Amazing Word Ministries Speaking Request Form

"Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. With His stripes we are healed." Desire of Ages p. 25

Amazing Word Ministries was created to help preparing a people for the soon return of Jesus Christ through preaching, and teaching God's Amazing Word of Love for these last days.

The Word of God, who came down from heaven in the form of a Man, Jesus Christ, is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church so He can empower us to finish the work by bringing the three angels message to the entire world. Amazing Word Ministries is committed to help spread the good news of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There is an urgent need to return to the roots of our faith and practically apply God's Word to our life as never before. Through Revivals, Weeks of Prayer, Sacred Music Concerts, Health Seminars, Mission Trips, Public Evangelistic Meetings, and training church members, we seek to reach this goal. Please pray for us and join us in giving to this Last Generation the final message for these last days.

The mission of Amazing Word Ministries is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to maintain the worship of God, and to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We believe that we are living in the last days, and it is our mission to share the three angels’ message to the world (Revelation 14:6-12). They are the same Gospel of the prophets and apostles, uplifting the crucified, risen, and soon coming Savior. They present to men everywhere the imputed and imparted righteousness of Christ as the only means of sinner’s justification, sanctification, and ultimate glorification.

How to Book Lagneau Nougaisse

If you would like to have Lagneau Nougaisse speak in your church, simply follow these steps to request a booking:

  1. Check LagneauSpeaking Calendar to see if the date(s) you desire are available.
  2. Fill out and submit Lagneau brief Booking Request Form.
  3. Wait for Lagneau to call you to discuss details.


Lagneau Nougaisse was born into a non-religious home. The happiness that Lagneau wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the Bible. Faced with a decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly or to keep God on the backburner, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and has experienced the joy of the Lord ever since. His decision resulted in a growing desire to share the good news with others and lead them into a deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ so that they will be ready for His soon return.

His passion for the Bible has created a unique seminar experience. You will find his riveting presentations leaving you with a desire to keep learning more. He has ministered to youth and adults, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, helping them find hope, courage, and a greater understanding of the Bible, especially in the area of prophecy. As a seeker of truth himself, he has the background necessary, the gifts of clarity and simplicity to share with people who have had little or no background in the Bible, but would like to know more. As you examine long misunderstood biblical truths, your faith and trust in God’s wisdom and providence will be strengthened.
Lagneau lives in Gaston, Oregon with his wife Tonya and their children. He is a graduate of Mission College of Evangelism and his currently attending Andrews University Distance Learning Program, major in Religion. For the past 6 years he has been active in Evangelism, Preaching God’s Word, Making Disciples, and equipping the Saints for the work of Ministry.


Prophecy Seminars - Revival Seminars - Weeks of Prayer - Campmeetings - Men's retreats - Parenting seminars - Sermons


  • Cosmic Collision Course: a prophecy seminar series of 23 presentations. May be used as a revival series or as an outreach series.
  • Study in the Book of Daniel. A seminar of 14 presentations which are excellent for camp meetings or revivals.
  • Identity Wars: A seminar of 12 presentations which are excellent for camp meetings or revivals.
  • Science of Salvation: A seminar of 12 presentations on the Sanctuary. These presentations are excellent for camp meeting or revivals.
  • Science of Salvation: This course will take you through the simple, yet practical steps of becoming actively involved in many different ministries, but particularly by sharing God’s word through Bible study ministries. Although there are many ways of sharing our faith which we will also explore, God has especially called upon us to open His word and share His truth with others. As you will learn and apply the principles taught in the course to your life, you will be enormously blessed. Your church will grow and God’s Kingdom will be advanced. This is a 2 Week program designed to incorporate a cycle of evangelism in the church to impact there local community.
  • Sermons uniquefor Last Day events and Christian Growth.
  • It is possible for other seminar topics to be requested. Lagneau will consider such requests carefully.


Fees are negotiable.

Travel Restrictions


Contact Information

Lagneau Nougaisse

13680 SW Academy Way

Gaston, OR 97119

Web Site:

E-Mail: Please use the Booking Request Form at to contact Lagneau Nougaisse by e-mail.