Quality Enhancement for Nonprofit Organizations

An initiative of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, the Cape Fear Area United Way, the Community Foundation of Southeastern NC, Southeastern Alliance for

Community Change and the NC Discovery Alliance

Purpose: The Quality Enhancement for Nonprofit Organizations (QENO) is a three year initiative designed to improve the capabilities and competencies of nonprofit organizations in New Hanover and surrounding counties. In the counties involved there are hundreds of nonprofit entities, at vastly differential levels of funding and operational capability. The region is one experiencing dramatic economic, demographic, political and social change with profound consequences both positive and negative. In this circumstance the University of North Carolina Wilmington is committed to a regional engagement effort that will enhance the capacity of government, NGOs, and citizen groups to consider issues of social and economic development and to organize for effective service, educational, or other activities. This particular initiative will focus specifically on nonprofit organizations. There is currently no mechanism in the southeastern counties that provides an effective resource for communication, technical assistance, training, or organizational development for nonprofits and this initiative, utilizing the resources in the university and the surrounding area, will develop such a capacity.

Specifically the goals of QENO are:

Goal I: Increase the management capabilities and leadership skills of executive directors and staff, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness of the region’s nonprofit organizations, as defined by better outcomes from the point of view of both client and funder or donor.

Goal II: Strengthen the sustainability of nonprofit organizations through increased philanthropic giving by building public confidence in the ability of nonprofit organizations to offer services effectively and efficiently and improving the capability of the organizations to attract grants and contracts which support their efforts.

Organizational Structure: The QENO Initiative is a joint venture between the Division of Academic Affairs and the Division for Public Service and Continuing Studies. A community/university steering committee will be formed that will oversee the implementation of the QENO Initiative and which will recommend to the Vice Chancellor for Public Service a faculty director of the initiative. The Department of Political Science and Public Administration has committed a graduate student to assist with the initiative and office space. In addition, we anticipate involvement by faculty and students from the Department of Social Work, the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, and others. The Division for Public Service and Continuing Studies has committed to provide administrative, logistical and promotional support.

The director and advisory committee will plan and implement the activities described below:

OBJECTIVE 1: Technical assistance, education and other support programs will be identified and publicized by May 30, 2006 through focus groups and surveys.


1.  Needs Assessment: A needs assessment will identify (a) information required by funding sources and prospective donors to encourage greater giving, and (b) the management systems that enhance the delivery of quality services and management practices. Components will include focus group dialogues with key informants from groups representing funders and non-profits. It also will include surveys and other methods of needs assessment. The needs assessment process will be conducted by MPA students and be completed by May 30, 2006.

2.  Whitepapers: Academic papers describing the unique socio-economic characteristics distinctive to specific geographic areas will be produced, as needed, beginning with a whitepaper on Southeastern North Carolina. These academic papers will serve as an important resource for grant proposals and material for academic presentations.

OBJECTIVE 2: A curriculum of education, professional development and technical assistance for the non-profit community will be developed and implemented in response to the results of the needs assessment, the first offerings no later than March, 2006.


1.  Exemplary Practice Initiative: This activity will provide nonprofit managers and donors with a better understanding of exemplary management practices. It may include a speakers series featuring academicians and practitioners who will present on topics identified by nonprofit staff and donors as relevant to nonprofit capacity building.

2.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: The Division for Public Service and Continuing Studies will offer a series of continuing education classes to increase the skills of nonprofit executive directors and other staff. Offerings will be determined based on the needs assessment. These offerings will complement the current Department of Political Science Strategic Management Academy offered to mid-level area government officials.

3.  Executive Mentoring Program: This program will recruit and train retired executives to act as volunteer mentors to nonprofit executive directors and other staff. These mentors will receive orientation and training to familiarize them with the culture of nonprofits and how it differs from the private sector. They then will engage in intense mentoring of nonprofit staff to provide both technical assistance and training for helping nonprofit agencies improve the quality of management practices and the delivery of services. The program will be developed and sustained by the Division for Public Service and Continuing Studies with input from departments within the College of Arts and Sciences and the Cameron School of Business.

Objective 3: The nonprofit organizations that participate in the QENO Initiative will be acknowledged publicly for their efforts, contributing to a regional environment of stronger funder and donor confidence.


1.  Standards of Excellence: Tiered Standards of Excellence will be developed that recognize nonprofit management excellence. The standards will be developed and controlled by a group representing QENO membership but will govern itself independently.

2.  Exemplary Practices Promotion Campaign: A project that will promote the recognition and appreciation of high standards of nonprofit management quality throughout the region will be developed.

3.  Best Practices Celebration: An annual event will be held to highlight the activities of QENO; to share “best practices” through presentations by academicians and practitioners; and to honor exemplary nonprofit organizations and managers.

OBJECTIVE 4: UNCW will endeavor to incorporate the activities of this initiative in faculty and student teaching and research activities.


1.  Faculty Research Opportunities: Opportunities will be identified and promoted to a variety of departments to engage faculty in applied research projects to support the initiative and establish best practices in nonprofit development and capacity building, beginning with the initial process of assessing regional nonprofit needs.

2.  Service Learning: Opportunities will be developed within UNCW departments, particularly Social Work, Political Science, Sociology, Business and Psychology,

within an interdisciplinary framework, for students and faculty to engage with nonprofit organizations through service learning courses.

3.  Evaluation: All components of the initiative will be evaluated to determine their effectiveness. Along with other methodology, focus groups of nonprofit staff and funders and donors will be held to hear their thoughts about the strengths of the initiative and the need for improvements.

OBJECTIVE 5: Financial and human resources will be acquired to support and sustain the QENO Initiative and its expected growth.


1.  Funding: Applications will be submitted to foundations with an interest in nonprofit development.

2.  Philanthropy: Local philanthropic efforts will be generated in partnership with the Initiative.

3.  In Kind Contributions: Several organizations are already contributing time and effort to the development of QENO and are committed to provide continued support.


Memorandum of Understanding

Quality Enhancement for Nonprofit Organizations

An initiative of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, the Cape Fear Area United Way, the Community Foundation of Southeastern NC, Southeastern Alliance for

Community Change and the NC Discovery Alliance

We the undersigned agree to participate in and support the Quality Enhancement for Nonprofit Organizations for the calendar years 2006-2008.

Organization:______Authorized Individual (Name)______

Financial/In-Kind Support______Signature of Authorized Individual______

Date: ______

Organization:______Authorized Individual (Name)______

Financial/In-Kind Support______Signature of Authorized Individual______

Date: ______

Organization:______Authorized Individual (Name)______

Financial/In-Kind Support______Signature of Authorized Individual______

Date: ______

Organization:______Authorized Individual (Name)______

Financial/In-Kind Support______Signature of Authorized Individual______

Date: ______

Organization:______Authorized Individual (Name)______

Financial/In-Kind Support______Signature of Authorized Individual______

Date: ______