party (45 s)

6.  Charley – Strangers (60 s)

Charley – Falling in the Water


One day, when my dad went fishing, he took Charley and me along. While he was fishing we started having fun with the puddles. Dad shouted, "Come back here!" but just then Charley tried to do an extra big jump and he was over the edge and into the water. Charley nearly drowned. It was lucky for him he caught on the line. Charley says, "Next time we go fishing we should stay very close to Dad, where he can look after us", and he hopes that when you go to the water you'll stay close to a grown-up too.

Charley – In The Kitchen


Charley says that stoves are dangerous to go close to, because there are so many hot things there that can hurt you.

Charley – Matches


Charley says that if ever you see a box of matches lying around, tell mummy because they can hurt you.

Charley – Mummy Should Know


Charley and I were at the back when Vera and Dave came along and said come along for a picnic, and I was going when Charley said, [miaowing noises]

He said I'd better tell mum where I'm going. So he told them to wait while we went and asked. But mum was talking to the milkman and she talked for such a long time that when I had asked her and she'd said yes, the others had gone.

Mummy saw we hadn't gone and when I told her she said we'd been good for not going and would you like a day out with her instead.

Charley says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere so she knows who you are with.

Charley's Tea Party


Charley says he knows now that it’s dangerous to pull the table cloth because the hot water from the teapot hurt him very much.

Charley – Strangers


Charley and I were in the park. Then this man came up and said would I like to see some puppies. And I said yes.

And I was going to go when Charley stopped me. Charley's reminded me my mum says I shouldn't go off with people I don't know.

Then the man went away. We went and told mummy and she said we had been very good. I got an apple and Charley got something he likes.

He says never go anywhere with men or ladies you don't know.

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