AP US History Essay Rubric

(Adapted from: U.S. History: Preparing for the A.P.Exam, AMSCO Publishers, 1998, pp. xxix-xxx)


AP essays are graded based on the quality of their thesis, supporting evidence, effectiveness of analysis, organization, presentation, and written expression.

The 8 – 9 Essay

v  Contains a well-developed thesis that clearly addresses the question.

v  Effectively analyzes of all parts of the question, although treatment may be somewhat uneven.

v  Provides substantial, relevant outside information to support thesis.

v  Is well organized and well written.

v  May contain minor errors.

The 5 – 7 Essay

v  Contains a thesis, which may be partially developed, that addresses the question. Not as focused or comprehensive as above.

v  Analyzes all parts of the question in some depth, but may focus more substantially on one part.

v  Supports thesis with some relevant outside information.

v  Has acceptable organization and writing.

v  May contain errors that do not seriously detract from the quality of the essay.

The 2 – 4 Essay

v  Presents a limited, confused, and/or poorly developed thesis, or presents no thesis.

v  Analysis deals with only one aspect of the question in a general way, or all parts in a superficial way with simplistic explanations.

v  Contains little relevant information, information that is inaccurate or irrelevant, or may contain only generalizations.

v  Demonstrates weak organization and/or writing skills that interfere with comprehension.

v  May contain major errors.

The 0 – 1 Essay

v  Contains no thesis or a thesis that does not address the question, or simply restates the question.

v  Demonstrates inadequate or inaccurate understanding of the question.

v  Includes no relevant information on the topic.

v  Is disorganized and poorly written.

v  May contain numerous errors, both major and minor.

Score: ______


Grading Scale: AP Scale 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Grade 100 97 95 90 85 80 75 70 65